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Legal Studies Academy

Senior Project Proposal

Caroline Worrell

A. Abstract
The title of my paper is, An in Depth Analysis of Inclusion Classes in the Public Special
Education System. My project will be titled, Art and Soul. Over the course of my past 4
years as a high school student, I have gotten involved in my community with organizations
supporting children with special needs. These organizations have helped foster a deep
passion for special education, and thus, led me to center my topic and project on the special
needs community. Another passion of mine is art, so I looked for an aspect of my topic that
could relate to art. Ive found that art therapy is a large part of special education and decided
that incorporating a connection to art therapy in my project will make it as successful as it
can be.
Some driving questions to guide my research will be as follows: What is an inclusion
class? What are the pros and cons of inclusion education? What are some other options or
alternatives to inclusion education? Who is affected by inclusion education? What is art
therapy and who/what does it help? Why must this issue be addressed?
I plan to have a 2 part project so that I can make a difference in the classroom as well as
outside the classroom. First, I will host an Art and Soul Day at Thoroughgood Elementary
School. I plan to go into either a 1st or 3rd grade inclusion class and do various arts and crafts
that would reflect the same type of activities done in art therapy programs. For the second
part of my project, I will host an Art and Soul Fair. Here, I will sell art that not only I
create, but donations from other children and organizations in Virginia Beach. I plan to get
together with local restaurants and other businesses to get food donations and possibly live
music. I also will have games like cornhole to keep the people attending my project engaged
and having fun! All of my profits and donations will be donated to Saint Marys Home for
Disabled Children to purchase art materials and supplies for their art therapy programs.
I will host these events with the help of my consultant, Mrs. Jennifer Weigl. I would like
to host my Fair somewhere outside preferably, such as Bayville Park on First Court Rd.
Because hosting my event outside is weather permitting, Id like to have my project be as late
as possible, such as either the last week of March or first week of April. I would need
different materials for each part of my project. For the classroom part of my project I will
need specific art materials pertaining to which ever crafts I decide to have the class make.
Most likely Ill need things like glue sticks, crayons, colored pencils, markers, scissors, etc
For the Fair part of my project Ill need a few tables, a tent, food for attendees, games
(cornhole boards, washers, etc), art donations from local children and organizations, pens,
and pencils. My intended client/audience is anyone who enjoys art and getting together with
other people for a great cause.
B. Learning Skills
I will need to enhance

How to effectively communicate with other parties involved with my project

(Elementary School, people donating food, venue host, etc)

How to delegate my time equally to various tasks (making art, organize class
assignments, organize event, etc

I will need to learn

How to secure a public venue

How to publicly advertise an event

C. Project Steps

Contact Thoroughgood Elementary 1 Hour

and organize a date to host Art
and Soul Day


Research art therapy activities


Meet with Consultant, Mrs. Weigl 1 Hours

to receive feedback on craft and
activity ideas


Collect materials
classroom activities


Create examples of crafts

demonstrate for students


Type up lesson plan for both me 2 hours

and the teacher


Meet with consultant and make 1 hour

sure lesson plan is okay


Organize materials in containers 1 hour

for each cluster of tables in the


Go into classroom and conduct 4 hours

actual Art and Soul Day on
designated date


2 Hours

for 4 Hours
to 3 Hours

STEP 10 Write thank you notes to the 3 hours

Principal of Thoroughgood Elem.,
teacher, and classroom I conducted
event with

Begin work on Art and Soul part __________

II: The Fair

STEP 12 Secure venue for event (Bayville 2 hours

STEP 13 Contact children and organizations 3 hours
and ask for art donations
STEP 14 Contact various food vendors/ 3 hours
establishments and ask for
donations for event
STEP 15 Collect materials (outlined above ) 3 hours
needed for Fair
STEP 16 Make art to sell at fair

6 hours

STEP 17 Make flyers, announcements, 4 hours

emails, posters, etc to get word
out about Art and Soul Fair
STEP 18 Collect art donations from children 4 hours
and organizations and pack them
up to bring to event site
STEP 19 Host actual event on designated 8 hours
STEP 20 Clean Up

1 hour

STEP 21 Write thank you letters to all 3 hours

involved with fair

D. Project Documentation

I will document my project with pictures, videos, phone logs, receipts, the art I create for
both the classroom portion and the Fair, my lesson plan, flyers, emails, and interviews.
E. Project Justification
In deciding what I wanted to do for my project, I took into great consideration what
exactly I would need to in order to truly challenge myself. That is why I ultimately made
the decision to have a 2 part project. Initially my idea was to just do the Art and Soul
Fair. Contrary to most, Im actually more comfortable around adults and professionals. I
realized that the Fair itself was safe for me, since this would be the audience I was
targeting. At that point I decided that in addition to the fair, I would host the Art and
Soul day in an inclusion class, ensuring that I would indefinitely take myself far outside
my comfort zone. By doing both the class lesson and the Fair I know that Im challenging
myself, while at the same time, creating a project that I can manage. This project and its
completion is extremely important to me not simply as a graduation requirement, but
because my topic and project are based on such a great cause and something that Im so
passionate about.

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