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Janna Enikeeva

59 Cobblestone Dr.
Toronto ON M2J 2X6

Home Phone:

Salvation Army Toronto Grace Hospital

47 Austin Terrace
Toronto, ON, M5R 1Y6
April 16, 2016

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am going to complete the Registered Practical Nurse Program at Humber College in June
2016. I worked as a student nurse at Leasureworld Senior Home, Sunnybrook St. Johns
Rehabilitation Centre and Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre. I have demonstrated a
strong ability to communicate with staff and clients in a professional and thoughtful manner.
I am interested in getting hired at Toronto Grace Health Centre. I hope that my education,
experience, patience, kindness and willpower will be a great advantage to your institution. I will
serve as best as I can to the patients and the health centre if given this opportunity.
Please review my attached resume and let me know if you have any questions or would like
any more information about my qualifications.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much for your time.
Janna Enikeeva.

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