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SME430 - History of Mathematics

A Beginning Look at Calculus

Mr. Wahman's Whopper Warne Cones - Mr. Wahman eat ice cream. He especially loves waffle cones, but he.can never get the ice cream shop to make them the way he likes them. He wants cones which hold as much ice cream as possible. but without ice cream sticking over the edge of the cone (too messy). He decides to design his own waffle cones. His waffle iron makes circular waffles. which he can twist into a cone by first making one cut along a radius. He needs to know what size cone to make. What are the dimensions of the cone that holds the most ice cream (level to the top)?


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SME430 - History of Mathematics



Goldilocks - Remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Mr. Wahman's favorite part is where Goldilocks eats the three different porridges (the ones that are too hot, too cold, and just right). What happens to the temperature of her spoon as she eats the three porridges?

, a. Start by sketching a graph (spoon temperature vs. time) of this situation.

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b. Get the equipment provided by your teacher and

perform an experiment that models this situation. Collect data carefully and create a table of your results. After you generate data, write equation(s) to fit the data.



SME430 - History of Mathematics

Bank On This! - Y ong Li wants to open a new bank account to deposit all of her money from her teacher's assistant job. Last month, she earned $100 and wants to deposit that money in an account that earns 10% interest annually. However, after researching the different options, she found out that different banks compound the. money indifferent ways .


. Find out how much her original $100 will be worth after one year at each of the following banks, assuming they all offer 10% interest.


Bank Number of times
compounded annually
Bank Amerinerd , twice 'per year . '
Burton First National four times per year
Mobius Bank and Loan 12 times per year
San Lorenzo Savings 100 times per year b.

Find an expression to represent how much the original $100 will be worth after being compounded n times a year.

Yong Li noticed that the more times her interest is compounded. the more money she makes. She then asserted that if her money were compounded continuously, (i.e. an infinite number of times) she would end up with an infinite amount of money!! Is she right? Investigate this relationship and use graphs and analysis to support your answer.

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SME430 - History of Mathematics

Freeway Fatalities - Some people think that the number of freeway accidents could be reduced if cars and trucks were prevented from speeding. In fact, in some countries trucks arelegally required to have special devices (called tachographs)on their wheels which records the truck's speed at all times.

a. A graph showing the speed of a truck in miles per hour over a 6-hour period is shown below. Estimate the total distance the truck has traveled during this time. Then explain how you could get more accurate estimates using the same graph.



8910 Time (hours)




The graph below shows the distance traveled by a different truck over an 8-hour time period. Make and justify as many statements as you can about the truck's speed at various times.









Time (hours)

Look back at your work in both graphs. The answers you got related to the geometry of each graph.

For instance, in the first graph, confirm that the truck traveled about 30 miles from 6:00 to 6:40 am, and 53 miles from 7 am to 8 am. What do the 30 and 53 represent geometrically in the first graph?

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~ In the second graph, confirm that from 8 to 9 am, the speed of the truck is

-\ 'rJ_l 'S!0f€! of irt 50 mph. What does this 50 represent geometrically about the second graph?

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SME430 - H'story of Mathematics

A Fitting Tribute ~ In ancient times, kings and pharaohs made their subjects build towering pyramids to honor them. Their height was intended to link the king to infinity (and therefore eternity). The graphic at.right shows Zoser's step pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt. It was built in 2780~2680 B.C. by Inhotep, chancellor of the king, high priest, healer, and architect. This was the first pyramid and the first building in stone. In six stages or steps, it rises to a height of 204 feet.


Thankfully, we live in enlightened times, but nevertheless you should feel free to use your Senior Class funds to build a pyramid to honor your Calculus teacher.

a. To ensure tbat your teacher is pleased, first design. your square-based pyramid mathematically by selecting a function to model how your pyramid will grow. Your function wi 11 form the out! i ne of one side of your pyramid.' For example, the diagram below shows that the Zoser Step Pyramid grows linearly. You should choose a more interesting function .. Sketch' what your pyramid would look like. It would be good if the pyramid bad a flat top (technically this solid would be called a frustum), so that ceremonies to honor your teacher could be performed on top.

b. Use cardboard to build a scale model of your pyramid.

Each step of the pyramid should be made with one square of cardboard. You will need to determine (mathematically) the correct side length for each square. Show how you did this.

c. If your full-size pyramid will have 1000 times the volume of your model, determine the volume of stone needed for your full-size pyramid.


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S ME430 - History of Mathematics


The following formulas are useful for finding the volumes of typical geometric figures. Note the B is the base area of the solid.

Prism Cylinder Spbere
V=Bh V = nr2h v=1nr3
Pyramid Cone
V=tBh V = tnr2h

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