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`SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

Angel Doughty
High School Art 1
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Teach now

Grade level:

Teach in the future


Standards: Social issues artwork

Impressionist painter Childe Hassam

Theme: Social Issues Artwork

Puzzling the problem with the Solution

Lesson Topic:
Choose 2 contrasting images with a Problem and Solution.
What is an impressionist painter?

Language: I could not determine the language objectives.
Content: Contrasting pictures of hope and despair in modern art
Impressionism in modern America

Learning Strategies: Note taking on social issues in art

Brainstorming as a group on social problems and solutions. There was a good discussion
on social issues and how art can be used to show the contrasting images.
The instructions were listed in a power point presentation. I would have printed out the
power point for my EL scholars so that the instructions were written down rather than
expecting them to understand the assignment by listening to directions.

Key Vocabulary:
Social Issues

Materials: Magazine and internet pictures, drawing paper, Impressionist paintings

Motivation: There is extrinsic motivation from these scholars to complete the

impressionist paintings because they will be given to Veterans on Veterans day. There
was a lot of talk about making sure the projects were relevant to the Veterans.

There was a large group lesson explanation of the problem/solution and the process of
completing a grid for drawing. I would have checked in individually with my EL students so
that I can be sure that there is understanding of the topic and to make sure they
understood the directions. The teacher struggled with class management, and this led to a
classroom environment that is louder than I would like to see. I would make sure that I
clamped down on my procedures and volume control. There were a lot of extra
conversations that made it difficult to concentrate on the instructions given by the
teacher. This could lead to a large loss of instructional time that could be spent on deeper
understanding of the language as it relates to art.

Practice/Application: There was no opportunity for the scholars to discuss the

lesson, but the teacher did a great job with her questioning of the scholars on the
understanding of the 2 art projects. I would have done an individual check in with my EL
Scholars to make sure that they have an understanding of the definitions of these art

The teacher asked the scholars which of our core values these assignments pertains to.
While this is isnt part of a SIOP model, this is a piece that each of our scholars should
know, and relates the assignment back to National Heritage and our mission statement.
This allows for a reflection on why with a common vocabulary that is consistent through
grade levels. This ties back to allowing the scholar to reflect on what was learned. I like
that it could lead to some discussion about the relevance of art in modern society.

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