Specijalni Kurs Iz Jezika

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Specijalni kurs iz jezika

Zavisni veznici


Razlikujemo ih po tipovima zavisnih recenica u kojima ih srecemo:

1. Vremenski: when, whenever, while, as, as soon as, as long as, till, until, since, after, before.
2. Mesni: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere.
3. Uslovni: if, if only, so long as, suppose that, supposing that, unless, in case, provided (that),
providing (that), on condition (that), on the understanding (that).
4. Dopusni: although, (even) though, for all, even if, whetheror, whereas, while, in spite of the
fact that, notwithstanding that.
5. Uzrocni: because,as, since, seeing that, that, now that, on the grounds that, for the reason that,
in that.
6. Posledicni: so that, that.
7. Namerni: in order that, for the purpose that, so that, so as to.
8. Nacinski: as, as if, as though, but.
9. Suprotni: whereas, while, whilst.

Vremenski veznici

Najzastupljeniji veznik ove vrste je when. Kada se javi u recenici radnja se moze
odvijati u isto vreme kao i radnja u glavnoj recenici (1) ili se mogu odvijati jedna nakon druge

1) When the cat is away, the mice will play.

The stars are brightest when there is no moon.
2) When he had read the letter, he tore it into pieces.
We will meet again when I get back from the seminar.
Za vremenske recenice sa veznikom while vazi isto sto i za prethodne s tim sto one
mogu ponekad biti dopunske recenice.
Primeri: While she was waiting for the train, she read a magazine.
While she was crossing the street, a lorry knocked her down.
While I was mowing the lawn he came up to me.
While going up the river we noticed a number of new currents.
You may stay in our house while you are visiting Kosovska Mitrovica.
Recenice sa veznikom as se koriste kad se radnje glavne i podredjene recenice desavaju
u isto vreme (1) i kada radnja zavisne recenice prethodi radnji nezavisne recenice (2):
1) She sang as she drove home.
His eyes glittered as he looked at his new car.
As she sat down her skirts rustled softly.
2) As night came on, the wind calmed down.
As the ship went down, more and more wreckage was flung against the rocks.
Zavisne recenice sa veznikom as soon as koriste se kada se radnja glavne recenice
nadovezuje na radnju podredjene recenice:
Primeri: As soon as we received your telegram, we prepared the goods for shipment.
As soon as he wakes up, he turns on the radio.
We will start as soon as you are ready.
Veznik as long as se koristi u recenicama cija radnja traje isto koliko i radnja glavne
Primeri: As long as there is life there is hope.
I will never again eat oysters as long as I live.

You shall not be lonely as long as I am alive.

Veznici till i until se koriste u recenicama u kojima se obicno zavrsava radnja u
zavisnoj recenici pa pocinje radnja u glavnoj recenici:
Primeri: They took no rest till they reached the top.
He stood thunderstruck till the danger was past.
She decided to take no action till she had consulted her lawyer.
Until she learns to behave we will not invite her to our parties.
Until we burst into laughter he did not realize it was a joke.
The girl was perfectly happy with us until she received that letter.
Vremenske recenice sa veznikom since govore radnju koja se desila u proslosti i ne
traje vise I one obicno u engleskom jeziku stoje u proslom vremenu:
Primeri: He has been living with the same landlady since he entered university.
Since he had that accident he has been walking with a stick.
Recenice sa veznikom after se koriste kada radnja podredjene recenice prethodi radnji
glavne recenice:
Primeri: She went to England after she graduated.
We arrived at the theatre after the play had started.
Even after she had talked to him she did not know if he was in the right.
Vremenske recenice predstavljene veznikom before se koriste kada radnja glavne
recenice prethodi radnji podredjene recenice:
Primeri: It will be many years before we visit this island again.
Do it before it is too late.
He always reads an hour or so before he falls asleep.

Mesni veznici

Najzastupljeniji veznik ove vrste je where. Recenice predstavljene ovim veznikom

koriste se za kazivanje mesta glavne radnje:
Primeri: I found the bag where I had left it.
I signed my name where he showed me.
Water had collected where the tunnel was deepest.
She is happier where she is.
He went where the doctor sent him.
He looked where he pointed.
He climbed where nobody else dared to go.
Veznici wherever i everywhere se koriste kada se stvari generalizuju:
Primeri: Wherever he went he was welcome.
The dog followed his master wherever he went.
Everywhere they stopped, people gathered around them.

Uslovni veznici

U engleskom jeziku se koriste u recenicama koje govore uslov koji se mora ispuniti da bi
se radnja u glavnoj recenici mogla izvesti.
If je najzastupljeniji veznik ove vrste:
Primeri: If you heat snow it turns into water.
If I make a promise, I keep it.
If the children have not eaten, they must be hungry.
If you have not studied physics, you will not be able to understand those lectures.
U ovim slucajevima if moze biti zamenjeno sa whenever i smisao recenice se nece
promeniti samo sto bi to onda bila vremenska recenica a ne uslovna.
Veznik if only se koristi u uzvicnim recenicama i izrazava zelju da se nesto dogodi:

Primer: If only I were able to help them!

So long as je veznik koji se cesce javlja u uslovnim recenicama nego u vremenskim i
ekvivalent je veznicima if only i provided that:
Primeri: I do not care, so long as you love me.
Nothing matters, so long as you stick to your ideals.
Unless se javlja u recenicama u kojima je uslov u negaciji i ekvivalent je vezniku if
Primeri: You will not catch the train unless you take a taxi.
Goods will not be shipped unless they are paid for in advance.
The students never asked me to explain things again unless they really did not
I will lend you the money provided that you invest it wisely.
In case se javlja u recenicama preventivnog tipa:
Primer: You should better take an umbrella with you in case it rains later on.

Dopusni veznici

Javljaju se u recenicama koje kazuju da je postojao nekakav preduslov za izvodjenje

radnje u glavnoj recenici. Iako je nesto otezavalo radnju u nezavisnoj recenici ona je odrzana.
Najcesci veznik ove vrste je though. Cesto mu se dodaje veznik even radi naglasavanja.
Although se koristi isto kao i though ali je samo stvar formalnosti koji cemo izabrati:
Primeri: Although they had done all they could, they failed to complete the project on time.
Fail though I did, I would not abandon my goal.
Though he has a car, he cycles to his office.
Although it was cold and rainy, we enjoyed the trip.
Although he was half asleep, he remembered to set the alarm.
They persisted although they were almost overcome by fatigue.

He speaks English with a perfect accent though he has never been to England.
Though the theatre was sold out, he managed to get a ticket.
Even though I asked him politely, he gave me a rude answer.
He plays the guitar very well even though he cannot read music.
Even though the film got good reviews, it did not attract a big audience.

For all je neformalni veznik:

Primer: For all your arguments you will not convince me.

Veznik even if se koristi u recenicama koje kazuju olaksavajucu stranu ostvarivanja

glavne radnje I ponekad ih poistovecujemo sa uslovnim recenicama. Govore da je radnja
neminovna iako je bio umesan odredjen factor:
Primer: Even if you offered him a million, you still could not bribe him.
Whereas se koristi u recenicama koje takodje otezavaju realizaciju radnje u glavnoj
recenici. Obicno se odvajaju zarezom kao, uostalom, I vecina zavisnih recenica ovog tipa:
Primer: Whereas she never openly disagrees with her husband, she never hesitates to tell him
what is on her mind when they are at home.

Uzrocni veznici

Nalazimo ih u recenicama koje nam govore zasto se neka radnja odvila. U ovakvim
recenicama iskazan je razlog ili uzrok dok je u lavnoj recenici iskazan ishod.
Najcesci veznik ove vrste je because. Recenice sa ovim veznikom obicno idu iza
glavne recenice:
Primeri: The pilot had to descend because he was short of fuel.
Because the student was 20 minutes late, he did not dare to enter the lecture theatre.
Veznici as i since se javljaju u recenicama gde ej akcenat vise na ishodu u glavnoj

Primeri: As it was raining, we stayed indoors all day.

As I am tired after my long drive, I shall have an early night.
Since the girl was very shy too, the young couple sat in silence.
Since it is your fault, you should apologize.
Uzrocne recenice predstavljene veznikom that obicno idu posle glavne recenice koja je,
uglavnom, retoricko pitanje:
Primer: Are you a millionare that you spend your money so lavishly?
Veznik that obicno ide uz sintagme now, on the ground that, for the reason that i
Primeri: Now that you are well again you will have to make up for lost time.
He resigned from his job on the ground that he was in poor health.
We could not go to the concert for the simple reason that we had not got tickets.
He is like his father in that he is fond of sailing.

Posledicni veznici

Recenice u kojima se javljaju govore ishod radnje u glavnoj recenici. Najzastupljeniji

veznik ove vrste je in order that:
Primer: They left the door open in order for me to hear the baby.
Dosta se koristi i veznik so as to:
Primer: Students should make notes so as to make revision easier.
Ponekad se veznik so moze izostaviti iz sintagme so that I recenica nece promeniti
Primer: She turned her head that she might look him straight in the face.

Nacinski veznici

Javljaju se u recenicama koje kazuje nacin na koji se odvila radnja glavne recenice:
Primeri: They keep the house as it was in the poets lifetime.
He likes to drink tea with milk as is customary in England.
Ponekad se koriste pojacivaci poput just i exactly:
Primeri: Things turned out just as I had predicted.
Leave the things exactly as they are.
Do exactly as I tell you.
Recenice sa veznikom as if izrazavaju saadasnju ili proslu radnju:
Primeri: He spends his money as if he were rich.
She could remember it as if it were yesterday.
Ponekad se javlja like u nacinskim recenicama:
Primer: It rained like it would never stop.
But se javlja u formalnom stilu posle negacione glavne recenice:
Primer: I never pass that house but I think of the happy days we spent in it.

Suprotni veznici

Recenice u kojima ucestvuju kazuju suprotno od glavne recenice:

Primer: Mr. Corby teaches physics, while Mr. Larson teaches chemistry.
I ignore them whereas my husband is always worried about what they think of us.

Poredbeni veznici

Poredbene recenice su obicno predstavljene veznicima as i than.Karakteristicno je za

ove tipove recenica i veznika da veznik kojim su predtavljene moze funkcionisati kao
premodifier u pridevskim i priloskim frazama u kojima poredbena klauzula funkcionise kao

postmodifier. Poredbene recenice ne funkcionisu kao elementi recenice (subjekat, objekat,

priloska odredba, itd.) vec kao elementi fraze:
Primer: She was as friendly as she had ever been.
Recenica se sastoji od tri elementa (subjekat, predicator i dodatak subjekta). Dodatak
subjekta je izrazen pridevskom frazom: as friendly as she had ever been:

Zavisni veznici su najvazniji deo svake zavisne recenice i ono sto ih definise. Zavisne
veznike pomenute u uvodu mozemo podeliti i na: proste (when, while, as, till, until, since, after,
before, if, though, because, that, whilst), slozene (whenever, wherever, anywhere, everywhere,
although, whereas), frazalne (as soon as, as long as, if only so, so long as, suppose that, in case,
provided that, on condition that, even though, for all, even if, whetheror, no matter how, in
spite of the fact that, now that, on the grounds that, for the reason that, in that, so that, in order
that, for the purpose that, so as to, as if), participske (supposing that, providing that, on the
understanding that, notwithstanding that, seeing that).


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