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Lesson Components
Clear Learning
Target What should
students know and be
able to do?


Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3.
Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model

Based on Power
Standards(QS1a, 3b)
Preview of lesson
(QS 1b, 1c, 1e, 1f and 2c)

Anticipatory set/Background
Equivalent fraction song
Review fractions on a number line and fraction strips
Brainstorm what equivalent means.

Teaching and Modeling

(QS 1c,1d, and 3a)

Identify fractions represented in visual model using Engage New York

Lesson 22

#1 is - How do I know this? What does this mean?

How do I facilitate the


Plot on a number line how do the visual model and number line
represent the same fraction value?

Mathematical questioning:
What information do I have?
What am I trying to determine?
How am I going to solve?
Identify which fraction model shows an equivalent fraction.
#1 is 2/4 How do I know this? What does this mean?

Guided Practice
(QS 1c, 1d, and 3a)

How do I facilitate the

Plot 2/4 on the same number line how do the visual models and number
lines represent equivalent fractions.
Move onto #2-3 on the fraction models
Work through the same process using the We Do model. Asking the samr
questions and generating the same thinking. Use additional
Think/Pair/Share before plotting on number lines.

Effective Lesson Components

How will I know it was

For a You Do component students will complete #4-6 independently and

this will be collected and examined to check for understanding. I will be
looking for: did they identify the correct fraction from the visual model?
Were they able to identify the equivalent fraction model? Were they able to
plot the fractions correctly?

Small group for extra support: Luke, Efer, Xenya, and Tyrone

Checks for
Assessments (QS 3h)

Students will complete independent practice and I will monitor while they

Enrichment may include: story problem work with equivalent fractions that
incorporate writing

(QS 3b,h)

Reteaching may include: more time with visual models, fraction strips to
assist with number lines, deeper understanding of what fractions are

What do I do if it wasnt
learned or if they already
know it?

Next Steps

Students pulled into small group we able to generate correct fractions based
on visual models, struggled to match up with equivalent fractions at first
but showing them the space the shaded parts took up helped significantly.
Students need a clearer understanding of fractions not just being the
shaded part of a visual model, or a part of a whole. Perhaps saying the
part that is used to not limit their thinking tie into recipes.
Language learners were more successful than I planned on visual support
helpful for them
Aiden, VJ, Eman are ready for enrichment activities during independent
station time.

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