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Ruserction Season 7 Episode 3

A Larger World
(Washington DC)(White House Community, Michigan Group Survivors FEMA trailer)(Morning)
(Summer of69 by the artist Bryan Adams playing in the back round)
The camera showed a close up of Jamess Dixon iPod and the summer of 69 was playing on it
while hooked up to wireless speakers. As the song was playing the camera slowly went across
several framed pictures of the Michigan Group Survivors.
As it did it stopped at a picture of James Dixon, Anthony Allen, and Robert Seton and Jamess .
357 revolver was right in front of it and as it was James reached for it and as he did he picked it
up and he checked it for ammo and as he did he saw that it was full and after he saw that he put
it in its holster.
as he did James looked at the picture of himself Anthony, and Robert who were all side by side
smiling and as he saw that Jane walked into the room wearing a bath robe and a towel wrapped
around her head and as she did she said.
Jane Miller: were out of shampoo and conditioner.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: well someones been staying the night here with us the past few weeks using it.
as he said that Jane looked at him and as she did James said.
James Dixon: Ill make sure to get some more while Im out.
as he said that Jane walked up to James and as she did she said.
Jane Miller: good.
as she said that Jane kissed James and as she did they broke off the kiss and as they did
James said.
James Dixon: good.

as he said that Jane walked back into the bathroom and as she did she began to brush her teeth
and as she did she said.
Jane Miller: you better be carful out there.

as she said that James walked over to his iPod and the song ended and as it did James
disconnected it from the speakers and as he did he put the iPod in his coat pocket and as he did
he said.
James Dixon: I always am.
as he said that James made his way to the door and as he did Jane said.
Jane Miller: uh hugh.
as she said that James grabbed his fedora and as he did he said.
James Dixon: Ill be back in a day...2 days tops.
as he said that Jane said.Jane Miller: bye...and good luck.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: see you when I get back.
as he said that he walked out the door and he closed it behind him as he did the camera jumped
to Anthony who was driving a red 2010 challenger and as he was he stopped it at the main
gates and as he did Dr. Brian Wyatt walked up to him and as he did he said.
Dr. Brian Wyatt: these are a list of important medical supplies we need...I separated the list from
least important and most important the top being the most important and the bottom being the
least...that is if you have the time to find any of these things.
as he said that Anthony just looked at Dr. Wyatt with a raised eye brow and as he did Dr. Wyatt
Dr. Brian Wyatt: Right...Ill be on my way.
as he said that he handed Anthony the pice of paper and as he did Anthony set it aside him and
as he did James walked up to the car and as he did James said.
James Dixon: are we ready.

as he said that Samuel raced up to the car and as he did he said.

Samuel: hold up...hold up.
as he said that he walked up to the passengers side of the car and as he did James and
Anthony looked at him and as they did Samuel pulled out a small note book piece of paper and
as he did he said.
Samuel: these are a list of places that might have major food supplies.
as he said that Anthony and James looked at him like they didnt believe him and as they did
Samuel said.
Samuel: Im talking about huge that will last us several years even longer
with rationing.
as he said that James took the piece of paper from Samuel and as he did James said.
James Dixon: where can we find the place.
as he said that Samuel said.
Samuel: theres a storage building more of a wear house actually any way to get to the point...its
right outside of town by the suburbs called the lily storage unit thats where youll find it.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: thank you.
as he said that Samuel said.Samuel: just doing my part.
as he said that he walked up to the main gate and as he did he unlocked it and he opened it and
as he did Anthony drove the car slowly through it and as he did Samuel closed it and locked it
once James and Anthony were out of the community and as they drove away the camera
showed David Pegoueks and Michale Kennan on the wall watching them leave.
The camera jumped back to James and Anthony in the car and as it did James pulled his iPod
out of his coat pocket and as he did James connected his iPod to an aux cord connect to the
radio in the car and as he did Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: no...come on no.
as he said that James flipped through his iPod and as he did he cracked up his iPod and as he
did he pressed play and as he did the song.

One Foot by the artist F.U.N. started to play through the car and as it did Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: Oh god.
as he said that James began to sing along to it and as he did he looked at Anthony as Anthony
began to speed along the road. As they were driving James turned down his iPod and as he did
Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: do you really think its wise for the both of us to be out here while theres a
murder running lose back at home.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: Samuel and his group havent found anything in months were the experts at
everything so its time we gave it a shot and besides Madisons in charge of the case she can
take care of it and herself.
as he said that Anthony nodded his head in agreement and as he did they continued driving
down the abounded city of DC passing a small group of walkers every now and then and as they
did James said.
James Dixon: I think its time we stop looking for survivors and start looking out for our own.
as James said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: what why.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: were low on food, water, ammoniation and just about everything else we cant
bring people into that and expect to share what little we have...and besides we havent found or
came across that much if not any people since we joined this group. So I think its best if we stop
searching and put as much effort as we can into looking for food and water and other supplies
for now. And when we have enough of that maybe well think about letting people back in.
as he said that Anthony grumbled and as he did he said.
Anthony Allen: I dont think thats such a good idea.
as he said that James said.

James Dixon: how so.

as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: we survive in numbers you said it yourself way back in the barn...if we stop
looking for people and start looking out for our own will loose who we are. And I dont think I can
live with that.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: we wont loose who we are thats not in us...thats never in for people
weve got plenty of people...even after the war weve still got almost 200 survivors in our group.
Right now our main concern is supplies and we should stick with that...and worry about finding
people another time.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: tell that to the president then.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: President Allestar thinks hes in charge while hes playing government with his
community but sine weve gotten to the community who do you really thinks in charge.
as he said that Anthony didnt answer him and as he did James looked out there windshield and
as he did he said.
James Dixon: hey stop...this is one of our destinations.
as James said that Anthony slowed the car down to a complete stop and as he did he turned the
car off and he left the key in the ignition as he did James and Anthony stepped out of the car
and as they did James said.
James Dixon: is that it.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: yep.
(Washington DC)(Pharmacy 17 miles away from DC community)
Anthony Allen: its the pharmacy.
as he said that James and Anthony were staring at a Wallgreens pharmacy and as they

were...there were several dead and rotted walker bodies in front of the store and as they saw it
there was blood marks all over the front of the store and dry walker blood print hands all along
the store and some on the bricks of the store.
As James and Anthony saw it James said.
James Dixon: All right lets check inside.
as he said that they walked up to the doors which were closed and as they did James knocked
on them several times and then they waited for the walkers to come to them. As they waited
Anthony said.Anthony Allen: So you and Jane are...
as he said that James said.James Dixon: oh yeah...youve noticed.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: yeah we all kind of have...we all live in the same trailer together remember.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: well it just sort of happened ever since we moved behind those walls...she just
came onto me and I let her in...I dont know what came over me...Ive never felt that way with a
women never since Ive been with...
as he was about to finish his sentence Anthony put his hand on Jamess shoulder and as he did
he said.
Anthony Allen: hey...Im happy you found someone we all are after the shit weve all been
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: thanks.
as he said that there was several bangs against the door and as there were James and Anthony
faced the entrance and as they did it showed several walkers and as it did James said.
James Dixon: maybe when we get back Ill find someone for you to hook up with.
as he said that James and Anthony began to wedge the door open just a crack and as they did
Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: no you dont need to do that...Im fine by myself.

as he said that James said.

James Dixon: what its the least I can do.
as he said that James pulled out one of his broad swords and as he did Anthony aimed his
crossbow at the walker the started to make its way through the crack in the door that James and
Anthony just made and as they did James walked up to it and as he did he said.James Dixon:
Ive got this one youve got the next one right behind it theres only 3 of them.
as he said that Anthony said.Anthony Allen: all right.
as he said that James swung his sword around and as he did he cut the walker in half right
down the center of the chest and as he killed it the second walker broke through the door and it
made its way towards James and as it did Anthony fired his crossbow at it and the crossbow hit
it right in the head and it dropped to the ground dead.
as it did the last walker got stuck in the door and as it did Anthony walked up to the walker he
just killed and he retrieved his arrow and as he did James walked up to the walker stuck in the
door and he cut its head off with his broad sword.
As he did he flung his sword flicking its blood off as he did and he put his sword back in its
sheath and as he did he pulled the walkers body out of the doorway and as he did he said.
James Dixon: all right lets do this.
as he said that the camera jumped to Anthony and James walking out of the pharmacy with
several bags full of drugs and medical supplies and as they walked out of the store they loaded
up the supplies into the trunk of there car and as they did Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: these out to last us several months if not a year or 2 at the most.
as he said that James said.James Dixon: Dr. Wyatt and the others will be pleased with this
as he said that James put the last of his stuff in the trunk and as he did he started heading back
towards the store and as he did Anthony was already halfway there and as he was Anthony
tossed James the keys to the car and as he did he said.
Anthony Allen: stay here and start the car I can get the last of the stuff.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: are you sure.

as he said that Anthony said.

Anthony Allen: yeah Ill only be a minuet.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: all right.
as he said that Anthony made his way into the pharmacy and James walked back to the car and
started it up as he did the camera jumped to Anthony who was in the dark pharmacy. As he was
Anthony started making his way to the back of the store and as he did he saw the last of the
bags of drugs and as he did he reached for them and as he was about to grab them he started
to hear something banging against the wall in a room further in the back of the building.
As he heard it Anthony grabbed the last 2 bags filled with medical supplies and as he did he was
about to head back to the car and as he was he kept getting stopped by the banging he was
hearing in the back of the store.
As he was he sighed and he said.
Anthony Allen: Dam it.
as he said that he dropped the medical supplies and he pulled out his crossbow and as he did
he made his way towards the back of the store. As he did the back of the store was black as
night and as it was Anthony turned on his flash light he had attached to his crossbow.
As he did he made his way towards the banning and as he did he started to smell something
that smelled like rotting flesh.
As he smelled it he covered his nose with his free hand for several seconds until he got used to
the smell and as he did Anthony lowered his hand as he did he turned a corner of as he reached
the end of a hallway and as he did he started to see dry blood marks all across the floor.
As he saw it he continued to follow the blood trail and as he did he saw 2 knocked over cribs
and one crib that was standing up right. As he did Anthony pulled out his hunting knife and as he
did he continued walking down the dark hallway and as he did Anthony got to the end of the hall
and he was in a dark room.
As he was he looked around the room and as he was he saw writing written on the wall in what
looked liked blood. And what the writing said.
If Im quite the monsters won't here me...If Im quiet the monsters won't here me.
that was written on the wall over and over again as Anthony saw that he looked on the ground
and as he did he saw several rotten toddler corpses and as he did he said.

Anthony Allen: Good god.

as he said that he turned around and he saw a walker trying to escape the room and as he did
the walker turned around and as it did the walker was a women and as he saw her it had several
bullet wounds in its chest and as Anthony saw it he saw it also had slits on its wrist and as he
saw it he shot it in the head with his arrow.
The camera jumped back out to James who was leaning on the hood of the car and as he was
Anthony walked out of the pharmacy and as he did he had the last of the medical supplies with
him and as he did he walked right to the trunk of the car and put them in the back of the car with
the rest of the supplies and he closed the trunk and it automatically locked.
As it did Anthony started making his way to the seat next to the drivers seat and as he did
James said.
James Dixon: what took you so long in there.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: nothing all right.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: Are you sure...because you were gone a really long time.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: yes Im can we get to the storage wear house so we can get the hell
out of here...please.
as he said that he got in the car and as he did James said.
James Dixon: Ok...sorry...just wanted to see what was wrong with you...and wanted to help.
as he said that James got in the drivers seat of the car and as he did he started it up and as he
did his iPod automatically started up and started playing a random song from his playlist and as
it did James speed away from the pharmacy.
(Washington DC)(Lily Food and Water Wear House, 60 miles away from White House
the camera showed a shot of the wear house and as it did it showed several back ends of
trucks parked up against the loading area of the wear house and as it did the camera also
showed the place full of walkers and as it did James and Anthony pulled there car right up to the

as they did they shut off the engine and got out of the car and closed there doors behind them
as they did Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: is this the place.
as he said that James looked at the sheet of paper that Samuel gave him and he read it and as
he did James said.
James Dixon: Yeah...its the right place lilys food and water wear house...look at the name on
top of the building.
as James pointed it out Anthony looked to the top of the building and he saw the sign that read
the name of the wear house and as he did he looked down and saw all the walkers and as he
did he said.
Anthony Allen: this place is crawling with are we going to get in.
as he said that James pulled out his machete from his belt and as he did he said.
James Dixon: the old fashioned way.
as he said that he made his way to the fence and as he did he started to tap the top of it with his
machete and as he did Anthony saw what he was doing and as he did he pulled out his knife
and he did the same as James and the walkers started to come towards the noise and James
and Anthony started to slowly kill them that way.
As James and Anthony were slowly killing walkers the camera jumped to the roof of the wear
house and as it did it showed that someone was watching James and Anthony kill walkers
through there sniper and as they were the man spoke through there walkie talkie and as he did
he said.
Man 1: there at the gate right on you want me to open fire yet.
as he said that another man answered back at him through the walkie talkie saying.

Man 2: No dont not yet...I repate not yet...hold your current until they get inside the building
as he said that the first man said.
Man 1: copy that...awating further orders.

as he said that the camera jumped back to James and Anthony and they were finished killing off
the walkers in the court yard of the wear house and as the wear James said.
James Dixon: thats the last of them.
As he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: Yeah.
as he said that James cut the chain that was keeping the gate locked with his machete and as
he did Anthony pushed it wide open and as he did James said.
James Dixon: all right lets check the inside of the building before we go near those trucks to
make sure were the only ones here.
as he said that Anthony said.Anthony Allen: all right.
as he said that the camera jumped inside the wear house and as it did it showed a shot of the
door that James and Anthony were about to enter from and as they were it was locked and after
several seconds it busted open.
as it did James and Anthony were about to walk in and as they were James stopped Anthony
and as he did he said.
James Dixon: lets check for wakers.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: right...right.
as he said that James knocked the door against the wall really hard several times and as he did
he waited several seconds and as he did he said.
James Dixon: all right I dont hear anything or smell anything do you.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: No...I dont either.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: I think its clear lets go.

as he said that James walked into the building first and as he did Anthony followed him and as
he did James said.
James Dixon: Ill check the back of the building you stay here all right.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: all right.
as he said that James pulled out his .357 revolver and as he did he started making his way
through the wear house and as he did he said.James Dixon: and if you see anything or get into
trouble yell...or shout.
as he said that Anthony sarcastically said.
Anthony Allen: yeah no...I thought Id just keep it to myself.
as he said that the camera stayed withe James and as it did it showed him walking through the
wear house and as he was James saw tons and tons of canned goods along with several
packages of bottled water and colored flavored water.
And as he saw it he said.
James Dixon: these supplies really will keep us supplied for years.
as he said that James got to the end of the wear house and as he did James said.
James Dixon: I better start heading back to the front so me and Anthony can check
the front of the wear house and start gathering the supplies.
as he said that James turned around and as he did he was ambushed by 8 men all armed with
automatic Machine guns. And each men were all wearing biker leather from head to tie and as
they were the man in the middle said.
Man 3: dont move.
as he said that James turned around and as he did James kept his hands to his side and as he
did the man said.
Man 3: you screwed up ass hole.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: did I now.

as he said that the man said.

Man 3: and your friend did.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: how did I screw up...can you explain this to me please.
as he said that the man said.
Man 3: this wear house you just so happened to come across belongs to another group...and
that group is ours.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: and just what do you call yourselfs.
as James said that the man chuckled and as he did he said.
Man 3: we are the Legion.
as he said that everyone was silent for several seconds and as they were James burst out
laughing and as he did the group of men looked at each other left and right and as they did the
man spoke up and said.
Man 3: whats so funny.
as he said that James said...between laughs.
James Dixon: its just so funny.
as he said that one of the other men said.
Man 4: what is.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: We are the legion...thats talk like you dont even know who I am.
as he said that the men looked at each other confused and as they did they looked back at
James and as they did the man said.
Man 3: we dont.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: your kidding right.
as he said that the man said.Man 3: No were not...we seriously dont know who you are.
as he said that James said.

James Dixon: my group and I travel all of the country saving the same time we try to
find a place to live to call our home.
as he said that one of the other men in the group said.
Man 5: No still no clue.
as he said that James sighed and as he did he said.
James Dixon: The Michigan Group Survivors...and Im James Dixon there leader and the person
with me is the second in command of the group Anthony Allen.
as he said that the man said.
Man 3: well James Dixon...heres what your going to do...first of all your not going to rob this
place like we heard you talking to your friend about...secondly your going to give us all your
shit...your guns...your food...water and what ever you have on you in that challenger you have
parked out in front and after we get through with that youll take us to your camp so we can be
introduced to the rest of your...what do you call yourself...the Michigan Group Survivors. And
then well take what ever you have at your camp back to ours and well protect you for your shit.
Am I making myself clear...Mr. Dixon.
as he said that James smirked and as he did James said.
James Dixon: ok...heres what were really going to do.
as he said that the camera jumped to Anthony and as it did he was standing by the front door
where James left him and as he was Anthony looked at his watch and as he did he said.
Anthony Allen: where the hell is James he should have been back by now.
as he said that Anthony all of a sodden heard gun fire coming from the back of the wear house
and as he did it sounded like a lot of gun fire. As he heard it Anthony made his way towards it
and as he did the camera jumped back to James.
As it did it showed him hiding behind several boxes and being fired upon by 5 remaining guys
and the camera showed that he killed 3 of the guys and there bodies were dead on the ground.
As James was taking cover behind the boxes he had his .357 revolver out and as he did James
killed another man. And as he dropped to the ground dead one of the remaining men said.
Man 3: your not going to win this surrender now and you might walk away from this.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: never.

As the gun fight continued one of the men talked to the man who just spoke and as he did he
Man 6: should we call for back up we just lost half our man power.
as he said that the man said.
Man 3: No...we can take em.
as he said that an arrow came flying right to the guys head and as it did the 6th man who just
spoke dropped to the ground dead and as he did the camera showed who fired the arrow and it
was Anthony Allen.
As it showed it Anthony and James finished killing off the last of the men and as they did James
James Dixon: thanks for the help.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: no problem...what are friends for right.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: all right lets get one of these trucks started up and back to camp...and then we
can get a supply party together to get the rest of these supplies out of here.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: do you think we got all of these men.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: I dont know...they called them selves the legion...if we didnt kill them all then Im
sure well be seeing them again.
as he said that the camera jumped to James and Anthony outside of the wear house and James
hot wiring one of the loading trucks and as he was the truck started up and as it did the camera
showed the man on the roof with the sniper rifle watching Anthony and James as they were
starting up the truck and as he was he saw Anthony get into the challenger and James stay in
the truck.

And as he did Anthony drove off first and James followed him in the truck and as he did they left
the wear house and as they did the man on the roof of the wear house got of the wear house
and as he did he walked to the road and he started walking down the road following the direction
that James and Anthony took off in.
(Screen goes black)(End Scene)

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