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SECTIONA “answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. and used to carry out an ‘A potato was cut into 20 strips (each weighing approximately 2.0 8) f sugar solution on the ‘experiment designed to investigate the effect of different concentrations o! ‘weight of the potato tissue. “The investigators recorded the weight of the strips after mmersiit 1 pure water, as well as in four different concentrations of sugar soluuon (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 M) and plotted the results on the groph shown in Figure | on page 3 (a) List the apparatus and materials and describe dhe methad of this investigation. Apparatus and materials’ cd marks 01207020:ANUARY!¥ 2012 Average weight ‘of potato strips (2) 35 305 2s 2.0) sto 10 os 10 13 20 (Pure water) Concentration of sugar solution (M) Figure 1. Graph showing average weight of potato strips after immersion in different concentrations of sugar solutions (©) Construct a table to represent the data shown in Figure 1 TABLE | 01207020/5ANUARY/F 2012 (4 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE s in (©) __ Explain the results obtained when the potato stiPs were placed (pure water Mand greater than 1.0 M, (ii) sugar solution less than 1.0 Lessthan OM. More than 10M: (4 marks) (ii) Name the process responsible for the results obtained in this experiment. 7 (mark ) (iv) Suggest ONE possible source of error in this experiment. (mark ) (@ Explain why the appearance of an animal cell would be di fr Explain why the ifferent from that ofa plant cell (pure water for 30 minutes (ii) concentrated sugar solution for 30 minutes, G marks) 01207020/JANUARY/F 2012 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (©) Name another process by which substances can move in and out of cells. (mark ) (Give TWO reasons why living organisms need to move substances in and out of their cells, (2 marks) Jotal 25 marks 2. Figure 2 shows the human digestive system, 7 i Figure 2. The human digestive system (@) Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D and E in Figure 2, ~~ @ marks) (b) Suggest THREE ‘ways in which Part B in Figure 2 is Adapted for its functions. ~~ @ marks) 01207020/JANUARY/F 2012 G0 ON To THE NEXT PAGE (€) Humans have an omnivorous diet. Suggest how the human digestive system is adapted to break down the different types of food that humans eat, G marks) @ — @_ State the digestive functions of the liver and the pancreas in a human, Liver: Pancreas: (@ marks) (ii) Suggest TWO consequences of the malfunctioning of the pancreas. (2 marks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1207020/,ANUARY/F 2012 x in humans. (@) Table 2 is an incomplete table illustrating inheritance of s¢: Complete Table 2 to show how sex is inherited in humans. ‘TABLE 2: INHERITANCE OF SEX IN HUMANS Parental phenotypes Male Female Parental genotypes @___—_ }* Gametes genotypes Ww Gt Offspring genotypes Ww) oo Offspring phenotypes Male and female @ marks) (b) Figure 3 is a diagram of a flower. Figure 3, Diagram of a flower (Label the parts in Figure 3 where sex clls/gametes are found @ marks) 01207020/JANUARY/F 2012 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -9- (iy Outline the process by which gametes are formed. (2 marks) (iii) Iaplant has a diploid chromosome number of 8, how many chromosomes would be found in its yamictes? ee (mark ) (©) Suggest TWO ways in which the process of meiosis may be useful plants. (2 marks) (@ Ahorticulturatist has @ crop of plants that produces both red and white Rowers However, «nore red flowers are produced than white. A red-flowered plant is crossed with a white flowered plant and the offspring produced are in the ratio 1 red to 1 white, Using the symbols R for red and r for white, draw a genetic diagram to ilustrate this ratio. (3 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 91207020/) ANUARY/F 2012 -10- (©) John and Jake grew plants with the same genotype. Jake's plants produced smaller flowers than John’s plants. Account for the difference in size of these flowers (2 marks) Total 15 marks VL2OTUH ASE Mic ou 4 @) © © @ le SECTION B Answer ALL questions. ‘Write your answer in the space provided at the end of each ques Describe photosynthesis in green plants. (5 marks) With the aid of a fully annotated diagram, explain how the visible external features of a green dicotyledonous leaf aid the process of photosynthesis. G marks) When leaves fall from plants, microorganisms feed on them. (What is the name given to these microorganisms? (ii) Explain how this type of nutrition differs from photosynthesis. (3 marks) ‘There are advantages and disadvantages when leaves fall from plants. Suggest TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages to a plant, when leaves fall from it. (4 marks) Total 15 marks f Tor diagram (b) | | | GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1207020 ANUARY/E 2012 -14- explain how blood is pumped to the (@) With the aid of a fully labelled diagram of the heart, rest of the body. (8 marks) (vb) @)_ Suggest why vaccination is NOT effective in the prevention, treatment or control of most discases of the heart and blood vessels. (ii) Explain why there is an increase in the number of white blood cells in a patient following heart surgery. (7 marks) Total 15 marks [Space for diagram (a) 01207020/JANUARY/F 2012 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE @ wa ii) o cid ii) (iv) ~16- Distinguish between a community and habitat, Some students want to investigate the distribution of species found in a forest sehile another group wants (0 investigate the distribution oF Seeks Ht pond aene te thesampling technique thatthe students could use for LACH distribution of species. (6 marks) Describe TWO types of Feeding relationships that exist in an ecosystem and give an example of EACH type. Constructa food web which describes the trophic relationship among four organisms in a community. State which organism(s) in your web would have the least amount of energy available. Describe TWO ways in which the natural balance in a community may be disrupted. (9 marks) Total 15 marks 91207020/JANUARY/F 2012

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