Grade 8 Lesson 2

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Subject/Course: ELA

Grade Level: 8
Topic: Poetry Review (class 2)

Name: Ashley Kopustas

Date: March 8, 2016 Time: 42 minutes

2. Outcomes
1.2.3 Extend understanding
4.1.4 Expand knowledge of language
4.1.5 Enhance artistry (experiment with figurative language)
3. Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
Understand and use a variety of figurative language
Analyze a number of symbols and their meanings within writing
Describe more than one type of poetry
4. Materials and Preparation

Prepare by reviewing answers to pre-assessment and focusing on what the majority of students are having
trouble with
o Figurative language worksheet
o Poem examples (digital, smartboard)
o Examples of symbolism in stories and poetry contexts
o Disney figurative language video (see unit plan resources)
o Other: depending on what the pre-assessment determines
5. Lesson
Intro: **if pre-assessment determines that students are confident in their knowledge the review will be very
brief and the first assignment will be introduced instead**
Go over what was identified as issues from the pre-assessment
Show Disney figurative language video
Start with the examples of symbolism and figurative language in poems and segments of stories, analyze them as a
group using random questioning and asking for answers
Worksheet will be handed out and students will have the option to work in partners or alone for the remainder of
Exit slip: What questions do you still have about figurative language and symbolism? Give two examples. One of a
metaphor and one of symbolism in literature.
6. Learning Context
The Learners
(i) What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with them to this learning
The students will have finished the pre-assessment and the lesson will be tailored to those needs
(ii) How will I differentiate the instruction (content, process and/or product) to ensure the inclusion of all
learners? Students who need extra help can come see me and can work in partners or small groups for help
7. Assessment
Formative: exit slip, give an example of a metaphor and of symbolism in literature.

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