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International School Nadi

MYP Year 3 (Grade 9)-Computer Technology

UNIT: Motions Aid learning
Duration: 7 weeks

Essential Question:

How can computer animations be used as a learning aid?


Animation1 has historically been produced in two ways. The first is by artists creating a succession
of cartoon frames, which are then combined into a film. A second method is by using physical
models, e.g. King Kong, which are positioned, the image recorded, then the model is moved, the
next image is recorded, and this process is continued.

Computer animation can be produced by using a rendering machine to produce successive frames
wherein some aspect of the image is varied. For a simple animation this might be just moving the
camera or the relative motion of rigid bodies in the scene. This is analogous to the second
technique described above, i.e., using physical models. More sophisticated computer animation
can move the camera and/or the objects in more interesting ways, e.g. along computed curved
paths, and can even use the laws of Physics to determine the behaviour of objects.


Your task in this project is to design and create a simple Flash animation which can be used as a
learning aid.

• Investigate a real life need or problem of someone you are familiar with in the Very
ISN community, which you would address by creating a learning aid using
animation software.
• Plan how you can address this need by creating a computer animation.
• Evaluate your own work and the process in writing.

important: The different stages of the design cycle – namely, investigate, design, plan, create
and evaluate must be documented in your Design Folder.

A short note about Design Folder:

As you progress through the different stages of the design cycle, you are constantly experimenting
with ideas, researching topics, compiling sources, brainstorming issues, sketching possible
solutions, making changes, rejecting proposals and critically evaluating your work. All relevant
activities and outcomes should be recorded, and dated, in the design folder.


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Criteria for success:
• Identify a person/or a group for whom you are going to create an animation.
• Identify the topic on which you want to work on.
• Make the product/solution.
• Document the entire process and complete your design folder.

• To develop practical skills in computer animation.
• To develop understanding of all phases of the “Design Cycle”
• Use knowledge, skills and techniques to create products/solutions of appropriate quality.
• Develop problem- solving, critical and creative thinking skills through the application of
the design cycle.
• Use and apply ICT effectively as a means to access, process and communicate information,
and to solve problems

• Computers with Flash animation software.
• These websites/ resources could also be useful in your project.
o #A simple example ( Important
concepts of animation are explained in this Wikipedia article)
o Important concepts of Flash are explained
o This is the tutorial that will give you
more practice.
Getting Started tutorials in Year 9 Folder on DC Server. This will discuss the important
features of Flash MX 2004.

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Assessment criterion to be used in this project:

Level Investigate Design Plan Create

*product is clear example
* At least four different of what was planned
*comprehensive brainstorm designs ( in the form of * Produces a step
story boards ) are given by step plan that * a high level of skill has
* At least three different sources are used. contains a number been demonstrated
Information from the sources are evaluated * Each design is of understandable working with hardware /
compared against the steps. software
* design brief clear& concise design specifications
and pros and cons of * A time line is
*interview/survey has introduction, relevant each designs are present with the *Detailed process journal
questions, well presented with excellent identified scale clearly with dated journal entries
5-6 analysis/conclusions
* The reasons for the
marked .( Gantt
chart )
and images/screen shots
showing evidence of the
*Case study is highly detailed with screen shots selection of a particular creation process.
of various animations studied complete with design are clearly given
short notes about your observations. * A list of material
/software/hardware * Journal entries follows
*design specification contains at least 6 relevant *Final design ( chosen requirements with the prescribed format
pts design ) conveys all the quantity
information on the required is given.
*Describes at least one test to test the finished various characters used
product based on the design specifications in the animation and the
course of animation.
* Very well written bibliography following MLA

*product is a good
*Attempts to do brainstorming * At least three different * Produces a step example of what was
designs are given by step plan that planned
* At least two different sources are used. contains some
Attempts to evaluate the information from the * Some designs are understandable * a good level of skill has
sources. compared against the steps. been demonstrated
design specifications working with hardware /
and pros and cons of the * A time line is software
*Clear design brief designs are identified present (Gantt
chart ) necessary * process journal with
3-4 *interview/survey has conducted.
Results/Findings are not analysed.
* The reasons for the
selection of a particular
markings missing. dated journal entries and
images /screen shots
design are not properly showing evidence of the
* Case study with some details about the given * A list of material creation process.
various animations studied. Short notes are /software/hardware
included. requirements * Journal entries present
*Final design( chosen given.
*design specification contains at least 4 relevant design ) conveys most
pts information on various
characters used in the
*Mentions a test to test the finished product animation and the
based on the design specifications course of animation.

*Bibliography included, some essential elements

are missing.

* Brainstorming not present * At least two different * Step by step plan *product is a moderate
designs are given lack necessary example of what was
details. planned
* Some sources are used. Evaluation of * Comparison of
information from the sources missing designs against the * moderate level of skill
design specifications * An attempt to has been demonstrated
*An attempt to write design brief missing make a time line. working with

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*some evidence an interview/survey has been * The reasons for the * A list of some of
conducted selection of a particular the
1-2 design are missing materials/software/
* rudimentary process
*Very rudimentary case study. requirements
*Final design( chosen given
*Attempts to write design specification design ) conveys some
information to make
* No tests mentioned . product

* Very poorly written Bibliography .

No evidence of achievement No evidence of No evidence of No evidence of

0 achievement achievement achievement

Design brief: The student’s response to the challenge, showing how they intend to solve the problem they
have been presented with. This will guide their investigation as they work to develop a more detailed
design specification.

Design specification: A detailed description of the conditions, requirements and restrictions with which a
design must comply. This is a precise and accurate list of facts such as conditions, dimensions, materials,
process and methods that are important for the designer and for the user. All appropriate solutions will
need to comply with the design specification.

Levels Evaluate Attitudes in Technology

The student always displays:
A thorough and well set out evaluation that *safe / responsible working habits
*a high level of involvement in the
*evaluates quality of finished product by the tester/ learning process
user and as well as by the student.
*a collaborative approach to tasks
*evaluates product as compared to design carried out in the class/ laboratory
*an independent and resourceful
5-6 *evaluates any modifications or improvements that approach to his/her work
could be made to product
* a high level of organisation
* Evaluates performance of student in each stages
of the Design Cycle and suggests improvements
that could be made.

A moderate evaluation that attempts to : The student displayed:

*evaluate quality of finished product by the tester/ *safe/ responsible working habits
user and as well as by the student.
*a good level of involvement in the
*evaluate product as compared to design learning process
*a collaborative approach to tasks
*evaluate any modifications or improvements that carried out in the class /laboratory
3-4 could be made to product
*an independent approach to his/her
* Evaluate performance of student in some stages work
of the Design Cycle
* a good level of organisation

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Incomplete evaluation The student displayed an inconsistent
level of:
* of the quality of the finished product *safe/ responsible working habits

1-2 * of the product compared to the design

*involvement in class

*collaboration with peers

* of the performance of student in all the stages of
the Design Cycle. *working independently


No evidence of achievement No evidence of achievement


Design Cycle – Animation project

Community &

Attitudes How can I best use
How can the technology
animations be used available to solve
as a learning aid ? the identified

ATL Ingenuity

Evaluate Design
How can I best use What are some of
reflection to the possible ways I
improve my can solve the
product and the use identified
of design cycle? problem?

Create Plan
How can I best use How can I best use
my skills and
my time and
ATL , available technology
Human Ingenuity to create the solution resources to solve
and Community to help someone in the identified
and Service need?? problem? ATL

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Your Design Folder should be arranged in this order
Identify the problem
I have described the problem
I have written an explanation on why the problem is important,
relating to my life and or society
I have written an explanation on why solving this problem is relating
to the AOI’s?

Some of the questions that are considered in the investigation

How can I use Flash MX 2004 for 3D animations?
(Attach the answer to this in the investigation section (should
contain screen shots, source evaluation and relevant citation).
How can I create a learning aid using Flash MX 2004?
(Attach the answer to this in the investigation section ( should
contain screen shots, source evaluation and relevant citation)
I have included an interview/ survey with my client(s).
Develop Your Design Brief
I have written down a design brief: explaining what am I going to do
to solve the problem
I have referred to at least four different types of resources in the
investigation section
I have evaluated my sources of information (I have explained why I
chose them and justified their use).
I have included a complete bibliography at the end of investigation
Develop Your Design Specification:
I have concluded the investigation by formulating design
specifications. I have included a table of essential and desirable
characteristics. I have written down design specifications which my
product/solution must meet.
I have designed and explained test(s) which I will use in order to test
my finished product based on my design specifications.( The best
way here will be a check list ).Minimum of 3 tests explained to attain
level 5-6 band.

I have included a variety of designs (At least three different

designs- The designs here will be hand drawn sketches showing
possible animations)
For explaining my designs, I have used many techniques like
sketches, labeled diagrams with explanations etc.
I have evaluated each design critically against the design
specification (questionnaire/check list might be the easiest- can
also include PMI analysis)
I have justified the selection of a particular design.

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I have included a time line with Gantt chart ( Gantt chart should
show planning and scheduling tasks over time )
I have included a step by step plan ( How the CREATE stage will be
carried out )
I have included list of materials /hardware and software.
I have critically evaluated my time plan. I have tried to answer the
following questions
o Was the plan was detailed enough and why?
o Could it be followed by someone else and why?
o Have I used all the resources available to me?
I have justified any modifications that seem necessary at this stage
to my original design.

Make the product and show evidence of the following

I have made dated journal entries in my process journal.
I have explained the tools and techniques used in the process of
I have included evidence in the creation phase that I have followed
my time plan.
I have justified any changes I made to my plan during the creation
I have included screen shots and other photographic evidences of
the key phases of creation.
I have kept notes in process journal about how well I worked,
problems encountered, and use of time - to be used in the

I have included the feedback received from my testers /user in

proper format.
I have analyzed the results of questionnaires if any, used for testing
my product / solution.
I have included a detailed evaluation of my own performance at
each stage of the design cycle by discussing the strengths and
weaknesses of each stage. I have included my observations on how
each stage could have been improved.
I have compared my predicted time plan with the actual and gave
reasons for the changes
I have included a discussion on the impact of my product on me,
others and/or the environment.

I have displayed enthusiasm, motivation and initiative in completing

this project
I have worked well both in class and outside the class
I have met all the deadlines

Date Issued: 22nd April, 2010

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Date Due: 2nd June, 2010

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