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Classroom Management Plan

Emily Holt
University of Utah
Spring 2016

I believe that it is very important for children to learn that there is beauty all around them, no
matter their circumstances. Its a personal goal of mine to help my students find where they
belong through the things they love. In a world where kids tend to hate school, I want to show
my students that learning can be enjoyable and that learning lasts a lifetime.

In my classroom, I expect students to be respectful to me and other students. I will be doing team
building activities with my students so that we can get to know each other throughout the school
year. Its important to feel safe in the classroom and theres no better way than to build a
classroom family where we can trust and rely on everyone. I expect my students to take risks,
make mistakes, and to learn. My students will be expected to take responsibility and work to
change the world for the better through service learning. Students will also be expected to be on
time for school, with their homework completed, and ready to be engaged in activities.

Preventative Techniques and Procedures

Classroom Rules:
On the first day of school, my students will be given the responsibility of creating the classroom
rules. We will discuss what a classroom community should look, sound, and feel like. We will go
over examples and non-examples for each of these. We will also talk about what it takes to be a
responsible citizen. I will ask students for ideas for classroom rules, writing them all on the
board. I will then explain that we can only keep the five most important rules. Students will then
be able to vote for their favorite five. We will continue to vote until we can eliminate the more
unnecessary rules.
Classroom Jobs:

Supply Distributer to help the teacher pass out supplies

Supply Collector to help the teacher collect supplies
Messenger to run notes to the office
Librarian to be in charge of organizing the books
Hand Sanitizer to give out sanitizer before lunch
Light Monitor to turn on and off the lights when necessary
Team Leaders each table/team will have a leader to collect/pass out papers and supplies

and to make sure everyone in their group is participating

Door Holder to hold the door open for the class
Lunchroom Helpers to make sure the lunch table is clean (last to leave the cafeteria)
Cubby/Locker Monitor to make sure lockers are shut and everything looks
organized/clean with nothing on the floors

Morning Meetings:
Each day will start with a morning meeting where students will come together on the carpet to
share feelings or thoughts. Students will be asked to rate their mood with their Thumbometer.
Well go around for students to share, if they want. Students will be encouraged to use at least

one adjective to describe their mood. Each day of the week will have a different ending to our
morning meetings.

Monkey Monday - students will be encouraged to go about the room for a few minutes

acting like animals (animal will change weekly).

Team Building Tuesdays - play a different team building activity.
Wiggle Wednesdays - give students the chance to get their wiggles out and act crazy for

a minute.
Thursday Thanks - give students a chance for students to reflect on what theyre

grateful for in the past week.

Fitness Fridays - 5-10 minutes of yoga/stretching/breathing (whatever the student
wants to participate in).

Students will be expected to be respectful, kind, and considerate of each other.

Community Building:
As a class, we will constantly build as a strong, safe community. We will start this by coming up
with a class name or theme. There will be three rules for this:
1. Everyone in the class needs to agree on the name
2. The class name cannot be a put-down of selves or others
3. The name cannot be competitively orientated
Students will then come together to build a community bulletin board. Students will be involved
with creating the bulletin boards together. They will be in charge of changing this throughout the
year. The class will also participate in team building activities weekly. These activities will vary
in movement and the use of language, but will have students constantly getting to know each
other and me better.
Starting the first day of school, I will begin to teach students the following procedures as they
come up. I will break each procedure into very small, simple steps. Its important to teach them

visually, orally, and kinesthetically. I will need to check for understanding through practice,
praising and reinforcing the correct procedures. I will keep in mind that its necessary to
review/reteach procedures throughout the school year.

Entering the classroom anytime students enter the room, they will be expected to walk

to their desk and sit down quietly or join the class if were sitting on the floor.
Turning in homework students will be expected to turn their homework in at the very

beginning of the day in the homework bin.

Tardies if students are tardy for class, they will be expected to get a tardy slip from the

front office before entering the classroom.

Getting student attention I will make sure students know the responses to the repeated

clapping and 1, 2, 3, eyes on me, etc.

Using the bathroom students will be expected to use the restroom during transitions. If
they really need to go during lessons, they may raise their hand to ask to use the

restroom. Only one boy and one girl will be allowed in the bathroom at one time.
Getting water students will be encouraged to keep a water bottle at their desk. If they

need to use the drinking fountain, they will be asked to wait for transitions.
Classroom jobs we will continue to go over each classroom job so that students will
understand what is expected of them when their name is placed next to each specific job.

I will cycle the names on the job chart weekly.

How to ask for help students will be expected to raise their hands when they need help

or have a question, even during tests.

Checking for understanding throughout lessons, students will have the chance to rate
their understanding by raising their hand, holding five fingers up for complete

understanding and only one up if theyre completely lost.

Class discussions students will be expected to raise their hand if theyd like to speak or
answer a question. There will be times where Im looking for a one-word answer and will
ask, Class This is when students know that they can all call out the answer together.

Group work/collaborative conversations students will be expected to treat each other

with respect by giving everyone a chance to talk without interruptions, while keeping the

volume controlled.
Taking tests group leaders will be in charge of getting their test tents. These will be
simple folders that they will decorate at the beginning of the year and have on their desks
during testing to block their peers from seeing their test. Students will also understand

that there is no talking or noise during tests.

Silent reading students will be expected to grab a book quietly and either read silently
in the reading corner or at their desks when waiting for other students to complete their

Student movement in the classroom students will be expected to always walk, while

keeping their hands to themselves.

Lining up students will be expected to line up in front of the classroom door silently,

facing forward and keeping their hands to themselves.

Walking down the hallways students will be expected to walk down the hall in a singlefile line quietly, keeping their hands to themselves.

Behavior Management:
I will use Class Dojo to maintain behavior in my classroom. Students will be able to pick their
alien icon at home with a guardian. I will be able to give students green dojo points for
positive behavior or red points as a consequence of poor behavior. For every ten green points,
students will get a small candy. The first red point is a warning. The second will cost a student 5
minutes of recess, the third is 10 minutes. The fourth red point will cost a student all of recess as
well as having to call home to report to their guardian how their behavior has been.

Supportive Techniques

Proximity, hand and facial signals

Focus on responsibility and citizenship Are you being a responsible citizen?
Ten positives for each negative
Small wiggle activity

Intervention Techniques
Students will be asked to correct their behavior twice before receiving a red point. After these
warnings, they will be given red points through Class Dojo. If a student receives four or more red
points, they will have to call their guardian at the beginning of recess to explain why theyve
received so many negative points. If the behavior continues to decline, student will be sent to the
hall, a higher grade level classroom, or the office (depending on the situation).

Communication with Parents/Guardians

On back to school night, parents will be given information on Class Dojo. Parents will be able to
connect to Class Dojo via email, getting updates on their childs behavior each day. They will be
able to see how many points, green and red, their student receives, as well as the reasoning
behind each point. I will make myself easily available for parents via email, phone, or in person.
Its important to also keep in contact with parents through periodically contacting them, praising
their child for something that theyre specifically excelling at.
Charles, C., & Barr, K. (1989). Building classroom discipline (11th ed.). New York: Longman.

Shevin, M. (1999). Because we can change the world: A practical guide to building cooperative,
inclusive classroom communities. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Smith, R. (n.d.). Teaching Procedures. In Conscious classroom management: Unlocking the

secrets of great teaching (pp. 80-103).

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