Menú de Alta Proteína - Después Del Entrenamiento de La Comida

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Articles from Logon Prozis

High-protein menu Post-workout meal

2015- 02- 02 10:02:34 admin

You know that protein bars and protein shakes are convenient postworkout snacks. But what if you want something dif f erent f or a change?
What about a crepe and a cup of juice? Sounds good? It t ast es good, t oo! But
dont go munching on chocolat e-f illed crepes, nor sip on your f avourit e sugary
drink. Choose wisely.
Carry in your bag a prot ein-rich banana chocolate crepe and a luscious
peach and mango drink by Proz is Meals. Youll have a high-prot ein snack
t hat not only will help you repair every t rained muscle, but will rapidly ref uel
your body af t er a st renuous t raining session. T he post -workout prot ein boost
will also help you increase your muscle mass gains and get t he t oned look
most people st rive f or.
Enrich your crepe wit h banana slices. Eat ing a banana wit h a f ast -digest ing
prot ein will give your body an ext ra energy boost t o st art using t he prot ein f or
muscle recovery immediat ely because of t he simple carbohydrat es in t he
f ruit .
Finally, complement your high-prot ein crepe wit h a high-prot ein drink t o
increase your prot ein int ake and have a more f ulf illing snack.

High-protein post-workout snack

Prep time: 5 minut es are enough t o have everyt hing done and ready t o go.
Prot ein: 34g
Carbs: 35g
Fat : 3.7g
Banana Chocolate Crepe
25g Prozis Meals Banana Chocolat e Flavour Crepe powder
70ml wat er
1 medium banana
1. Mix powder and wat er unt il you get a homogenous bat t er.
2. Cook gent ly in a non-st ick f rying pan
3. Fill it wit h sliced banana
Peach & Mango Drink
25g Prozis Meals Peach and Mango Inst ant Drink powder
200ml cold wat er
1. Pour wat er and powder int o a shaker and shake unt il it s complet ely

Vary the menu

Combine dif f erent Prozis Meals product s t o give some variet y t o your post -

workout menu. For inst ance, if you are a chocolat e lover, t ry a f luf f y
chocolate cake or a creamy hot chocolate; if salt y f oods are your t hing, get
a savoury cheese omelette inst ead.
Ult imat ely, whet her you drink it or chew it , make sure you have a healthy
protein-rich meal af t er your workout t o opt imise your recovery and maximise
muscle growt h.

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