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Professional Performance Re (School Administrator) Candidate: Ms. Tracey Dimsoy School: Brookdale Elementary Grade Level/Subject(s): 1* Grade All Subjects District: OCSDS Academic Year: 2015-2016 Date of Review: April 6, 2016 Name of Administrator completing this review: Charlene Stokes Title of Administrator: Principal Please respond to each of the items listed below. Describe the extent to which this candidate collaborates with others to advocate for students. Ms. Dimsoy collaborates with her cooperating teacher, grade level team members, and the entire faculty and staff frequently to advocate for students. Describe the extent to which this candidate is an active participant in the professional learning community and works to achieve organizational goals in order to make the entire school a positive and productive learning environment for the students. Ms. Dimsoy actively participated in the professional learning community from the onset of her student teaching experience and throughout the semester. Describe this candidate's written and oral communication skills. Ms. Dimsoy has excellent written and oral communication skills. Describe this candidate's professional demeanor and behavior. Ms. Dimsoy maintains a high level of professionalism, an enthusiastic disposition, and a pleasant personality. Other comments about his candidate in terms of his or her professional performance. Ms. Dimsoy is an extraordinary future teacher. She is passionate about teaching and learning,

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