Lesson Plan 2 - Social Studies

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Claflin University School of

EDUC 450: Professional Clinical Practice
Reflective Lesson Plan Model
Name: Tracey Lee Dimsoy

Date: 2/10/2016

Title of Lesson
Subject Area (s)
Grade Level

Historical Figures: Rosa Parks.

This is an original lesson.
Social Studies.
1st Grade

Curriculum Standards

1-3.3 Summarize the contributions to democracy that have been made

by historic and political figures in the United States, including Benjamin
Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Dorothea Dix, Frederick Douglass, Mary
McLeod Bethune, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Description and
Background Information

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will play Hangman with the
students, giving them one clue of who the person discussed will be. The
students will guess letters to fill in the blank spaces and ultimately
unveil that the historical figure for the day will be Rosa Parks. I will ask
the students if they know who Rosa Parks is and what she has done to
change the lives of those who came after her. I will then ask a few
volunteers to contribute what they know and write the points on the
chart paper under her name so students can identify whether their prior
knowledge was accurate. I will show the students a BrainPop video that
gives information on Rosa Parks and how she contributed to the Civil
Rights Movement. I will stop the video at key parts to ask questions and
to check for understanding. I will also stop before certain vocabulary
words are explained to identify whether my students are using the
context clues given to understand. After the video I will ask my students
questions about the video to determine whether they can recall the
information given and analyze how the decisions Rosa Parks made
changes the way we live today. I will then show the students the slide on
Rosa Parks that briefly outlines things that she has done in order to
facilitate further elaboration on the points due to what the students have
seen. Students will also be asked to volunteer more points for the slide
in order to create a fact slide on Rosa Parks with the teacher. Using the
knowledge they have gained on from the video and the fact sheet
compiled, students will go their historical figures book and write about

Rosa Parks on their own where they include her life span and three
important facts about her. At the end, students will do the structure
Stand Up, Hands Up, Pair Up to share the information that they have
written and to further share with their peers what they found was
interesting and important about Rosa Parks.

Lesson Objectives

Varying Objectives for

Individuals Needs
(Differentiated Instruction-content;
Process; Product; or Environment)

Students will learn about historical figures in order to be more

knowledgeable about the contributions they have made. Students will
be tested on the historical figures taught and 90% of my students will
get 80% or more correct when tested.
For students who do not understand, there will be a BrainPop video to
ensure that students are visually stimulated and engaged. There will
also be a PowerPoint focusing on the main points that students need to
learn about Rosa Parks. Additionally, library books about Rosa Park and
other historical figures will be made available in the class library for
students to have more information. The class will also discuss the
contributions Rosa Parks made in order to have the information
presented in different ways. Students who have mastered the concept
will be asked to assist other students who may be slower workers or
who may not grasp the concept as quickly. In that way, they as acting as
peer scaffolds and assisting their peers to get to a more knowledgeable
point of view. This also helps students who have mastered the concept
by allowing them to have ownership of the information as they assist
their fellow classmates. For students who are learning English, the
information will be presented in video, in text and through audio. The
information will be seen through different media and there will be class
assistants ensuring that they information is understood. Also, there will
be additional resources such as more books and articles about the
discussed historical figure. The IPads will also be made available to
those students so that they can watch the video again for further

Statement of Purpose

It is important for students to learn about historical figures because

they need to understand how life was in the past and what people did to
influence change in the future. They particularly need to learn about
Rosa Parks as the historical figures segment highlights Black History
and Rosa Park was an integral figure in the Civil Rights Movement as
she sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott. It is important for students
to understand the difference in civil matters in the past and how people
sacrificed their lives to change the way people of different races are

Materials and Resources

Teachers materials:
The laptop and SmartBoard will be used to project the video from
BrainPop Jr on the screen. The teacher will need chart paper and
markers to play Hangman with the students. The teacher will also be
using Powerpoint to present slides on the historical figure. The teacher
will also need additional library books on the historical figure being
discussed (Rosa Parks).

Students materials:
Students will need their historical figures booklet that was made for
them and a pencil. Students may also use IPads once they have
completed their assignments for further research.

Anticipatory Set

The teacher will play Hangman with the students, giving them one
clue of who the person discussed will be. The students will guess
letters to fill in the blank spaces and ultimately unveil that the historical
figure for the day will be Rosa Parks.



At the beginning of the lesson, I will ask the students if they know who
Rosa Parks is and what she has done to change the lives of those who
came after her. I will then ask a few volunteers to contribute what they
know and write the points on the chart paper under her name so
students can identify whether their prior knowledge was accurate.

Teacher Modeling or

I will show the students a BrainPop video that gives information on

Rosa Parks and how she contributed to the Civil Rights Movement. I will
stop the video at key parts to ask questions and to check for
understanding. I will also stop before certain vocabulary words are
explained to identify whether my students are using the context clues
given to understand. After the video I will ask my students questions
about the video to determine whether they can recall the information
given and analyze how the decisions Rosa Parks made changes the way
we live today.

Guided Practice

I will then show the students the slide on Rosa Parks that briefly
outlines things that she has done in order to facilitate further
elaboration on the points due to what the students have seen. Students
will also be asked to volunteer more points for the slide in order to
create a fact slide on Rosa Parks with the teacher.

Checking for

Independent Practice


Examples of questions that I will ask students to check for their

understanding are:
What is Rosa Parks famous for?
What is a boycott?
Explain segregation and an example seen in the video.
What is an activist?
Using the knowledge they have gained on from the video and the fact
sheet compiled, students will go their historical figures book and write
about Rosa Parks on their own where they include her life span and
three important facts about her.
At the end, students will do the structure Stand Up, Hands Up, Pair Up
to share the information that they have written and to further share with
their peers what they found was interesting and important about Rosa

(Give a description and attach
to lesson plan)

The students will complete a question sheet from Brain Pop Jr based on
the video that was shared and the information that was discussed. The
question sheet will be compiled of multiple choice questions. As the
class is Gifted and Talented, the test will comprise of an Easy Quiz
and a Hard Quiz to analyze whether students are grasping the harder
concepts delivered from the information.

Extension Activities

Students will be asked to go home and further research Rosa Parks and
other Civil Rights Activists. Ask students to go to the libraries in their
communities to search for books and to share the information with their
parents and ask if anyone in their family was around during those times
and interview family members who have experienced segregation.


The video used will be projected off of the laptop by the overhead
projector onto the Hitachi Smart Board. The computer will also be used
to project the PowerPoint presentation.

Connection Across the


The students will have to write a fact sheet in the historical figures
journal which incorporates E.L.A. I will incorporate Mathematics by
showing the students Rosa Parks life span and asking them to
calculate how old she was when she died by using the information
given. Science will be incorporated as students will use inquiry skills to
research more information on Rosa Parks. Health will be incorporated
as we will discuss how segregation caused others to not be able to eat
in the same restaurants and be able to drink from the same water
fountains. Physical Education is incorporated because students will be
getting up and walking around while pairing up with their classmates to
share the information they have learned.



Students always enjoy watching BrainPop videos. Students also enjoy journaling
about the historical figures and learning more about history. I have thoroughly
planned out the lessons and have taken into consideration their need to move
and interact with one another. The students answered the questions and enjoyed
engaging each other in discussions.


One weakness that was evident was completely engaging students in the
afternoon. As Social Studies is the last subject area, students are prone to being
restless and as such, my classroom management needs adjusting to work with
the difference in classroom atmosphere. I need to work on setting the tone in
those times and not allowing my students to control the work atmosphere.

Suggestions for

I am continuously working on my time management to ensure that my students

not only can complete everything that is planned, but they learn within the short
time given. I also need to work on smoother transitions as students become
engaged when an activity starts and are slower to move on to another when
already engaged, thus losing time for what needs to be accomplished.

Revised 6-2013

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