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Fight lands pupil in hospital
Pupils at Thorns Community College watched in horror yesterday (Thursday, 14 April 2016)
as a fight broke out between two male pupils on Thorns Road, on their way home from
Although it is unknown what caused the fight, lad one was seen to stamp on the face of lad
two, who lost consciousness during the altercation. Fortunately for both boys, a passing
police patrol spotted what was going on and intervened, arresting boy one and calling an
ambulance for the other, who was detained in hospital overnight, due to his injuries.
Worryingly, despite the ferocity with which the injured boy was attacked, the school has
only issued a fixed term exclusion of three days due to the aggressor wearing his uniform at
the time of the attack and bringing the school into disrepute.
Interim Chairman of Parents Against Bullying At Thorns (PABAT), Luke commented, Once
again we seen the ill-discipline of a small minority of pupils at this school who carry out
horrendous attacks on others. Had it not been for the police happening upon the incident,
who knows how bad the injured boy would have faired.
Anybody who witnessed the incident, prior to the arrival of the police are asked to contact
West Midlands Police on 101.
PABAT are keen to hear from anybody wishing to join the support group, whether they be
existing pupils or parents of children at the school, or former pupils/parents.
PABAT, a support group for pupils at Thorns Community College, and their parents, was
formed due to the bullying of some pupils and the schools failure to act to protect those
subjected to this kind of behaviour.

Copies of all our press releases are available on our website.

Pupils and parents can contact PABAT for confidential support and advice about bullying at
Thorns Community College via the website or email address shown above.
Press use only
Boy 1 (arrested) X X
Boy 2 (hospitalised) X X
Press Officer X, 07X X X
15 April 2016

Copies of all our press releases are available on our website.

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