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Subject/Course: Science and Language Arts

Grade Level: Three

Topic: Life Cycles and Endangered Animals

Name: Ashley Kopustas


2. Outcomes (SLE) (SLO)

1. Classify a variety of animals, based on observable characteristics
5. Demonstrate awareness that parental care is characteristic of some animals and not of others, and identify examples of
different forms of parental care.
6. Demonstrate awareness that animals require different habitats in order to meet their basic needs of food, water, shelter and
8. Identify examples of environmental conditions that may threaten animal survival, and identify examples of extinct animals.
9. Recognize that habitat preservation can help maintain animal populations, and identify ways that student actions can assist
habitat preservation.
ELA Outcomes:

explain understanding of new concepts in own words

explore ideas and feelings by asking questions, talking to others and referring to oral, print and other media texts

choose appropriate forms of oral, print and other media texts for communicating and sharing ideas with others

use self-questioning to identify information needed to supplement personal knowledge on a topic

identify facts and opinions, main ideas and details in oral, print and other media texts

use text features, such as titles, pictures, headings, labels, diagrams and dictionary guide words, to access information x
locate answers to questions and extract appropriate and significant information from oral, print and other media texts x use
card or electronic catalogues to locate information

review information to determine its usefulness in answering research questions

determine if gathered information is sufficient to answer research questions

organize and share ideas and information on topics to engage familiar audiences

use titles, headings and visuals to add interest and highlight important points of presentation

assess the research process, using pre-established criteria

present ideas and information on a topic, using a pre-established plan

speak or present oral readings with fluency, rhythm, pace, and with appropriate intonation to emphasize key ideas

3. Learning Objectives
By the end of the lessons students will be able to:
Identify endangered and extinct animals
Research and present on an endangered animal effectively (as established by rubric)
Be able to combine both print and digital resources to inform their research
Explain what makes an animal become classified as endangered or extinct
Identify and exemplify ways students can assist animal preservation
4. Materials and Preparation
Websites bookmarked for them ahead of time
Computer lab
Research and presentation guidelines handout
Books on animals they can find them in library
Some research done by me that can help students who are stuck
5. Lesson
Lesson Part One
Life Cycles
Go through PowerPoint (animal needs, categories, stages)
Have students practice giving examples of what mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and birds are.
Emphasize differences (feathers, fur, number of body segments)
Have them draw a few types of animals and list reasons for why they are classified as what they are (a bear
is a mammal because it is warm-blooded, has fur, and gives birth to live babies)

Tell them that they will be researching endangered animals

Animals are endangered if there are only a few left in the world
Animals are extinct when none of them are left
Lesson Part Two (May take more than one day)
Review types of animals, go over characteristics and make a class list of the types and characterisitics of
Endangered animal research
Tell them they must find out: name, habitat, diet, why it is endangered, three things humans can do to help
Allow them to research through sites and lists provided on blog page
Have them explore the library to see if they can find book resources to help their research
Have them begin to plan their presentation based on the rubric and the handout about how to make a
Emphasize the important parts of the presentation (criteria)
Lesson Three
Students will share their presentations with their classmates
Students must show good listening skills while their classmates are presenting
Students must as a class come up with a comprehensive list of what they can do to help

6. Learning Context
A. The Learners
(i) What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with them to this learning
They are aware of animals around them but may not have spent much time with identification, habitat, diet, etc.
They have some but limited experience with research
They have some but limited experience with presentations
7. Assessment
Students will be expected to complete their research and presentations by the given deadlines and contribute to the
class. Rubric Attached.


Facts and Sources

Student displays no facts, or

mostly incorrect facts.

Research and

Student did inadequate

research. Student does not
understand their own

Student displays facts,

mostly correct. Student uses
one source only.
Student did a lot of research
and it is presented in their
own words. Student shows a
clear understanding of their

Students displays a variety

of correct facts. Student
uses two or more sources.
Student did significant
research and it is entirely in
their own words. Student
demonstrates clear
understanding of their

Spelling, Grammar and


Project has little or no

punctuation or spelling.
Topic or material unclear
due to excessive errors.

Project setup

Did not follow directions for

set up. Project layout is
unorganized and messy.

Project uses mostly correct

spelling and punctuation.
Writing style makes topic
and/or material
Followed most directions for
set up. Project is well
organized and mostly tidy.

Student has no errors in

spelling or punctuation.
Writing style adds to the
understanding of the topic.
Followed all directions for
set up. Project is very well
organized and tidy.

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