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Like any other common people, I had a dream in life. My dream was to fly. The only profession that
satisfies my dream is the Pilot job. Since then I set my ambition to be a commercial pilot. The only
thing I admire the most in my life is aeroplane. Since small I have collected all types of aeroplane
models of every single airlines. The die cast aeroplane models can easily reach up to RM 30. When
other kids are too busy saving their pocket money to buy ice creams and lollipops, I was saving my
pocket money to buy those aeroplane models. Working as a pilot could be too risky, yet when you are
passionate to achieve something, these risks are almost invisible to your eyes. The fundamental
subject to qualify myself to enrol in a flying school was Physics and Mathematics. I was focussing
hard on these subjects especially in the Form 4 and 5. I excelled in these subjects in SPM
examination. I thought I was nearing my dream, but I was wrong. During the year 2012, Malaysia
Airlines and Airasia has stopped cadet pilots intake. At the same time, I was trying for foreign country
cadetships but it turned to be a disappointment for me since the requirement was to be a citizen of that
particular country. Yet, Cathay Pasific, a Hong Kong national airline opened pilot cadetship for
citizens of foreign countries. I quickly did the application with a great expectation. Yet, it turned to be
a failure. I came across a few private flying schools which provide flying license. I happy to hear that.
But it has a catch, the fees can simply reach up to RM 150,000 and the job in airlines is not
guaranteed. During those days (2012-2013), I had a family friend, who enrolled in private flying
school and ended working in Giant supermarket because there was not any first officer job vacancy in
any Malaysia based airlines. Getting a flying license is unlike getting a degree. With a flying license
you cant work for professional based industries, because your highest qualification is still your SPM,
which can make you earn RM 900 to RM 1200 only. Waiting for airlines to open their cadetship is not
the right decision. Enrolling in private flying school was not the right decision either. So, since then I
changed my mind to get a degree any aeroplane based engineering and then to get a flying license. At
this point, if I still failed to be a pilot, then I have my degree to earn for living. After matriculation, I
had a choice, to choose either Aerospace Engineering (USM) or Aeronautical Engineering (UTM)
because I received double offer from 2 different Universities. I believed in the progress of USM since
it has its own platform in achieving vision and mission. Furthermore, my cousin sister is currently
pursuing 4th year Aerospace Engineering, so I had someone to guide me in this course. So this the
reason why I chose Aerospace Engineering.
If people ask me, what is my hope and dream? I could spend a whole night long to explain my hopes
and dreams in life. I would narrow down the scope to education, because my hope and dream on
education is practically benefits everyone. My hope on education is to make education-free system
entirely from the primary studies till tertiary studies in Malaysia. It might sound political but its not
for me. For the past 5 years, we came across about abolishing PTPTN Education Loan. Why am I
stressing on making education free in Malaysia especially tertiary education? It is because education
is something which government invest on people, not people invest on them on own. Is it possible to
make education free in Malaysia? Why not. Germany, Algeria, Finland and many more countries are
practising free education system. If you are worried about the quality of education in Malaysia would
drop after practising free education system then try to take examples from foreign countries where
they have been practising free education. If we can make education free in Malaysia, an average a
family is going to spend for a child on education will be decreased up to 65%. This is the statement
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given by the Human Rights Commission. Besides that, I have my own hopes and dreams for a better
living lifestyle. I would like to work for Singapore Aerospace Seletar Campus. Singapore is investing
a lot of money on aerospace and aviation and its growing vastly. I believe Aerospace Engineering
student in Malaysia has high chance to be employed in Singapore, since Singapore has limited
The learning experience here at USM is simply awesome because, the lecturers dont spoon feed the
students. While I was in matriculation and high school, it was too different from now. Because in
matriculation, every single solution for problems will be given by the lecturers and we practically
prepare ourselves on scoring the test not learning for life. Since we are now in university, learning
process should be changed from scoring the test to learning for a better life. I studied in normal high
school. Stayed in house and go to school learn things and come to back home was my basic routine.
During those days, I was simply away from any house works since my mother is there to care about it.
But now its different. I have to clean my room and wash my clothes on own. Furthermore, I have to
plan my expenditure so that I dont overspend and seeking my parents for extra pocket money. During
the first semester in USM. Furthermore, USM practises My Continuous Student Development
Program (MyCSD) is a system that specifically designed to give recognition to student involvement
through student development program that they joined during their whole academic calendar and
recorded in a systematic and sustainable continuous pattern. The uses of MyCSD is for co-curricular
transcript and hostel placement. With MyCSD students will have specific activities transcript to
support the development of soft skills of students that can be adopted after graduated in the work
field. Moreover, this is to differentiate USM graduates from other institutions specifically for the
convenience and value of the employer. So basically with MyCSD, USM produces all-rounder
students unlike any other universities where they focus on academic only. Besides that, learning in
university has make me realized how important is group study during the study week. Learning all
alone cant produce a good score. But when we make group study it enhances the results. This is
because, we share the knowledge among the people in the study group. I cant cover all the chapters
and formulae alone, so we exchange the knowledge in a study group. Certain times, we might have
friends who are good at certain application but we might not do well in that, so in a study group we
can request from the other friends to teach us so we together gain good marks. Studying in university
is totally about team work. Being a student leader in USM teaches me many things too. Being a leader
and a student at same time makes me an organised person. I have to manage my time wisely for
assignments, projects and for meetings. To be a leader is my personal wish so that I could help the
public indirectly. Being a leader, it makes me become a role model for others too. For instance, I need
to be neat and all the time with shoes especially in classes. If I wore slippers to classes its going to
give a bad image to me and the people who voted for me. Being a leader, it helps to enhance my
communication skills when seeking for sponsorship from or presenting a project to Ministers,
Members of Parliament and company CEOs. This indirectly prepares me for class presentation and
handling a VIVA. Therefore, the learning experience in USM is great and its making me a better
person who can help and contribute something for the community in the future.

Journal Prepared by,

Purawin Subramaniam

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