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© © @ o © Page 3 SECTION ‘Answer ALL the questions inthis section, Al working must be clearly shown, Using a calculator, or otherwise, determine the exact value of @ ‘ (marks) (©) Wete your answer in Pa (a) ) comect one significant Figure. GG) Write your answer in Part (a) (i) standard form, == marks) ()_MrMitcetl deposited $40 000 in bank and eared simple interest at 7% per anmom fortwo years Calculate the amount he will receive a the end ofthe two-year period Gi) Mr Williams tought a plot of land for $30 000. The value of the land appreciated by 7% each yar. Caleulate the valve of the land after peti of two years 4 marks) ‘Total 12 marks Simply #21 Os at? + 20% w wea (amar) xpress. single faction: » .4 Bat : marks) Solve for x, given ae -e+2=0 mars) 012340200" 2008 ‘Total 10 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Page 4 4. (@)_Aclubhas 160 members, some of whom play tennis (T) or cricket (C) ot both. 97 play. tennis, 86 play cricket and 10 play neither, x play both tennis and cricket. (Draw Venn diagram to represent this information, (i) How many members play both tennis and exicket? (marks) (©) Ima beauty contest, the scores awarded by eight judges were: 59 67 «68 «6567 BZ HL 3 (Using the eight scores, determine: 2) the mean b) the median the mode (a) Only six scores are to be used. Which two scores may be omitted 10 leave the value of the median the same? (6 marks) Total 11 marks 4 @)——@_—_ Using the formula ceN Dn calculate the value of ¢ when m= 20 and n = 48. Gi) Express m as subject of the formula in (a) (i) above. (S marks) (b) _ Inthe diggram below, not drawn to seale, EFGH isa rectangle, The point D on HG is such that ED = DG = 12emand GDF = 43°, FE F XZ,_1. " D<— I2em —> Catclate comet to one decimal place (0, the length of GF Gi the engtn of HD (iit) the size of the angle HDE. (7 marks) ‘Total-12 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (012340200 2004 Page 5 5. Amanswer sheet is provided for this question. (2) On the section of the answer sheet provided for 5 (a): (@ write down the coordinates ofthe point P Gi) drawa line segment PQ through the point, P, such thatthe gradient of PQ is a3 G marks) 2 (©) Onthe section ofthe answer sheet proved for 5 (6): @ draw the reflection of quadrilateral Ain the mirror line, labelled My. Label its image B. (Gi) draw the reflection of quadrilateral B in the mirror line, labelled Mf. Label is image C. (4 marks) (©) Complete the sentence in part (c) on your answer sheet, describing FULLY the single geometric transformation which maps quadrilateral A onto quadrilateral C. marks) Total 10 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (012340200 2004 Page 6 6. The amount a plumber charges for services depends on the time taken to complete the repairs plus a fixed charge, “The graph below shows the charges in dollars () for repairs in terms of the number of minutes (¢ taken to complete the repairs. @ o © @ © © “What was the charge for a plumbing job which took 20 minutes? (mark ) How many minutes were spent completing repais that cost: $3800 i) $20.00 (@ marks) ‘What is the amount of the fixed charge? (mark ) ‘Calculate the gradient of the line. (@ marks) “Write down the equation of the Tine in terms of d and ¢ (2 marks) ‘Determine the length of time taken to complete a job for which the charge was $78.00. G marks) ‘Total 11 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (012340200 2004 ) A piece of wire is bent in the form of a circle and it encloses an area of 154 emi. @ — Cateutate: a) the radius of the circle b) the circumference of the circle. ‘The same piece of wire is then bent in the form of a square. Gi) Calculate the area enclosed by the square. (6 marks) ‘The diagram below shows a map of Baytime drawn on a grid of I em squares. The scale of the map is 1:100 000. L+4 South) Port (Find tothe nearest km, the shortest distance between Rose Hall and South Port Gi) Determine the bearing of South Port from Spring Hall. (6 marks) ‘Total 12 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012340207F 2004 Page 8 & —_Tworecipes for making chocolate drinks are shown in the table below. @ ©) © @ ‘Cups of Mitk | Cups of chocolate Recipe A 3 2 Recipe B 2 1 ‘What percent ofthe mixture using Recipe A is chocolate? (2 marks) By showing suitable calculations, determine which ofthe two recipes, A or Bi richer in chocolate. (2 marks) If the mixtures from Recipe A and Recipe B are combined, what is the percent of ‘chocolate in the new mixture? (2 marks) ‘A vendor makes chocolate drink using Recipe A. 3 cups of milk and 2.eups of chocolate can make 6 bottles of chocolate drink. A cup of milk costs $0.70 and a cup of chocolate costs $1.15. (i) Whatis the cost of making 150 bottles of chocolate drink? (ii) What should be the selling price of each bottle of chocolate drink to make an ‘overall profit of 20%? (marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01234020/F 2004 Pages SECTION ‘Answer TWO questions inthis section ALGEBRA AND RELATIONS, FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS 9. (a) Thetabletetow shows corresponding valves for? and r ™ 4 os a 7 02, 2 ” Given that P varies directly a8, calculate the vale of mand (marks) (©) Inthe diagram below, not drawn to scale AKLM and ASTI ar both rectangles, a x eee te a J ir 5 0 IL Given that AS = Sem, AJ = 2rem, SK = 3.em and JM = Sem (Obtain an expression, in tems of x forthe area of rectangle AKLM. i) Given thatthe area of rectangle ALM i 60 em, show that 28+ Te 15-0 (ii) Hence calculate the value of and state the length of AK and AM. (© marks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012340207 2004 10. Page 10 [A vendor buys x kg of peanuts and y kg of cashew nuts @ © © (To get a good bargain, she must buy a minimum of 10 kg of peanuts and a ‘minimum of 5 kg of cashew nuts. Write TWO inequalities which satisfy these conditions. ii) She buys no more than 60 kg of nuts. Peanuts cost $4,00 per kg and cashew nuts ‘cost $8.00 per kg and she spends at least $200. ‘Write TWO inequalities which satisfy these conditions. (S marks) Using a scale of 2 em to represent 10 kg on each axis, draw the graph of the FOUR inequalities in (a) () and (a) (i). ‘On your graph, shade ONLY the region which satisfies all four inequalities. (6 marks) “The profit on the sale of 1 kg of peanuts is $2.00 and on 1 kg of cashew nuts is $5.00. (Using your graph, determine the number of kilograms of each t}pe of nut the ‘vendor must sell in order to make the maximum profit. Gi) Calculate the maximum profit. (4 marks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01234020/F 2008 Page 11 GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY 11, (@)_Inthe diagram below, VWZ and WXYZ are two circles intersecting at W and Z SVT'is a tangent tothe circle at V, VWX and VZY are straight lines, TVY = 78° and SVX = 51°. Y Calculate the size of EACH of the following angles, giving reasons for your a va » x (marks) ©) @__Drawa diagram to represent the information given below. Show clearly the north line in your diagram, ‘Town F is 50 km east of town G. ‘Town His on a bearing of 040° from town F. The distance from F to H is 65 km. Gi) Calculate, tothe nearest kilometre, the actual distance GH. Calculate, to the nearest degree, the bearing df H from @G. (11 marks) Total 15 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012340200" 2004 Page 12 12, (a) Given that sin (Express in fractional or surd form the value of cos 6 Gi) Show that the area of triangle CDE is 150 V3 square its, where CD = 30 units and DE = 20 nits. (Giiy Calculate the length ofthe side EC. * marks) () In this question, use = 3:14 and assume the earth to be a sphere of radius 6370km. “The diagram below shows a sketch of the earth with the Greenwich Meridian and the Equator labelled N 28° N equator Greenwich Meridian 3 “The towns A and B are both on the circle of latitude 24° N, The longitude of 4 is 108° E and the longitude of B is 75° E. Copy the sketch above of the earth and insert the points A and B on your, diagram, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (01234020/F 2008 Page 13 Gi Calculate, correct to the nearest kilometre, 4) the radius ofthe circle of latitude 24° N 'b) the shortest distance between A and B, measured along the circle of latitude 24° N, (8 marks) Total 15 marks VECTORS AND MATRICES 13, The vertices of a quadrilateral, OABC, are (0, 0), (4, 2), (6, 10) and (2,8) respectively. Use a vector method to answer the questions which follow. @ ) © @ Wit ease vs inte om [ear ne © a ° wo @ mari ~ Cates, mgs of 2 “mark (@ State two geometrical relationships between the line segments OA and CB. Gi) Explain why OABC is a parallelogram. (4 marks) If M is the midpoint of the diagonal OB, and N is the midpoint of the diagonal AC, determine the position vector > @ om > Gy) ON Hence, state one conclusion which can be made about the diagonals ofthe parallelogram asc. (Tmarks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (012340207F 2004 Page 14 14, Am answer sheet is provided for this question. (a) Ontthe answer sheet provided, perform the following transformations o cy Gi) co) o o @ Reflect rangle Pin the y-axis Label its image 0. Draw the line y=. and reflect wiangle Q inthis line. Label its image R (5 marks) Describe, in words, the single geometric transformation which maps triangle P conto wiangle R. (marks) Reflect triangle Q in the x-axis. Label its image 5. . Write down the 2 x 2 matrix for the transformation which maps triangle P onto triangle S. marks) Write down the 2 x 2 matrices for @) reflection inthe y-axis b) reflection in the line y ‘Using the two matrices in b (i) above, obtain a SINGLE matrix fora reflection in the y-axis followed by a reflection in the line y =. (4 marks) ‘Total 15 marks END OF TEST 1012340200" 2008

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