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Running head: CURRICULUM MAP

Curriculum Map
Elisabeth Judd
Arizona State University
PPE310: Dr. Hesse
14 April 2016

This curriculum map is an overview for third grade in the Roosevelt School District. The third grade classrooms at Valley View
Elementary in the Roosevelt School District are all general education classrooms, which cover all areas of content. This specific
curriculum map is for integrated English language arts, which includes science and social studies.


3rd Grade Overview Integrated ELA Block

August 3
September 11

September 14
October 16

1 - Asking Questions and
Reading Closely

2 - Key Ideas and

Details: Reading for

ELA Standards

Science/S.S. Topics

RF.3, RF.4
RL.1, RI.1, RL.4, RI.4, RL.10, RI.10
L.1, L.4, L.6
W.4, W.8
SL.1, SL.3, SL.6

Sci. Life Science: Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems

RF.3, RF.4
RL.2, RI.2, RL.3, RI.3
L.1, L.2
W.2, W.3,
SL.1, SL.2

S.S. The United States and Government

Supporting Science Objectives Inquiry Process; History and Nature of Science

Power Standards RL.1, RI.1, RL.4, RI.4, RL.10, RI.10, L.4, W.4
Supporting S.S. Objectives Geography; Current Events; Research Skills for

October 19
November 24

3 - Text Structure

RF.3, RF.4
RL.5, RI.5, RL.7, RI.7
L.1, L.2, L.3
W.2, W.3, W.7, W.10

Sci. Physical Science: Light

S.S. Early Civilizations: Ancient Greece and Rome
Supporting Science Objectives Inquiry Process; History and Nature of Science
Supporting S.S. Objectives Geography; Current Events; Research Skills for

Power Standards RL.1, RI.1, RL.4, RI.4, RL.10, RI.10, L.4, W.4

November 30
January 16

4 - Perspective/POV

RF.3, RF.4
RL.6, RI.6, RI.8
L.1, L.2, L.5
W.1, W.3, W.7, W.8

S.S. Exploration and Colonization of the New World

Power Standards RL.1, RI.1, RL.4, RI.4, RL.10, RI.10, L.4, W.4
Supporting S.S. Objectives Geography; Current Events; Research Skills for


February 20

5 Applied Learning
Across Texts

RF.3, RF.4
RI.9, RI.8
L.1, L.2
W.2, W.7, W.8
SL.4, SL.5

Sci. Physical Science: Sound

S.S. Civil War

Power Standards RL.1, RI.1, RL.4, RI.4, RL.10, RI.10, L.4, W.4

February 22
March 28

6 - Literature and
Character Study

RF.3, RF.4
RL.9, RI.10
W.1, W.7, W.8
SL.4, SL.5

S.S. Immigration
Sci. Earth and Space Science: Earth

Power Standards RL.1, RI.1, RL.4, RI.4, RL.10, RI.10, L.4, W.4

April 4
May 20

Supporting Science Objectives Inquiry Process; History and Nature of Science

Supporting S.S. Objectives Geography; Current Events; Research Skills for

Use data to reteach and extend

Sleep Mini Lesson

Supporting Science Objectives Inquiry Process; History and Nature of Science

Supporting S.S. Objectives Geography; Current Events; Research Skills for

S.S. Foundations of Economics: Needs vs. Wants, Goods and Services,

Trade, Personal Finances
S.S. Environment and Society


3rd Grade Science Concept 4: Diversity, Adaptation, and Behavior Identify plant and animal adaptations. PO 1. Identify adaptations of
plants and animals that allow them to live in specific environments. PO 2. Describe ways that species adapt when introduced into new
environments. PO 3. Cite examples of how a species inability to adapt to changing conditions in the ecosystem led to the extinction of
that species.
Objective: Understand adaptations that allows animals to sleep and compare adaptations to human behaviors related to sleep.
Materials: pictures of different animals in different regions of the world

Each group will get a picture and make observation to interpret adaptations portrayed that would allow for ideal sleep.
The students will have to then circle on the picture the specific features that enhance the animals ability to sleep in that

On a poster board students will explain each circled feature, including what the adaptation is, how it relates to the environment

and how it helps that animal sleep.

Students will write at least three sentences on what humans would do to sleep in that environment and compare it to the

adaptation of the animals.

Lastly, there will be a class discussion on what humans need to have in their environment for an ideal nights sleep. Discussion
will also include ideal sleep behaviors and patterns and how these affect function properly the next day.
Sun Safety Mini Lesson

Concept 1: Changes in Environments: Describe the interactions between human populations, natural hazards, and the environment. PO
1. Describe the major factors that could impact a human population (e.g., famine, drought, disease, improved transportation, medical


Objective: Understand the importance of being sun safe and explain the preventative measure they can take to stay safe.
long sleeve shirt

Teacher will introduce the idea of global warming and how it affects the amount of sunlight in our environment.
The class will have a discussion on the effects of too much sun, both immediate and lifelong on the human population.
Students will do a scavenger hunt to find items that may help. Sun safety items will be placed on the playground. Students will

have 5 minutes to list on a piece of paper all of the items that they see on the playground that will help with sun safety.
This will include materials previously listed, as well as awnings, and trees.
The final step will include the class coming back together and discussing how each item found helps us to be sun safe.
Sustainability of Fresh Water Mini Lesson

Concept 3: Organisms and Environments understand the relationships among various organisms and their environment. PO 5.
Describe how environmental factors (e.g., soil composition, range of temperature, quantity and quality of light or water) in the
ecosystem may affect a member organisms ability to grow, reproduce, and thrive.
Objective: List the ways humans use water and discuss what might happen to organisms in the environment if we did not have enough



Tub of colored water with level marked

An empty tub for each possible use of water
A plastic cup


Students will think about different ways they use water throughout their days
Student volunteers will state one of the ways they use water. Students will record the water usage on the board, take a cup of

water from the source bucket and pour it into the appropriate bucket, based on use.
The class will see the water level in the source bucket drop throughout the day, and be able to determine which use was most

frequent based on the level of water in the other buckets and the end of the day.
We would discuss what happened to the water level throughout the lesson and what would happen in the environment if we ran

out of water.
The students would pick at least 3 ways we can reduce the amount of water being used in the classroom.

Map/Scope and
Integration of
Health Topics

Teacher Content

Exemplary (5)
Your Assignment includes:

A cover page that includes the

followingname, the course, the
assignment, the date and an
appropriate Running head in APA
format. Your cover page should
include a page number.
District provided curriculum
map/scope and sequence
appropriate for placement

Proficient (3)
Your Assignment includes:

A cover page that includes most of

the followingname, the course, the
assignment, the date and an
appropriate Running head in APA
format. Your cover page should
include a page number.
District provided curriculum
map/scope and sequence appropriate
for placement classroom.
Highlighted text, outlining most of

Unsatisfactory (1)
Your Curriculum Map includes:

A cover page that includes some of the

followingname, the course, the
assignment, the date and an appropriate
Running head in APA format. Your
cover page should include a page
District provided curriculum map/scope
and sequence is not appropriate for
placement classroom.
Highlighted text, outlining some of the


Score: x2

Plans (IP)


Highlighted text, outlining the

followingSleep = Blue, Topic of
your Choice = Yellow, Healthy
Environment/Sustainability = Green
Integration of the health
components do not detract from the
academic content
Teacher regularly implements a
variety of subject-specific
instructional strategies to enhance
student content knowledge.
Specifically, places that logically
fits into the academic content that is
being taught, where you can teach
three separate mini lessons; one
about sun safety, one about sleep,
and one about environmental
health. (TCK-Tap)
References are included where
This rubric is attached at the end of
the document
Your word document file name
includes your last name, first name,
assignment #, and your class
section #
There are no writing, grammatical
or spelling errors
Your assignment was placed in your
E-Portfolio under the Healthy
Curriculum Development tab
Curriculum map includes: (IP)
o Evidence that assignment is
appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests of

the followingSleep = Blue, Topic

of your Choice = Yellow, Healthy
Environment/Sustainability = Green
Integration of the health components
sometimes detract from the academic
Teacher sometimes implements a
variety of subject-specific
instructional strategies to enhance
student content knowledge.
Specifically, places that logically fits
into the academic content that is
being taught, where you can teach
three separate mini lessons; one about
sun safety, one about sleep, and one
about environmental health. (TCKTap).
References are included where but
not on the last page of the document
This rubric is attached but not at the
end of the document
Your word document file name
includes most of the following last
name, first name, assignment #, and
your class section #
There are few writing, grammatical
or spelling errors
Your assignment was placed in your
E-Portfolio however it was placed in
the wrong section
Curriculum map mostly includes: (IP)
o Evidence that assignment is
appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests of

followingSleep = Blue, Topic of your

Choice = Yellow, Healthy
Environment/Sustainability = Green
Integration of the health components
often detract from the academic content
Teacher rarely implements a variety of
subject-specific instructional strategies
to enhance student content knowledge.
Specifically, places that logically fits
into the academic content that is being
taught, where you can teach three
separate mini lessons; one about sun
safety, one about sleep, and one about
environmental health. (TCK-Tap).

References are not included

This rubric is not attached at the end of
this document
Your word document file name includes
some of the following last name, firs
name, assignment #, and your class
section #
There are many writing, grammatical or
spelling errors
Your assignment was not embedded
into your E-Portfolio
Curriculum map sometimes includes:
o Evidence that assignment is
appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests of all
learners you teach and;


all learners you teach and;

3, 1 page, double spaced
mini-lessons in teacher talk
format, one for sleep, one
for sun safety, and one for
environmental health
A brief narrative summary
describing your grade, the
school district, describe
your classroom context and
other pertinent information

all learners you teach and;

2 of the 3 following, 1 page,
double spaced mini-lessons
in teacher talk format, one for
sleep, one for sun safety, and
one for environmental health
A brief narrative summary
describing your grade, the
school district, describe your
classroom context and other
pertinent information

1 of the 3 following, 1 page,

double spaced mini-lessons in
teacher talk format, one for
sleep, one for sun safety, and
one for environmental health
A brief narrative summary
describing your grade, the
school district, describe your
classroom context and other
pertinent information

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