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Alia Khizer

Writing 1104
9 February 2016
Assignment 1
Background information:
I chose tennis because I've been playing since I was in eighth grade and it is a big passion of
mine. Tennis is not only a physical sport, but a mind game as well. It challenges your body and

Commented [1]: I find your background information

very informative. You gave details about how the game
is being played. Although, you might to put a little bit of
history about tennis.

mind at the same time so I've always found it to be quite interesting.

My coach at home who gives me private lessons is one of my biggest inspirations and heros.
He's taught me more than just tennis-- how it is both a body and mind game and how to love the
sport for every aspect it offers. He is the person I plan on interviewing for this assignment.
Novak Djokovic is the number one tennis player in the world and he is also my favorite. Serena
Williams in the number one female tennis player in the world, however I don't have a favorite
because I prefer men's tennis over women's tennis. Men's tennis is more interesting and more fun
to watch.
Competitive tennis is split into four main tournaments throughout the year. They are held in
Wimbledon, the United States, Australia and France. The way tennis works is that in order to
win, the player must win the best of 3 sets or the best of 5 sets. Within those sets the player must
win by 2 games within one set. There are usually 6 games in a set however it can go up to more
games if it gets to that point throughout the match. For example the score can be 6-4 or 7-5 or
even 10-8, however sometimes there are tie breaks depending on the timing of the matches and
what the referees decide. Within the games the score is broken down by love, 15, 30, and 40.
Love means zero and if both players have 40 then the score would be deuce and then one of the
players would have to win by two points to win the game. For singles, there are single alleys on
courts that distinguish what is out and in and the players call the shots so it is self refereeing.
However for big tournaments there are line judges who can overrule a call if the opposing player
or team challenges it. A game is started at love all (0-0), and each player has two chances to get
their serve in within the service boxes. They start on the deuce side of the court which is the right
side and switch for every point. At the beginning of each match, the players spin one racquet to
decide which side of the court the players start on and who will serve first.

Commented [2]: I love how you incorporated your

experiences on the first part. I also like the detailed
information about competitive tennis. I think it would be
better if you elaborate more or give a brief history about
tennis. When and how did it start? Is someone
responsible for its formation?

Novak Djokovic: Serves the role as the number 1 tennis player in the world. Novak Djokovic
sets the game for aspiring tennis players and as the top competitor for other tennis players to
strive to beat. He has won 11 grand slams so far in his career and is generally considered one of
the best players of all time. Not only does he competitively play the role as number 1 but socially
as well, constantly promoting the game and putting on a smile for interviews and promotional
things he does for the game. He has currently accumulated a total of 16,790 points.
Roger Federer: Serves as the top competitor for Novak Djokovic. If youre not rooting for
Djokovic, youre most likely rooting for Federer. He is currently number 3 in the world and has
won 17 grand slams so far in his career. Before Djokovic became number 1, he was the main
player who everyone in the game looked up to. Although he is still a significant player, he has
passed his prime but holds a strong place in tennis history. Along with Djokovic, sets the game
for aspiring tennis players. He has currently accumulated a total of 8,795 points.
Serena Williams: Serves as the number 1 womens tennis player in the world. Serena has
changed the game of womens tennis throughout history. With a total of 21 grand slam titles,
Serena serves as a role model for not only women tennis players, but African American players
as well. Her drive, work ethic and humility has gotten her to where she is today, being named
one of Time's most 100 influential people. The game of tennis wouldnt be the same without her
and the progression of womens tennis wouldnt be where it is at today.
Tennis ball: The tennis ball is significant in the game because without it, the sport could not
exist. How a player hits the ball is crucial to being successful in the game (the spin, aim in
direction, and where the ball is in relation to the player).
Tennis racquet: The tennis racquet is also another significant artifact in tennis that without, the

Commented [3]: It would be awesome if you describe

what a tennis ball is too. What does it look like? What
material is it usually made of? How heavy is it? Etc. I
like how you emphasized that it plays an important part
in the game.

game wouldnt be able to be played. The racquet in comparison to the ball however, can differ
from player to player. Different brands produce different kinds of racquets and it is subjective as
to which is the best for the game. The strings of each racquet can also differ, depending on what
kind of spin you want to have on the ball in regards to how you play your game.

Commented [4]: Emphasizing that they differ from

player to player is a good point. Just like the tennis ball,
maybe you can give a brief info about the tennis
racquet. How does it differ from the badminton racquet
or other racquets? What material is it usually made of?

Observation 1:
4:40 min: The video begins with Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer playing a series of different
highlighted points. The first point shown is Federer serving and Djokovic finishing the point
with an offensive shot where he moves into the court. The first 4 minutes and 40 seconds consist
of the first set of the match where Djokovic wins by 6-4.
7:06 min: The video continues at the score being 2-2, where Federer is keeping up with Djokovic
as opposed to Djokovic in the lead at 1-0 in the first 4 minutes and 40 seconds. Federer is
catching up to Djokovic however he is not as consistent of a player as Djokovic and most of his
errors are preventable shots. Both players have a spin serve rather than flat where it makes the
ball spin in a different way rather than one straight direction.
13:53 min: At this point in the video the players have played 2 full sets and are in the middle of a
third. The scores for those sets are (6-4 Djokovic) (7-5 Federer) and currently (3-3) so it is
completely tied. You can see that Djokovic has more stamina and is having an easier time
keeping up with the match as he is in his prime regarding his tennis career. Federer has passed
his prime however is still keeping up a great match.
20:20 min: The match ends with Djokovic winning with the score of 6-4, 5-7, 6-4, 6-4. He wins
the 2015 US Open and continues maintaining his title as the number one tennis player in the
world. The players shake ends at the end of the match with the winning point being a preventable
error by Federer after Djokovic serves and Federer hits it out. The crowd cheers and Djokovic
claims his prize as the 2015 US Open winner.
Observation 2:
3:58 min: The video begins with Serena Williams and Roberta Vinci playing a series of different
highlighted points for the 2015 US Open Semifinals. The first point shown is Serena hitting a
serve that Vinci is unable to reach, acing her. The first set consists of Serena easily winning

Commented [5]: You really did an excellent job in

portraying the match between Djokovic and Federer.
You have given a very detailed description of the
game. You clearly indicated which one was somehow
winning and it gives the reader a great overview of how
unique the two players are.

points against Vinci, evidently demonstrating her title of the number one women's tennis player
in the world. Vinci before this match is ranked number 43 in the world, so generally everyone
expects Serena to win. The first 3 minutes and 58 seconds shows the first set of the match where
Serena starts strong and wins by 6-2.
10:08 min: The video continues at the from 3:58-10:08 where Vinci is keeping up with Serena
winning the second set 6-4. Serena is strong at the beginning of the second set, acing one of her
serves and hitting winning shots within the first game. However Vinci is putting up a fight and
not letting her catch up, winning the last point of the second set with an offensive across the
court shot, forcing Serena to hit her return out.
13:53 min: The third set of the match begins with Serena and Vinci playing a point of a few
shots before Serena loses the point, hitting an overhead into the net, rather than finishing the
point. Although she loses the initial point of the first game, she starts the set out strong by
winning the first two games. However as the set progresses, Vinci catches up to Serena winning
the next two games, keeping the score at 2-2. Similar to the Men's US Open Final that I observed
in observation 1, the score is completely tied and it's anyone's game. This set is intense as both
women are fighting to win; Serena hits an ace of 126 mph which is impressive for her game and
for the match. The set continues at 5-4 (Vinci) and finishes with Vinci winning the set at 6-4, and
in turn winning the match and the 2015 US Open Women's Semi Finals.
Observation 3:
4:18 min: The video begins with Martina Hingis and Leander Paes and Daniel Nestor and
Kristina Mladenovic playing a series of different highlighted points for the 2015 Australian Open
Finals. The difference between this match and the previous two observations is that this match is
doubles while the others are singles matches. The point begins with the side of Paes Hingis
serving then moving in and finishing the point with a solid volley. The points in doubles are
meant to be quicker and finished faster since there is a player up closer to the net who can more
easily finish a point. The first set is won by Paes Hingis 6-4 with a double fault from the other

Commented [6]: On your third observation, I have

seen that players were Martina Hingis, Paes, Nestor
and Mladenovic. Is there some way that you can
possibly give a brief description of these players since
they weren't included in the actors? Which of these is in
their prime?

8:11 min: The video continues at the from 4:18-8:11 where the teams are keeping up with each
other in the second set. They arrive at a score of 2-2 where you can see the players becoming
more comfortable with hitting shots throughout the courts. The difference between doubles and
singles is that the whole court is used rather than just the single sidelines. The male player on the
Paes Hingis side (Leander Hingis) hits three aces in a row, which is impressive and helpful to
their game. They continue with the score at 5-3 (Paes Hingus) and since they already won the
first set, once they win the last game in the set, they've won the whole match. In the other
observations, the matches were more even with the score going back and forth between players,
however this match is more easily won by the Paes Hingis side. They finish winning the match
strong with a score of 6-3, setting up the point so the net player could easily hit a volley after the
server served. Martina Hingis and Leander Paes earn the title of the 2015 Australian Open Mixed
Doubles Winners.
Describe the most appealing aspect of tennis.
"The challenge of the game. It's not as easy as the pros make it look. You would think it's just
about getting the ball back in play, but it's not. There are mental, physical and strategic battles
going on in every match. You're not only playing against an opponent but you're also playing
against your own faults and insecurities. Once you can let go of your own faults and play with
full intention, you can move on to the next part of the game which is trying to find your
opponent's weaknesses and being comfortable with your own game to exploit them."
How would you compare men's and women's tennis?
"The men's game is more efficient and has a lot more topspin than the women's game. Women
still have not caught up to the men's game in the efficiency of a shorter backswing for the most
part. Women still take the racket back too far and can be rushed with their strokes. The men have
shorter more efficient strokes that cannot be rushed as much due to less time it takes to prepare
for each shot. The women's game is also much flatter than the men's game. The women know
that hitting a faster, flatter ball can cause the opponent to be rushed so they use much more spin
and angles to make each other uncomfortable since hitting faster, flatter balls doesn't affect them

Commented [7]: I think you should put some

background information about the person you
interviewed. What is his/her name? Age? How long has
he/she been playing and teaching tennis? Etc. That
way, the whole interview would make sense. I love how
he/she answered your questions. It's detailed and
Commented [8]: Reading the answers makes me
assume that this person is really knowledgeable about
tennis. But is there a way that you can possibly put a
brief information about him/her? What age did he/she
start playing? What is his style?

as much. The men's game has bigger serving going on while the women's lacks great serving.
The women can break each other's serves 4 or more times in one match while the men will only
have 2 or 3 and sometimes none if they go to tiebreaks to decide who wins the match because it's
tough to break serve in the men's game."
How would you compare singles matches and doubles matches?
"Singles matches are much more physical than a doubles match. Covering the full court
compared to only half a court is a huge difference. Singles points can last much longer than
doubles points since in doubles most points are won at the net. Doubles becomes more about
using finesse and angles more than you would in singles. Doubles has an advantage over singles
in that you have a partner to help you figure out how to win. In singles, it's all up to you to find
the winning formula. Singles players have to be more fit to last in long matches. Doubles players
don't need to worry about getting into long matches since they have shortened the length of
doubles matches. Doubles players have to be very good at net play while singles players don't
need to be that good just good enough to finish off easy volleys."
Who is your favorite player and what about his/her game sets them apart from other players?
"My favorite is none other than Roger Federer. Federer has a complete game. He can play any
style of play proficiently and comfortably. What sets him apart from other players is how
efficient his strokes are. He's by far the most lose player to have ever played the game. He makes
every shot look like it's the easiest shot to hit. He is the most effortless player to have ever played
the game. He has never lost a match due to his fitness because he doesn't expend energy like
other players do. Effortless power is the secret to Roger Federer's game. Something anyone
would love to have in their arsenal."
If you could change anything regarding the game, what would it be?
I would think changing it to be more similar to mainstream sports. They have a lot of different
ways that they gain fans and tennis is lacking in that department. Something being changed in
the way fans can get more out of the experience may be how to change that. In other sports you
can cheer loudly and talk while the sport is going on while in tennis you can't. Something like
that being changed could get more people out to tennis matches. Also, people relate to

mainstream sports because of their favorite teams. Tennis doesn't have teams.It just has
individuals and it seems that the favorite team aspect of sports sells more.
A. Tennis is a versatile sport in that can greatly differ depending on how you want to play the
game. You can either be a singles player or doubles player, some people are better at one as
opposed to the other depending on the person. You can play for yourself as an athlete in
tournaments, trying to get your rank up in the county/state/country you are in. You can also play
on a school team like high school or college where you play as a part of the team as a whole.
Tennis can also be a life long leisure sport where you play for fun by playing matches against
friends or rallying for the fun of hitting the ball.
Competitive tennis, which is my focus for this assignment, is split into four main
tournaments throughout the year. They are held in Wimbledon, the United States, Australia and
France. The way tennis works is that in order to win, the player must win the best of 3 sets or the
best of 5 sets. Within those sets the player must win by 2 games within one set. There are
generally 6 games in a set however it can go up to more games if it gets to that point throughout
the match. For example the score can be 6-4 or 7-5 or even 10-8, however sometimes there are
tie breaks depending on the timing of the matches and what the referees decide. Within the
games the score is broken down by love, 15, 30, and 40. Love in tennis refers to the score being
zero and if both players have 40 then the score would be deuce. If the score reaches 40-40
(deuce) then one of the players would have to win by two points to win the game. For singles,
there are single alleys on courts that distinguish what is out and in and the players call the shots
so it is self refereeing. However for big tournaments there are line judges who can overrule a call
if the opposing player or team challenges it. A game is started at love all (0-0), and each player
has two chances to get their serve in within the service boxes. They start on the deuce side of the
court which is the right side and switch for every point. The left side of the court is called the ad
(advantage) side. At the beginning of each match, the players spin one of the player's racquets to
decide which side of the court the players start on and who will serve first.

During a match, there must be complete silence from the audience since tennis is a mind
game as well as a physical one. Players need full focus in order to be successful in the game, so
during matches, the audience is expected to talk quietly and be respectful of the players.
Obviously after each point, clapping and cheering is allowed however it is completely different
from a basketball or football game in how the audience is expected to behave. Players are
expected to have good sportsmanship in that they are not allowed to swear or say rude things to
their opponent. Players can be penalized for disobeying these rules and lose games or points if
they do so. Players are expected to shake hands with their opponent(s) at the beginning and end
of their match. Good sportsmanship also includes being honest with their calls regarding shots
that are in or out during a serve and during a point.
B. Ideas:
1. How men's and women's tennis game are different from one another
2. How doubles and singles matches are different from one another
3. How tennis is a physical and mental sport
4. The difference in styles between different players
Search terms:
1. Men and women's tennis
2. Tennis doubles and singles
3. Tennis mental game
4. Tennis player style
Men and womens tennis:
It's a Different Game You Go to Watch: Competitive Balance in Men's and Women's Tennis
Cind Du Bois , Bruno Heyndels
European Sport Management Quarterly
Vol. 7, Iss. 2, 2007
2. Tennis doubles and singles

Commented [9]: I love how you included the rules and

conventions for the audience. I also think that it is also
a vital part of the game. I also liked that you included
how should also behave such as being a good sport,
etc. Overall, I can say that your Assignment has a good
and interesting content. You were also very descriptive
in almost everything.


Perceptual and Motor Skills 1996 83:2 , 595-603
3. Tennis mental game
Weinberg, Robert Stephen. The mental advantage: Developing your psychological skills in
tennis. Human Kinetics Publishers, 1988.
4. Tennis player style
Recognising the style of spatially exaggerated tennis serves.
F. E. Pollick, C. Fidopiastis, V. Braden
Perception. 2001; 30(3): 323338.
When thinking of the sport of tennis, there are many differences and similarities between
different aspects of the game. Differences between players, the mens and womens game, and
the singles and doubles game. However the mental and physical goals of tennis remain the same
regardless of how they are met. When analyzing different aspects, we learn more about the
mental and physical game through these comparisons. This paper explores these differences and
similarities in depth and how they ultimately reach the goals of winning the physical and mental
game of tennis.

Commented [10]: I love how you pointed out the

differences but they all share the same goal. It is great
that you highlighted the mental and physical aspects
and it shows that you're informed about this topic. I
would like to hear more about your proposed research
though because it wasn't clear to me. What area do
you intend to focus on as you go along? Can you give
a brief background about it?

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