Brand Elements and Customer Based Brand Equity Pyramid of Apple

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Brand Elements

Brand Name: -


Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered

in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer
electronics, computer software, and online services.
Its hardware products include the iPhone, smartphone, the iPad tablet,
computer, the Mac personal computer, the iPod portable media player, and
the Apple Watch smartwatch.
Apple's consumer software includes the OS X and iOS operating systems,
the iTunes media player, the Safari web browser, and
the iLife and iWork creativity and productivity suites. Its online services include
the iTunes Store, the iOS App Store and Mac App Store, and iCloud.


Apple's distinguishing symbol is the apple with a bite taken out of it.
Although their logo has changed since the 70's (the rainbow apple to the
monochrome apple) the effect on customers is the same. Once they see this icon
on a product, that product is associated with all of the perceptions of the Apple
brand, such as quality and innovation. The product is immediately perceived as
the best of its kind because it has the symbol of the most valuable technology
company in the world. So logo of apple is the element of their brand.


Apple's products are packaged in very simple boxes that are designed to connect
with the consumer. On the outside, the design of the boxes is very plain and
usually only features a picture of the product. It is opening the box for the first
time that makes the package special. There is a department within the company
those are specialize in the designing, packaging and testing which ones elicit the
perfect emotional response on opening. When customers open the box of apple
first it become the memorable moment for them and they want to repeat by
repurchasing the product again.

Apple utilize its variety of slogans to promote their products, for each product
line they have different slogans which describe their importance, benefits, use

and creativity of that product and it does so in creative fashion. Several of their
slogans often emphasize the innovation of their product.
For example, as they use for their App store that "Your iPhone gets better with
every new app." the other best example is which they use for the, ipad is
"Thinner, Lighter, Faster, Face time, Smart Covers, 10 hour battery."
Several slogans also state why Apple's products are better than competitors'
products (including preceding Apple products).
In 2008, the slogan. The first phone to beat the iPhone was used to advertise
the iPhone 3G.
Currently they use slogan for Apple 5 is 'The biggest thing to hap, to iPhone
since iPhone

CBBE Pyramid

When I hear the word `innovation", Apple is the first brand that comes in mind.
Apple also provides such brand which is unique and innovative. It is mostly
considered as the luxury brand worldwide by customers.

Performance & Imagery

In terms of brand performance. I think Apple has set the highest benchmark for
others to follow. Their products are of very high quality offering very good
options, ease of use and beautiful designs This is the reason that they charge a
premium for their products. Apple products are in line with its competitors but
when it comes to supplement, features. I think Apple hoe gone many steps
ahead and has provided users with something revolutionary every time. In terms
of reliability, durability and serviceability, I think there isn't any company even
close to the level of Apple.
The Apple brand is associated with sophistication and technology. Apple
products are generally bought by computer and fashion savvy customers rather
than the usual computer user. This is because they are looking for something
more than functionality and Apple delivers that little extra in a very distinctive
manner. The multi-colored logo itself depicts that Apple is for all races and
creeds. The meaning of the name also gave the company a -friendly and shine.
and warm based personality.

Brand Judgments & feelings

Customer judge the apple by keeping the view 4 things, quality, credibility,
consideration and superiority. Products of apple have good quality and it is one
of the most trusted brands in the world. Being innovative is its core
competency and it has definitely caught the attention of the customer. Apple as
a brand is very close to its customers and has been able to give them what they
want with very close accuracy. This has created a high level of consideration
for the brand with the customers. And it is also the most superior brand in the
The Apple brand spread out feelings of fun, excitement and pride. People who
own Apple products always look forward to using them with a lot of
enthusiasm. The brand through its advertising has created an image of being
diverse and colorful. T. has been deeply etched in the minds of the customer

Apple customers relate to the brand very intimately. Repeat purchases are very
common. They feel a very strong attachment towards the brand because it
portrays a very different image. The person who uses the Apple are feeling
satisfy and feel good and elite by using the Brand. The Apple experience has
created deeper attitudinal attachment in the minds of the customer.

Marketing strategies
Marketing Strategies Apple is also very innovative and efficient in terms of its
marketing strategies and campaigns. Through its marketing advertisement they
communicate with their customers effectively, the advertisements of Apple are
simple, innovative and clear in which they clearly indicate the benefits and
features of the product and they also show that how by using the brand their
lifestyle will change. As in their ads of IPods. they show the how people are
enjoying and dancing on music it creates kind of excitement and image in the
customer mind. When Apple first decided to engage the PC market it aired a
Super Bowl commercial, in the commercial, a young woman with a huge
sledgehammer smashes it into a massive television ...wen, bathing the baldheaded drones mesmerized by the monitor in a brilliant white light.
They also do co-branding in 2004 with Nike, in which a person wearing Nike
products using Ipod and listing music and enjoy his walk. They also do their
promotion through social websites and get the feedback and suggestion from
customers through different blogs, it's kind of customer relationship
management through which they make relation with customer and design the
product according to the customer expectation.
Get a Mac campaign also get positive feedback which run from 2006 to 2009.
In which a person in white shirt introduces himself as "I am Mac" while a man
in a more formal suit-and-tie combination introduces himself as a Windows
personal computer. In which the capabilities and attributes of Mac and PC are
compared and distinguish that how Mac is more beneficial than other.

As on the launch of recent iphone 5 they design a slogan "The biggest thing to
happen to iPhone since iPhone. which get success in customer mind and
remembered by everyone. And they also create two ads, in rust ad they are
showing that how easy it is to share your Thanksgiving photos with your
friends and family and in second ad they are showing how the iPhone 5
automatically cancels background noise while you're making a call. Means
their overall marketing strategies are good and innovative through which they
communicate customers and show the benefits and features of their products
and to get attention of the customers.

Building brand equity

Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on
April 1, 1976, to develop and sell personal computers.
It was incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc. on January 3, 1977, and was
renamed as Apple Inc.

Apple Targeted Emerging Markets

Apple has been developing products for emerging markets since they first
started in 1976. Of course, back then the personal computer was still in an
emerging market.
A lot has changed in the last 35 years, but Apple continues to focus its efforts on
markets that are new and therefore less competitive. Their products arent
usually the first of their kind, but they are almost always the first to get it right.
Take the iPod. It wasnt the first portable mp3 player, but it was the first to be
intuitively designed and well-marketed.
The same could be said of the iPhone for the smart phone market and the iPad
for the tablet market. Apple has come to dominate these niches that are now
well-developed and very lucrative.

Pioneering New Frontiers

You dont have $10 million to spend developing innovative technologies, so
how are you going to stand a chance in an emerging market?
Its not as hard as it sounds.
In the world of online entrepreneurship, theres a new market emerging every
week. Mobile marketing, online video production, and social media services are
all growing fields that arent going anywhere any time soon.
Apple Cultivated Recurring Revenue

True wealth doesnt come from launching one big product or making one big
deal. It comes from tapping into streams of revenue that keep producing profits
month after month. Nobody is better at this than Apple.
It started in 2001 with iTunes, a free music player with a built-in store. Ever
since, Apple has been raking in hundreds of millions of dollars a year from
iTunes sales of music, movies, and books.
In 2008, Apple introduced the App Store. It has been even more lucrative than
iTunes, since Apple gets 30% of every app sale.
Then theres the mobile market. Verizon and AT&T love Apple because their
iPhones are great at inspiring customers to pay extra every month for a data

With all of these different sources of recurring revenue, Apple wouldnt have to
launch another product and they would still be making money for years to

Recurring revenue isnt just for tech industry giants.

The best example of recurring revenue online is membership sites. The concept
is simple in order to gain access to an online resource (videos, guides, and
forums), users must agree to pay a recurring fee.
Another way to make a monthly income is by attracting companies to put
advertisements on your website. If you take good care of your advertisers,
theyll keep paying you for space on your site for as long as you want.
If youre like me and you offer an online service, consider offering your clients
a monthly maintenance program or just a longer contract with more
Apple Embraced Luxury Culture

Why is it that Apple has never offered a budget laptop?

Companies like Dell and Gateway have long been racing to the bottom, trying
to provide the best value at the lowest price.
But Apple has stayed above the fray. The cheapest Macbook ($999) is almost
three times as expensive as the cheapest laptop HP has to offer.
If Apple offered a budget-priced Macbook, Im sure it would fly off the shelves.
They would make (another) boatload of cash. But they wont be doing that any
time soon.
The reason is simple: they like that their products are considered luxury
Owning an Apple product has become a social signifier. Pulling out your
anything indicates that youre doing well enough financially to splurge on a
higher-priced gadget.
Dont Race to the Bottom
People tend to ascribe more value to items with higher prices. So think twice
about trying to have the lowest price in town.
If youre offering a product or service, consider having one luxury option. It
will make your standard prices seem low in comparison.
Better yet, youll likely get a few customers who actually want to shell out more
money to get something luxurious.

Apple Built a Brand

Weve all witnessed Apple-mania first hand.

The phenomenon is widespread: Fortune magazine has named Apple the
worlds most admired company for the last four years (2008 to 2011).
It all comes down to their brand which Apple has artfully developed since
their inception.
Their former tagline, Think Different, didnt just sell computers; it sold a
Apple has also built their brand through consistent design. From the iMac on,
every major Apple product has had the same leading designer, Jonathon Ive.
That means that there has been a unified vision behind the design of the iPod,
Macbook, iPhone, iPad, and more.
Of course, a brand is so much more than a name, marketing campaign, or
aesthetic. The real substance of Apples brand comes from the perception that
their products are intuitive, reliable, and powerful.
Whats in a name?

Its no secret that Apple has fostered their brand by using similar product
names: iPod, iMac, iThis, iThat. All Apple has to do is put a lowercase i in
front of a one syllable word and theyre set.
You can use a similar tactic to create your own brand identity. If youre
choosing a name for your company or for your next product, think about using a
distinctive word that will be versatile. That way, you will be able to use
variations of it in future.

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