Viveiros Application 1

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Running Head: No Consistent Parenting Style

No Consistent Parenting Style

Matthew Viveiros
University of Memphis

No Consistent Parenting Style

1. Children who live in households with Parents that are struggling in society.
A. Poor Academics in School (Dornbusch et al., 1987)
B. Addiction to drugs and Alcohol
C. Fighting
2. Once a child has left their parents, emotions start changing.
A. They will have nothing to lose because they know they could be killed.
B. Probably are emotionless, have no empathy for other people, beating people up.
C. Not even sorry for the negative things they do.
3. Children get into crimes.
A. Sexual Assaults, rape, kidnapping people.
B. Stealing
C. Killing innocent people
4. Developing parent styles can have a positive effect on the child.
A. Better relationships with each other.
B. Teach the child to be better disciplined.
C. Teach the child to stay out of trouble.
5. Authoritative teaching styles are a very important role in developing a childs ability in
A. Cognitive development is the process of problem solving, decision making.
B. Social development is the process of communicating, and understanding with other
C. Moral Development is the process of morality, which means the change from
childhood to adulthood.

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