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Alix Parker

Evaluation of Sources
Berry, Jaime. "Better Than Dumbells." Natural Health 30.9 (2000): 104. Alt HealthWatch.
Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
C- This periodical that was published in November and December of 2000. The
information has not been updated or revised since its publishing. I think that older source will
work for my topic because free weight training has been the same for many years while
resistance band training has been around but is just now becoming popular. The book has to
be obtained through library loan so there are no links related to this source.
R- The information in this book answer my question virtually verbatim. It compares
benefit of resistance band training instead of free weight training. The intended audience of
this publication is the general reader who is interested in enhancing their workout program.
The information within this issue of Natural Health is not to advance for me because I know
most of the medical terminology used within the book. Yes, I have looked at multiple sources
before deciding to use this one. I would be very comfortable citing this source within my
paper because I feel that it has very relevant information towards my topic in it.
A-The author of this source is Jaimie Berry and the publisher is Natural Health
publication. The source of this publication is the Natural Health publication volume number
30 issue number 9. The author has written various other sources on alternative health topics.
The author is qualified to write on the topic. There is a physical address for the publisher.
There is no URL for this publication because it is a book and cannot be found in an online
A-The information comes from the online database EBSCO Host section: Alternative
Health. The information is supported by evidence within the article. The information has not

Alix Parker
Evaluation of Sources
been peer reviewed or refereed. I can verify the information from other sources and from my
own personal knowledge. Yes, the language and tone does seem unbiased and free of emotion.
There are no spelling, grammar or typographical errors.
P- The purpose of the information is to inform athletes of alternative ways to
strengthen their muscles and even increase flexibility. The information also teaches athletes
the importance of increasing their muscles strength and flexibility. The authors do make their
purpose clear by sticking to the topic and making the purpose straight forward. I believe that
the information provided is fact. The point of view appears to be impartial. There are no
political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases in this information.
On a scale of 1-5. I would rank this source as a 4 because it has great information and fits very
well with my topic, but it is not a peer reviewed source.
"Patents; Patent Application Titled "Elastic Flat Band" Published Online." Medical Devices &
Surgical Technology Week (2014): 738. ProQuest. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
C- This information was published on September 7, 2014 and available online at that
same time. This information has not been revised or updated since its publishing. My topic
requires current information but in the case of this source, the information is recent enough to
work for my research. The links for this article are functional and all me to see the full text of
the article.
R- This information relates to my topic because it talks about the benefits of resistance
band training. The information discusses the benefits of resistance band training and that fits
into what I want to talk about with my topic. The intended audience for this article is the
athlete first starting to use resistance bands to enhance their training. The information could be

Alix Parker
Evaluation of Sources
a little too elementary for my needs but may all the reader to understand what I am talking
about better. I have looked at a variety of sources before determining that I would use this one.
I would be somewhat comfortable citing this source in my research paper because it has some
good points about resistance band training within it.
A-The author of this source is unknown but the publisher is in the Medical Devices
and Surgical Technology Week of NewsRx magazine. The credentials of this publisher is
unknown and organizational affiliations were not found. I believe that the author is qualified
to write on this topic because it is about an up and coming medical device. There is not
contact information for this publisher besides the city of Atlanta as the place of publication.
There is no URL for this article beside the academic database URL.
A-The information comes from the ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source
database via the library online research catalog. The information is supported by pictures
within the article. The information is an expanding reporting article. The information is not
review or refereed. The information can be verified by my own personal knowledge. The
language and tone seem to be unbiased and free of emotion. There are no spelling, grammar or
typographical errors within the article.
P- The purpose of this information is to inform the athlete of the benefits of resistance
band training and to teach them the proper way to use the bands to increase strength. The
sponsors do make their purpose clear and they state what their intentions are up front. The
information seems to be fact due to the extensive research done. The point of view appears to
be impartial. There are no political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal
biases presented in the publication.

Alix Parker
Evaluation of Sources
I would rate this source as a 3 in overall quality. It seems to strictly focus on how to use
resistance bands and why bands with handles are better rather than the complete benefits of
training with resistance bands.
OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE." Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 23.1
(2009): 80-5. ProQuest. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
C- This information was published in January of 2009. This information has been
updated since its original publication date. The article was updated on May 4th, 2011. My topic
does not need too relevant of information to work for my purpose. There are no links for this
article because the entire article is placed on the ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health database.
R- This information somewhat relates to my topic but it covers obese children instead
of athletes. The intended audience of this periodical are children, their parents, and exercise
science professionals. I think that this information is at an appropriate level for my needs
because it discusses things in a level that I understand and that parents of children could
understand. I have looked at a variety of sources before determining that I would use this
source. I am not sure that I would use this source in my research paper because it is not super
relevant to my topic.
A-There are multiple authors to this publication. The source of this publication is
ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health database. The periodical was published in the Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research. The author is qualified to write on this topic because the
author has written other publications in this journal as well. There is no contact information
for the publisher. The URL does not reveal anything about the author or source.

Alix Parker
Evaluation of Sources
A-The information comes from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
The information is supported by evidence that is obtained by performing a study. It is
unknown if the is reviewed or refereed. I can verify the information through other publications
found during research. The language and tone both seem unbiased and free of emotion. There
are no spelling, grammar, or typographical errors within this publication.
P-The purpose of the information is to inform and teach individuals ways to improve
their overall health. The authors and sponsors make the intentions very clear. The information
seems to be fact due to the research study done in order to write the paper. The point of view
appears to be objective and impartial. There are no political, ideological, cultural, religious,
institutional or personal biases within this periodical.
I would rate this article a 2 on a scale of 5. My research paper is not over the effects of
resistance band training on obese children but rather athletes. This makes the information in
this article less relatable to my topic.
Schmitz, Dave. "" Resistance Bands Reactive TrainingPowerful
Results. N.p., 2016. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
C-The information in this article was published at some point during 2016. The
information has not been revised or updated since its publishing. My topic may be best with
up to date information but it is not required because older information could contain perfect
information for the topic. There are no links within the article so, there are no links to be
R-The information is very relatable to my topic and it almost answers my question
directly. The intended audience for this article is individuals looking to enhance their muscle

Alix Parker
Evaluation of Sources
growth and performance. The information is at and appropriate level for my reading because it
explains all terms in a way that any individual could understand. I have looked at sources
within academic databases before deciding on this one. I would be comfortable with citing
this source in my paper because it relates will to my topic.
A-The author of this article is by Dave Schmitz. The source of this article is Dave Schmitz is an international expert in the area of resistance
band training for speed, strength and performance enhancement so, I think that he is qualified
to write about this topic. There are no forms of contact information for the publisher or Dave
Schmitz. The URL is a .com which leads me to think that any person who has a general idea
of what they are talking about can get published on this site.
A-The information comes from Dave Schmitzs program all about resistance band
training. The information is supported by the video programs that are produced by Dave
Schmitz. The information has not been reviewed or refereed. I can verify the knowledge from
personal experiences of using resistance bands during my own training. The language and
tone seem very informative and seem unbiased and free of emotion. There are no spelling,
grammar, or typographical errors within this article.
P-The purpose of this information is to teach consumers how to use resistance bands
and to try to sell Dave Schmitzs resistance band training program. The author makes his
purpose clear by directly beginning with what he wants to talk about. I think that this
information could be partial fact and propaganda. This is because the website is trying to try
to sell the resistance band training program. The point of view does seem objective and
impartial. There are possible personal biases within this article because the writer also has a
product about the training program he wants to sell.

Alix Parker
Evaluation of Sources
I would rate this source a 3 on a scale of 5. I know that this source could be mostly based on
opinion instead of fact but, it covers my overall topic to the fullest extent.
Ng, Nick. "Resistance Bands Versus Weight Training." LIVESTRONG.COM.
LIVESTRONG.COM, 15 July 2015. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
C-This information was published on July 15, 2015. The article has been updated
since its original publication. My topic does not require current information to be a good
research paper. There are no links on this website to use.
R-This information is very relevant to my topic because it compares free weights to
resistance bands and discusses the benefits of each. I think that the intended audience is those
searching to find out which type of training they should use to maximize their exercise
program. The information is at an appropriate level for my research paper because it allows an
easy way to see which type of training is better. I have looked at a variety of databases and
web sources before deciding on this source. I would be comfortable citing this source in my
paper because it gives the pros and cons of both free weight training and resistance band
A-The author of this article is Nick Ng and it is published by The
author may not be qualified to write on this topic because he has no credentials in this area.
There is not contact information for this article. The URL makes me feel like people can write
their own opinion on some sort of sports related topic and get published on this site.
A-The information seems to come from the authors own experience with resistance
band training and free weight training. The information is not supported by evidence other
than the authors own opinion. I can verify the information based on my own use of resistance

Alix Parker
Evaluation of Sources
bands and free weights. The language and tone seem unbiased and free of emotion. There are
no spelling, grammar, or typographical errors in this article.
P-The purpose of this information seems to be to inform the reader of the pros and
cons of resistance band training and free weight training. The author makes his purpose clear
by clearly discussing the topic throughout the entire article. I think that the information could
be partial fact and partial opinion. The point of view seems to be impartial and objective.
There are no political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional or personal biases.
I would rate this source a 3 out of 5 because it discusses the main points that I want to discuss
within my paper but, it is not really a credible site or credible author.

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