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Exhibition Guide Questions

Below are questions that can help guide your discussions during your visit to our Exhibition, some
were suggested by another PYP school and some were added by our Year 5 students. The Year 5
students are excited to share their knowledge with you. As Mandarin is the additional language they
learn at HKA, the questions below are presented in both English and Mandarin. Some children will
feel comfortable answering some of your questions in Mandarin. In order to save trees, we ask that
you return this guide so that others may use it. Thank you very much for visiting our PYP Exhibition.

• Why did you choose this area to focus on?


• What were your reasons for choosing your lines of inquiry?


• What have you discovered about Hong Kong as a result of your inquiry?

• Were there any challenges in working with your Exhibition group?


• In what ways did your mentors assist you?


• Why did you choose to present in this way?


• How did you work as a group to come up with your presentation method?

• What was your biggest challenge?


• How will this Exhibition experience help you in life?


• Can you give me at least one form of action that you have taken as a result of
your inquiry?

• Is there any action that you recommend I take as a result of your inquiry?

• If you could do this Exhibition all over again, is there anything you would do
differently and if there is, why?
假如讓你把展覽重新再做一次,您會作出任何改動嗎?為什麼 ?

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