16 Dress For Success

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Dress for Success
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1. Is there a formal
"dress code" at
your office or
school? What is it?
2. What do you wear N8ry


da'/? How do you decide1

{\ Mia Rlas, an English teacher, is talking to the director of her

school, Mr. Lee, about another English teacher in the school.
What is Ms. Rios complaining about? What does Mr. Lee decide to do?


MS. Rios:
Mr. Lee:
Ms. Rios:
Mr. Lee:
Ms. Rios:
Mr. Lee:
Ms. Rios:
Mr. Lee:
Ms. Rios:
Mr. Lee:
Ms. Rios:

Mr. Lee:
Ms. Rios:
Mr. Lee:
Mr. Lee:
Ms. Rios:
Mr. Lee:

Thank you for taking time to see me this morning, Mr. Lee. I know
you're very bUsy.
No problem, Mia. Now, what's on your mind?
Well, it's kind of a touchy SUbject'. It's abcut Ms. Bailey.
Really? Is it something abcut her teaching? She's one of our best
teachers. She always gets high evaluations'.
Oh, yes, yes.
The students love her.
Yes,1 know thaI.
Did the two of you have an argument'?
No, no no no. It's... it's nothing like thaI. It's... well, it's the way she
dresses. You know, her short skirts, and her little tops.
Ah, yes. ThaI.
Yes. Yes, the way she dresses. I know it distracts' the stUdents,
especially the beys. I mean, just this morning I heard some of them
talking in the hall abcut il.
Well, in fact I did try to bring it up indirectly', but she didn1 seem to
Well, could you talk to her again? 00n1 you - don't we have a
responsibility' to the students?
Well, perhaps you can talk to her. You're a woman, and she might...
I can't do that! That's not my place, Mr. Lee. You're the direclor. It's
your responsibility.
I'm not sure I can either.
Well, if you won't bring it up', then perhaps we should recommend
a dress code' at the next teachers' meeting!
No, I mean, that's not necessary. I mean, I hope that we can work
this out.

1. What do the students think of Ms. Bailey?

2. What does Ms. Rias think of MS. Bailey?

3. What does Ms. Rios propose 10 do about the s~uat~n?
4. Does Mr. Lee agree with Ms. Rios?

'POinTS O~ mw

Read these three opinions.



Ms. Rios was wrong to

complain about how another

Mr. Lee should tell Ms. Bailey

dress differently.


teacher dresses.

Mr. Lee should talk to some of

the students to ee if there is a


Match the supporting statements with the opinions. Write the numbers in the boxes.
Each opinion has two supporting statements.

supporting statements

It is the job of the school director

10 make sure Ihal tcachers act and
dress correctly.

If you ha\'c Ii problem with some

one. talk directly 10 thai person.

The direclOr of Ii school needs to

make sure that students pay
atlcntion to their studies.

Perhaps Ms. Rios is the only

person who is upset by the way
Ms. Bailey dresses.

We should not act quickly.

We need to think before we act.

Don', worry about what olher

people do. Just do the best job
thai you can do.

Now compare with a classmate.

Work In a group of three. Ask your partners:

Do you agree with Carmen? Do you agree with Ray? Do you agree with Amber?
Answer for each person: I really agree II agree II disagree II really disagree.


What should Mr. Lee do? State your posmon and support your ideas.
Use new ideas in addition to the ideas above.
Your Po!lilion

( (LAtini"' ErWIAn,,",
Now form groups and
discuss )'OtX position and
supporting statements.

Describe what you would wear in these situations. Give a reason:
To school:
To work:
To the mOVies:
To an expensive restaurant:
To a wedding:
To a funeral:
To a job intervi&N:
your idea:

Now compare your ideas with a partner.



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