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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETSSTemplate I
(More Directed Learning Activities)
Template with guiding questions
Amber Williams

Pre-Service Teacher


Southeastern Oklahoma State University




Grade Level(s)

First Grade

Content Area

Internet Safety

Time line

Spring 2016

Content Standards

Standard 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of social, ethical, and human
issues, discuss basic issues related to responsible use of technology and information
of inappropriate
5.0 Digital
human, cultural,
and societal issues related to

NETS*S Standards:

technology and practice legal and ethical behavior

The internet is a wonderful learning resource for students, but there is a potential for dangers that students must
learn how to avoid. This lesson focuses on internet safety and the different ways that students can stay safe on
the internet. First, I will read a book on internet safety and involve the students in a class discussion on the
subject. Students will then watch a video on Brain Pop Jr. about internet safety. After watching the video, they will
perform the word wall activity and quiz on the Brain Pop Jr. website. Lastly, they will reflect in their journals at the
end of the lesson.

Essential Questions
What should you do if you get an email or message from a stranger on the internet? Do you know any ways that
you can stay safe on the internet? Do you know of any ways to keep your computer safe?

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1. Students will take the quiz on the internet safety page of the Brain Pop Jr. website. They will print the
results of the quiz.
2. Students will click on the word wall activity that is on the Brain Pop Jr. website. They will review the words
and think about what they mean. They can click on the words to reveal the definitions to check their
comprehension. The words they will learn are: download, computer virus, block, stranger, and personal.
They will print the words to use as a reference for writing in their journals.
3. Students will write what they learned about internet safety in their journals and illustrate it. A rubric will be
used to assess the journal entries.

Students will access the Brain Pop Jr. website through google chrome. They will use this website to watch a video
on internet safety. The students will be required to use earbuds or headphones when watching the video since
they will all be in the computer lab at the same time. They will also use the website as a resource to learn five new
sight words and to take a quiz.

Instructional Plan Preparation

Before the students watch the video I will read Safety on the Internet by Lucia Raatma to the class. We will have a
classroom discussion to call up background information and make connections. This will help any of the students
who do not have any knowledge or experiences with internet safety.

Students will work individually in the classroom and the computer lab.

Instruction and Activities

I will introduce the topic of internet safety by reading the book titled Safety on the Internet. The students and
myself will be required to collaborate during a discussion on internet safety. The students will then watch a video
on internet safety on the Brain Pop Jr. website. The students will be required take a quiz and do the word wall
activity on the same website. My job will be to assist students as needed during the activities. Finally, students
will be required to complete a journal entry with an illustration on what they learned.

There will be an option for a hard quiz or easy quiz on the internet safety website. Students will have the option
of doing either quiz depending on their individual learning needs. I will provide individual and collaborative
instruction for online and face-to-face formats. Students will write their own interpretations and illustrations in their
journals. No known assistive technologies are needed.

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Closure and Reflection

The students will be required to complete a journal entry with an illustration on what they learned. I will reflect on
the process to plan additional instruction if needed.

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