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History Outline Review





Human in the Past

a. First Human
i. 200,000 YBP (Year Before Present)
ii. In the Great Rift Valley of Africa (Ethiopia)
iii. Know by location of the oldest human fossils that have ever been
Before Neolithic Revolution
a. Paleolithic Era
i. Old Stone Age
1. People use stone tools
ii. Hunter & Gatherer (hunt and gather for food)
iii. Nomads (no permanent homes)
b. Humans migration before Neolithic Revolution
i. About 12,000 YBP
ii. Migrated to
1. Europe
2. Asia
3. Pacific Islands (Oceana)
4. America
a. Freezing of northern oceans
b. Falling sea levels
Neolithic Revolution
a. 10,000 BC
b. People began to grow food and domesticate animals
i. Most farmers were Subsistence Farmers
1. Grow crops for only themselves
c. Settle homes
d. Live as a group
e. Form civilization
After Neolithic Revolution
a. Civilization
i. First 4 civilizations
1. Tigris & Euphrates Rivers (Mesopotamia)
a. Present Iraq
b. First civilization
2. Nile River Valley
a. Present Egypt
3. Yellow River Valley
a. Present China
4. Indus River Valley
a. Present India


ii. Other Civilization

1. Americas
a. Inca
b. Mayan
c. Aztec
d. Olmec (mysterious)
2. Papua New Guinea
b. 7 Characteristics of Civilization
i. Specialization of Labor
1. When different people in society perform different jobs. (one
person, one job)
ii. Art and Architecture
1. Art work and building used to show the values and beliefs.
iii. Infrastructure
1. Jobs and projects ordered by the government to benefit the
iv. Religion
1. The shared symbols, ceremonies and beliefs of a group of
people based on ideas about god or a philosophy for living
v. Organized Government
1. A person or group of people who make laws, build
infrastructure, and maintain order
vi. Writing
1. Writing was first used for keeping records of food and trade.
Later it became necessary for expressing more complex ideas.
2. Writing system
a. Pictographic
b. Phonetic
vii. Social Classes
1. When jobs became specialized, some jobs were more valuable
than others. People became organized by how valuable their job
was to society.
History Sources
a. Primary Sources
i. Sources that of information from that time period
ii. Example
1. Papyrus from ancient Egypt
2. Piece of clothes from Indus river valley
3. The artifact from Yellow River Valley
b. Secondary Source
i. Something that written after the period of time
ii. Example
1. History book in 1990s about Mesopotamia
2. History Textbook
3. Someones opinion about ancient Rome on the internet

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