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Name: ________________________________


DUE DATE: APRIL 22, 2016

Poet Research Project

Part One: Selecting and Researching a Poet

You will choose a poet (if you need help come see Ms. Kopustas for suggestions) and begin
research on them
All important details about their life and their writing need to be included, see checklist for some
of the criteria
You must write a short but detailed piece on your research process. What was your plan to find
information at the beginning? Where did you find your information? How did you choose what to
include? How did you check the credibility of your sources? Why did you choose the final project
you did to represent your learning? How is it an effective choice?

Part Two: Analysis

You need to find an example of poetry from your chosen author and include it in your project
You will need to analyze this piece of poetry and include your analysis in your final submission
Things to think about: Who is the audience? What is the purpose? What figurative language is
used? What symbolism is used and what does it mean? What is the theme? What is the speakers
tone? How does the form affect the message of the poem? What do you notice about the line
breaks? Is there a pattern or rhyme scheme?
The poem you choose cannot be one that we have looked at in class (the poet can be)

Part Three: Final Product

Once you have completed your research and analysis you will create a product that shows what
you have learned. It must be effective in showing what knowledge you gained from your
It must show that you have put thought and effort in to your project
The product can be:

Art Piece (with artists statement)


Movie/Short Film/Documentary
Short Story
Picture Book
Poem (with statement)
Other (MUST be approved by Ms. Kopustas)

Final Project Checklist

Research (30%)

Research contains correct information

Research notes submitted and follow logical organization*
Short but detailed description of the research process is included
Research includes proper MLA citation of multiple sources
All pertinent information about poet is included (name, where they lived, types of poetry they
write, awards they have won, birth/death years, inspirations, etc.)

Analysis (30%)

An example of the poets work is included

There is an analysis of a poem by the poet that includes important pieces we reviewed in class
(symbolism, figurative language, choice of form, sentence structure, audience, purpose,
effectiveness, see handout for other criteria)*
The analysis is cohesively written*
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation is correct
Final Product (40%)

Final product is from the list provided or received approval by Ms. Kopustas before creation
Final product shows that thought and effort was put in to it*
Final product effectively demonstrates knowledge of the poet*
*means that the criteria is worth twice as much as the other points
Partial percentages may be awarded for a point that is only partially met.

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