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Title: The Basic Needs for Transitions

Problem Behavior:
In Class: talking to peers instead of cleaning, taking too much time to get set up for next subject/activity,
student ignore teachers timely warnings
Lining up/place-to-place: running to line up, talking in line, touching peers in front/behind them, playing
around, getting out of line, facing every way except forward
All of these actions cut into valuable learning/teaching time and lead to the class being off track and
Expected Behavior: Efficient Transitions
In Class: all materials/items from previous activity put away in designated areas (desk, bookshelf, bin), as
well as materials out for next subject/activity, students sitting in desk facing forward with materials out,
quietall by the time the transition song is over(about 3 minutes)
Lining up/place-to-place: each desk group lines up when their color is called, walking feet are used at all
times, face forward, hands behind back, half arms-length from person in front, silentcontinues
throughout transition
Types of Positive Reinforcement:
1. Immediate R+ Students earn tokens when they are contributing to smooth transitions, those
tokens will be traded in for star stickers at designated times (Five tokens=1 star sticker)
2. Ongoing R+ The star stickers will be placed on the board filling up the images representing the
basic needs showing the progress towards the final goal
3. Overall R+ Outside lesson/exploration and discussion.
4. The tokens will either be placed on the students desk or placed in there cubby. After lunch and at
the end of the day the students will have the opportunity to trade in for stickers and put them on
the board.
Interactive Learning Activity: The day after the bread, water drop, and house are filled with stickers we
will, as a class, go outside to have our science lesson. We will have a tour of the school ground where
we will observe the animals basic needs and how ours are different/alike, and why they need certain
things just like we do. I will record our observations and after the tour we will sit on the playground and
have a class discussion about what we have observed. TEK: K9 (b) examine evidence that living
organism have basic needs such as food, water, and shelter for animals
Teach the Behavior: Introduce the issue with transitions taking too long, demonstrate proper way using
transition song and describing steps as I go, have students practice using pre-correction and behavior
specific praise as they go
I will then introduce the problems we have with lining up, introduce the expected behaviors, model it for
them once, and then have them practice, again, using pre-correction and behavior specific praise
Teach the Plan: After the students practice the taught behavior, I will model it once more. This time as I
model it and go through the steps I will include the tokens, explaining what earns a token. Then I will
reward myself with tokens, then trade in for the stickers when we all get back from lunch. The sticker
will then be the first on the board, after which I will explain the overall goal to get all of the shapes filled
with those stickers.
Options: different cut out images could represent different TEKS, same concept using the basic needs of
plants for different problem behavior

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