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g About
Submitted by:

Mesiah Almel F. Manahan

Submitted to:

Father Erwin Dela Cruz

1. Write a critical analysis of the behavior of the main characters.

Vivian Rabaya (Vilma Santos)
Vivian is a well-known businesswoman. She is very powerful and strict when it comes to her company and
her employees. She wants everything perfect or the best. Everybody looks up on her achievement and how she made
a big name on the business industry. In spite of her success shes still longing for her son Albert who chooses his
father over her.
But behind her strong personality there are still things that make her weak. Shes covering something that no
one should know. She is brave in the face of the other people but the truth is she is weak. And one day, she was
diagnosed with cancer and she was forced to tell it to her closest friend, Leo. Her friend Leo was very worried about
Vivians condition thats why he recommended Jaica Domingo (Angel Locsin) as Vivians personal nurse. Vivian
knows whats best for her. She thought that she can live alone. She thought that cancer wont defeat her. Shes still
very optimistic about everything after she knew that she only remaining days to live.
As I observe to Vivian, she uses her strong personality because she doesnt want other people to pity on her.
She wants everyone to know that she cant be defeated by anyone or anything.
Jaica Domingo (Angel Locsin)
Jaica is the personal nurse of Vivian Rabaya. Jaica is a fun, loving and witty woman. She is willing to do
everything for her family to give them their needs. She acts as the bread the winner of her family and stands as the
mother in their house after their real mother left them.
When Jaica entered to Vivians life and started working for her she was really afraid of Vivian but shes so
much willing to help her patient despite of the bad attitude that Vivian have.
Even though Jaica has a sweet personality but she also has this weakness and that is her family which is very
common to any individual that when it comes to their family they are willing to give everything to keep their family

Albert Mitra (Xian Lim)

Albert Mitra is the the son of Vivian Rabaya who chooses his father over his mom. Hes really mad at his
mom because shes always busy to her business and not giving much time on taking care of him.
He was just forced to go back to the Philippines when Jaica told him that his mother is sick. Jaica wasnt
supposed to tell that but she has no choice.
Albert cant give his mother another chance. Hes really angry to what his mom had done to him. But because
of the love and respect that Albert have for his mom he still gave Vivian another chance.

2. Write a reflection of the movie How were you struck personally by the movie/story.
We all have strength and weaknesses at the same time. We used our smiles, laughter or even our most awful
attitude just to cover up our weaknesses.
Were so much willing to do everything for the sake of our loved ones even though our family or friends
misinterpret the concerns we have for them. They dont know what sacrifices they have made just to keep them
happy yet they are still not contented on what you are offering to them.
What I learned on the movie, Everything About Her is that we shouldnt judge other people based on their
attitude that they are showing to other people. We shouldnt rely on our first impressions. Like, Vivian who is very
powerful and dominant but we dont know what she is going through or the reason why she acts like that.

Were only human, were not perfect. Challenges and pains are inevitable. It depends on the person on how he
can handle such things. Its either were going to fight it or allow ourselves to be defeated by these.

3. Who among the characters do you relate with closely and why?
I can relate to Angel Locsins character as Jaica Domingo. She is very free spirited and very
determined woman. She is willing to do everything for the sake of her family. I admire her personality
because after the entire bad attitude that Vivian Rabaya (Vilma Santos) showed towards her shes still
perseveres to help her patient. Jaica and I have similarities like Im willing to give everything to give my
family needs and to help other people. I also use my witty and fun personality to cover up the sadness I have
in my life.

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