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March 15, 2016

Today when I arrived to my worksite at 1:20, I knocked on the door and as soon as I
entered the kids came running towards me screaming Ms. Lulu, and hugging me until almost
dropping me. I have been attending this school and helping student in TK for two years. I had
already met and been helping these students since the beginning of the school year. They call me
Ms. Lulu, because that is my nickname and they have trouble saying my real name which is
Lourdes. The students always greet me like if they havent seen me in days, which is a really
nice feeling. Once the students settled down, I saw the teacher passing out their library books.
They were going to go to the library and get new books, which they do every Tuesday. I went
with them to the library and helped the students pick out new books. I help the teacher keep
control of the children while shes at the computer checking out books. I made sure every student
got a new book and helped them get books off the higher shelfs they cannot reach. Today this
student named Jadiel did not want to listen to me when I asked him to do his work. He kept
throwing books across the room and running around the library. Since he did not listen to me I
went to inform Ms. Karady, she had to stop what she was doing and talk to him. Five minutes
later he kept doing the same thing, the teacher then had to send him to another teacher because
he was misbehaving. Jadiel then starts crying and telling Ms. Karady that he doesnt want to
leave and that he will start behaving. Jadiel then sits down and starts drawing while the teacher
and I return to what we were doing. When we got back to the classroom Jadiel gives Ms. Karady
and I a drawing to apologize for his behavior. When he apologized to me and gave me the
drawing, my heart dropped, it was a nice feeling to feel appreciated. Then we started organizing
their backpacks because it was time to go home. The kids are dismissed at 2:20 every day, as
they walk out the door they scream Bye Ms. Lulu, see you tomorrow, and We love you. I
then stayed in the classroom and corrected their worksheets. I left at 3:00 pm.
Total time spent: 1 hour, 40 minutes.
March 17, 2015
When I got to my worksite today at 1:20, the kids greeted me with big hugs. They told
me they had missed me because they did not see me yesterday and kept asking me why. I then
helped them with their art project; I passed out all the materials and walked around to supervise.
They were making a gum ball machine and counting gum balls and placing the number on the
front. At times it can be hard because when Im helping one student, five other students are
calling my name and asking for help. Its hard because the children do not have patience and
want me to stop what Im doing to help them. It took about forty minutes for the students to
finish their gum machines and the last twenty minutes we use to clean up and put their
homework in their backpacks. The students then left at 2:20 and said goodbye to me with hugs
like usual. When they left I stayed in the classroom and prepared for the next art project. The
kids were going to do umbrellas for the letter U. I left at 3:00 today.
Total time spent: 1 hour, 40 minutes.

March 18, 2016

Today I arrived at my worksite at 1:20, the students greeted me with big hugs, like
always. Today was a difficult day, the students kept misbehaving and not acting like themselves.
They were hyper and all over the place, I think it was because there was a substitute. I tried to
tell the kids not to misbehave, but they just did not listen. They were supposed to work in
centers; centers are when the students work in groups and do different activities. One table can
be a math center and another table can be an art center. The teacher has different centers each
day. Since the students know the routine already, they were supposed to work in centers, but
instead they were playing and talking. I was upset because I knew the students are not like this
and are capable of following directions. Today I just tried my best to help the kids and keep
control of the classroom, since the substitute had a hard time. At 2:00 we started to clean up, at
2:20 the students left and I stayed working on the next art project, I prepped for the letter Q. I
cut out different papers with designs on it, so the kids can make a quilt with different squares of
each paper.
Total time spent: 1 hour, 40 minutes.
March 21, 2016
Today when I arrived at 1:20, I entered and the students were sitting in the carpet and did
not run to greet me. The teacher then had the students apologize to me for their behavior on
Friday when there was a substitute. Today the students were very calm and on task. They were
working on the umbrella art project I had prepped. I walked around and helped students place a
little bit of glue on the paper, since most students pour too much. Although today the students
were good, a student named Jadiel got upset at one of his classmates for not giving him a blue
crayon he was using and hit him. This happened in front of me and I had Jadiel apologize to Ivan
and sent him to Ms. Karady, so he can tell her what he did. He then went to Ms. Karady and told
her that she was going to have to send a behavior note home because he did something bad; he
then told her what he did. Since he owned up to his mistake and said sorry, Ms. Karady did not
send a letter home. We then finished the art project and cleaned up to go home. When the
students left I corrected their homework packets until 3.
Total time spent: 1 hour, 40 minutes.
March 22, 2016
Today I got to my worksite at 1:20 and the students were going to have an ice-cream
party at 1:30. I then helped the teacher clean tables, organize the classroom, and prepare the
food. We then helped the students prepare their plates with ice-cream and whatever topics they
wanted. I walked around and made sure they did not make a mess and I passed out more icecream to those who wanted more. The kids sat down and at their ice cream until 2:00. We then
packed up to go home. After the students left I stayed and cleaned the room and helped the
teacher put up art projects on the wall since tomorrow is open house. I helped her decorate the
room and put a slide show of pictures of the students on the smart board. I stayed until 5 helping
Ms. Karady prepare for open house.
Total time spent: 3 hours, 40 minutes

March 24, 2016

Today I arrived at 1:20, when I knocked on the door I noticed that no one was in the
classroom. I then went to the office and asked where the class was at. They told me that they
were outside in the playground; I then walked over to the playground and saw the class. The
students saw me from far and ran to hug me. I asked the teacher why the students were having
recess, because they normally do not have recess at this time. She then told me that all TK and
Kinder were having extra recess. This is a way to reward the students for good behavior. I then
stood outside with the teachers and helped monitor the students. The students asked the teachers
if I could go play with them and the teacher said yes. The students then grabbed me by the hand
and took me to go play with them. I was playing freeze tag with them until 2:10. We then went
back to the classroom to pick up their backpack and then it was time for them to leave. After the
students left I stayed and help the teacher make new homework packets for the kids. I left at
Total time spent: 2 hours.
April 7, 2016
Today I arrived at my worksite at 11:20 because it was minimum day. When I got there
the students were getting ready to go to lunch. I helped pass out their lunch passes, we then
walked to the cafeteria and left the students eat. After they were done eating we walked them
over to the playground where they had recess. At recess, the students were playing on the swings
and asked me if I can push them. I pushed them and played house. Emma was the mom, Ivan the
dad, and everyone one else were their children. It was fun playing with them and pretending they
were in charge of us. Then when recess was over we went back to the classroom where we
helped the students with their math worksheets. They had to count the number of dots, stars,
hearts, and then had to place the number on the space provided. Most kids did it without help and
a few of them needed the help of teacher or mine. We spent the rest of the day working on math
worksheets and at 2 we started cleaning up to go home. After the kids left I helped Ms.Karady
create memory books for the kids. A memory book is a book with all their art projects from the
beginning of the school year. I left at 4 today, and helped her finish half of the books.
Total time spent: 4 hours, 40 minutes
Total number of hours: 17 hours

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