Parent Letter q3 Week 7

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The Upcoming Week (3/7/20163/11/2016)

Greetings parents!
Welcome to another week at Woodrow Wilson! I really cannot believe
that we are already in March. It will be the end of the school year before we know
For math, we are moving away from fractions and into graphing and
geometry. For this week, we are going to be focused on making line plots out of
data. (Simply making a visual representation of a bunch of numbers). You can
help your child by taking measurements or data of various items in your house
(How many chairs, T.Vs, toothbrushes, etc), and then making them into a chart to
graph them.
For language arts, we will be moving into similes and metaphors. This
can be hard for many students to understand, so we will be delving deep into this
concept. Remember, a simile is saying that, Something is like something. A
metaphor is saying, Something is something. There seems to be little difference,
but the word like makes it to different terms. Begin looking at different similes
or metaphors that you may use around the house, (Example: you are moving like a
sloth, you are as fast as lightning).
For science, we will be moving into magnetism. Any kinds of
experiments with magnets would help your child look at magnets and prepare
them for the concepts ahead.
Spelling contracts will be handed out as usual this week, so expect your
child to be working on those nightly. Remember, they are due Friday! I have had
some students forget to bring them in on Friday, or forget their contract in their
desk the entire week. Check in with your child to make sure that they have and are
doing their homework.
The date to the living planet aquarium field trip will be on March 22 nd. We
may need some parent chaperons. However, we may also work it out to

where we will not need them This still needs to be worked out. I will let
you know, as some of you have already graciously offered!
As always, have this signed and returned to be by tomorrow.
-Mr. Reese

Parent Signature __________________________

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