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Chapter 1

JAMILAAA!!! CLEAN UR ROOM NAYYA . Arghhhhhhhhhh hoyoo leave me alone man its
Saturday the only day I cann ‘partyyyy harddd’ I’ll doo it tomorrow okay !! omyy days u don’t
understand how annoying my mum is 24 hours a day she’s chattin moistttttt in my ears but yeah
obviously I loved her. my mum is Somali and my dad was Jamaican. Don’t live with my dad
but I got ratingz for my mum raised me and my younga bro by her self. Moving onnnnnnn !! ..
went downstairs jumped on the computer straightttttttttt on to facebook loggd in had nuff
notifications then checked who was online, saw some pengggggggggg brehh called Zakk ive
seen him couple tyms in da endz but he don’t really jam around peckam. Hewas online ive had
my eye on him for ages but im kinder scared too holla at him first. All of a suddon some1’s
talking to mee through fb chat. ITT WASS HIMM !! ‘Yo b you kool’ ireplied ‘yeah babe im
fine wah u sayin ’He goes ‘Nuffin g just here playin couple joe black tracks’ ‘ Ohh koolkool’
isaid He goes ‘Anyway lisn b u on linkin tonight ? manz got a free yard?’ I wanted to say
HELL YEAHH but would I sound weird ? so I just said ‘yeahh yeahh why not hollaa at mee’
Gave him my 079 den went offline went back to maa room. marjeey comes up stairs and says
im going out gunna be abit late tonight make sure ur in before midnight. Yess hoyoo byee now.
‘I left you some money downstairs’ Ok THANKS! I felt kinder bad how I spoke to my mum
specially for a Somali family, but she knows its all lovee . I jumped in the shower washed my
hair stayed in their for a good hour then when I came out I heard maa fone ringin ‘’Me Nah
Wana Boring Fuck, We Nah Want Na Boring Wine (8) Picked It Up and heard oneee lenggggg
Voice not gunna lie ‘Yoo wag1 sexxyy’ hahah whus diss ? ( I knew who it was I just wanted
that moment to hear him say ‘zakk) ‘Itss daa general man daa donn’ Don who ? Hahah ‘’Zakk
mann’’ ooh wah u sayin babe ‘’nuffin manz just ere jamin wanten abit of yur Jamaican batty ‘’
im not only Jamaican hahahaha ‘’yeah course and daa marli bit anyway u styll cumin tonight’’
yeahh deffo around 8ish yea ? ‘’yeahh beautiful’’ den locked off. Jheeeezz zakk’z ber on maa
dickk more like im guna be on hes it was 6 and I know it takes me ages to get ready so I was
looking for sumthing to wear ???? wears my gyalldemm wen u need them man my darrggzz
Amina,Hanna And Ameliya missd them so much man aint seen em in tym coz they were north
chiks and I was south chik. Anyway I got a bagggaa cloths out so I finally picked an outfit out,
White shorts, black legginz, and push up bra & black and white vest. And white flatt shoes. I
called zakk back and sed to him im on my way meet me outside the park. locked off then made
my way to the bustop . luckelly the bus came straight away got on it wasn’t even botherd to go
upstairs coz I knew der was some rowddyyyy boys so I sat at the back on bottom deck.

Chapter 2.

As I sat down at the back I put my headphones in and had a mini rave with myself. I couldn’t
stop thinking about this boy he had mee sprunggggg boy every time I thought about him just
made me shiver don’t know why ive never liked a boy this much ? my stop was cuming upp so
I called him and sed get outa da yard im in da endz so I got off and was waiten for him outside
the park for about 5minz then all I see is some Smexxiiii i lighttyy coming my way wearing
ralph lauren polo true religion jeans and ralphy crep. I was actually shaking he was so beautiful
omggggg hes cumin what do I say ?( hi erm wag1 erm yoo) Aww you look nice . ‘’safe babes u
lookin on point too can see dat bakoff from ere can man spank dat yee haha’’ I whisperd in hes
ear ‘im all yours you can doo whatever you like’ as he layd hes hand on maa bum our faces
started getting closer and closer …. Uummmm then we started lipsin I couldn’t belive this was
happening 12 hours before this he was one of the boys I would dream about daily !! then we
stoped lipsin and walked up to the yard he asked mee ‘derz couple man in da yard but der not
stayin yee dont feel uncomfortble’ haha nuff sedd babe. We walked up to the yard and he
knocked on da door some boy opend the door not guna lie hee was good looking but zakk was
mine .. the boy who opend the door smiled at mee and sed to zak ‘let man move too dat fam’
zak laughed and sed ur moist move on lil uniform pussio I started bussin out laughin along side
zak and few other boys. We went inside the main room (sitting room) there about 3 other boys
zak introduced me Rayza,Mixy,Green eyes & syko & you manz dis is jamila. Green eyes was
the LENG one who opend the door. They were all just sittin their getting high and talking about
girls and when they lost their virginity and how long their dickz are typical Somali boys I felt
quit bored. Rayza: bluud when are them dirty skets cumin man wtf they tryna parr my life’’
*KNOCKK KNOCKK* Green eyes jumped first to open the door woow whats with him and
the door. Then two white girls came in ‘Oii rayza syko ur tingz here fam’ I felt very
uncomfortable at this moment. Then Rayza ANDD syko went upstairs. after a wile I heard one
of the girls moaning and screaming Sykoooo SYKOOOOO Ahuuhhhhhhhhhhh !! it was an
akward silence downstairs then we all started bussin out Laughinn, then I hear Rayza sayin

Chapter 3.

When the girl came downstairs another two knocked on the door and the other girl left I
couldn’t imagine how many tymz a day their dicks need to be suckd ? if they thought they were
getting anything from me there too funny bluud. Although earlier when I was lipsin zak outside
the yard really turnd mee on actually got me thinking ? maybe tonight was the night I loose my
ting … he was peng waat would be the problem ????.. ‘’ Jammz babe come out da room forra
hot secc’’ got up and walked to the kitchen wid zakk. yeah ?? ‘’ wha u on tonight beautiful u
know u gotta bless man wid dat body of yurz man wants some Jamaican battyyy’’ he clocked
me bitin my lipz and looking directly at hes dick so I sed to him I’ll doo anything for you.
‘’anything yeahh’’ anything baby. He unzippd my shorts he slid his fingaz in my pussy in an
out slowly by this point was wetttttt he was gently,goin deepa an deepa. As he saw me getting
deeply horny he slippd in another I started moanin like the girl before I got went STRAIGHT
AWAY , it felt sooo nicee but kinder painfull and he laid hes beautiful lips on mine wich took
all the pain away. After a wile my legs started to feel week so I said I cant take this lets go
upstairs allow a kitchen ting if im guna loose my v might aswell doo it properly. We walked out
of the kitchen walked pass the sitting room and I saw zak give a lil grin to hes boyz and I was
walking first holding hes hand. As we got to the middle floor you can hear the other boys
‘playin’ With their ‘toys’ . Then as we got to the top floor wee went in some noiiceeeeee room
double bed and all sorts. he told me go get ready init take ur garms off im guna bee a secc …
when he came back I was completely naked . hee took me and threw me on da bed and jumped
on top of me like some wild animal (but I liked it) he started feelin up ma breasts,caresing them
He started kissin me around ma belly buton . He moved 2 da upa part of me an started suckin
ma breasts an gently/tenderly bitin ma nipples. Afta a gud 5mins he started gently an
passionatly kissin ma lips an touchin ma whole body. Afta a while i gt a lil bored of dat so i
took his warm dick an placed it in ma mouf.I started suckin an blowin on it,it drove him
madddddd an he started moanin ma name quietly I sucked it until hee busss. straight away he
gently pushed me bck an climbed on top of me an slid his hard dick in syd of me,in an out,he
went fasta an fasta,he woz tearin me out,i woz moanin 'uhhhhhhhh Zaa’ ZAKK!!' Ma legz den
became really weak an shaky an i came on his dick. It felt soo goooooooooooood.

Chapter 4.

I got up got dressd and sat back down on the bed. ‘’baby ima bee bak in like 30 minz yeah
manz gotta go pik up some money and weed and shit for ma bro ima come back doe dontt goo
yeahh !!’’ yeahh babes Nuff sedd ‘’why don’t u stay ova tonight ?’’ I don’t mind ‘’its fine allow
it stay babyy’’ oriite lemee fone ma mum tell her im stayin ova a frends ‘’ koool wah can man
tap dat booty again yeah not guna lie you can rideeee’’ haha yeahh course all night !! ‘’ahhaah
snm snm go downstairs jam wid Greeny cause the rest of da mandem are duckkin apart from
Mixy hes stayin gone sleep now doe ’’ oriitee . iwent downstairs and accidently walked in on
greeny getting head off one of dem chikz, oohh shit sorry tell me wen ur done yeahh ‘’naa naa
penggtingg come in come in ‘’becky bounceee now holla tomo’’ ‘Orite darlin’’ . she had some
duttyyyy chavvyy acsent anyway everyone left the house it was just mee and Greeny it was
kinder akward doe, I was watching tv he was rollin a spliff. ‘’soo babycakes yur half Jamaican
yeahh’’ haha yee dads Jamaican ‘’dass wear u got datt banggin bakkoff fromm’ suttin like dat
‘’ihear dah I hear dah wah u sayin doee I heard u moanin up derr can gyal moan for me like
dah’’ in ur dreams babyboy ‘’can man touch dat batty doe?’’ no u cannot KMT, ‘’ raaasss
attitude yeah is da wear ur Jamaican gene’s kick in’’ hell yeah ‘’nuff sedd nuff sedd I was only
joking yeas its all loveeeeee’’ hahah if u say so. Anyway why do they call u green eyes?
‘’because I got green eyes haahah plus I smoke a lot of weeed’’ Hahahah jokkaa ur eyes a boom
doe ‘’yeah like you’’ izit now ? ‘’yeah bluud’’ thanks
Chapter 5

Anyway is der anyfing too eat here im kinder hungry ‘’yeahh go in the kitchen and check the
fridge’’ I walked too the kitchen and looked in the fridge saw some pizza so I got it out and put
it in the micro wave as im waiting for the time to reach 0.00 I spice up a niceee drink
*beeepbeeepbeepp* got the pizza out and started munchin I was leanin against the counter so I
had my bum pointen out I hear foot steps then all of a suddon I see datt pengttingg next too
mee greeny he slappd my bum and said ‘niceeeee’ den he came closer to me took the pizza out
my hand and put it down he started feelin ma breast ,, oi allow dis it aint right walahi and I
moved away from him ‘’wah u mean gyal doo ur ting not like ur dealin wid zakk’’ yeahh butt
never know whats guna happened ‘’oi allow him man hes not rated walahi moist nigger’’ so
hee moved closer to me and our lips finally touched (daaaammnn he can lips boyy) I started
lipsin him heavily and he tried to finger me but I refused but hes force just made me let him he
licked hes fingers and put two inside he was rubbin it soooo nicee it was like hes hand was
vibrating I started moanin I let out a lil ‘Ahuuuhhhhh’ don’t stop. he carried on but faster he
took hez fingers out and picked me up and sat me down on the counter I thru the pizza on the
floor and he took out hes BIGG mascular dick and shuvvd it inside me without saying a word ..
AHHHHHHHHH I was starten to think he was better than zakk ?? was I really fallin for green
this prick? ((OHHH SHITTTTTTTTT) I clocked Mixy was upstairs and we didn’t have the
house to our self and I knew mixy and zak were tightttttt from dayyy.. I QUICKLY snappdd out
of it then stopd I told him fam put ur dick away AND THIS NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED
OKAY !! ‘’wah how u guna leave man hangin like dat’’ SHUT THE FUCK UPP DONT
REMEMBER THAT. ‘’oi u skett what are u dum do u know whus house ur in ?? u fink ur bad
because u got abit of Jamaican in u !! BOUNCEE OUTTA MA YARDD !!! I left The house in
shock. the words ‘sket’ kept running through my mind ive never been called that allah what
have I done ? allahey’o please forgive me subhanallah ive lost my virginity got fingerd sucked
a dick ?? I don’t blame him for calling me a sket omgsh this Is guna get out every1z guna find
out omy dayss !! im fucked he parrd my life why did I doo what I done tonight WHYYY !!!

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