Lesson Translation

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Lesson 1
- good morning.
- Good morning, madam. I am Mr.Dore
- DoreYou are Mr.Jacques Dore?
- Non. Paul. Paul Dore
-Good morning, madam. I am Aline Dore
- Good morning. My name is Lucie Ferro. Alberto, my husband
- Good morning
- Good morning

Who is it?
It is Alberto Ferro.
Alberto? He is Italian?
Yes, and she, it is Lucie, she is French

Alex :Who is it ?
Carlos : She is Sandra, no?
A : Yes, Sandra Schneider. She is a student.
C: And shi is kind?
A: Yes. She is in the French class. She is German
C: And she lives in France?
A: No, she lives at Lausanne, in Switzerland
Lucas(L): Hai Mathilte, are you fine?
Mathilde(M): Yes, I am fine. And you?
L: I am fine thanks. I live in Bruxelles, now.
M: In Belgium?
L : yes, yes. In Belgium.
M: Ah! Thats fine. And what is your address?
L: so, it is: Lucas Faure, 15, Namur street, in Bruxelles.
M: And so you have an e-mail address?
L: Yes, its lfaure@hotmail.com. And you how is your Spanish friend?
M: Roberto? He is fine, thanks. He speaks French now.

Lesson 4
Hai! My name is Azou. I am 29 years old. I live in Abidjan in Ivory Coast. I go often to
cinema. .I am searching for a pen friend in France or in Canada. My e-mail :
My name is Manu. I am 25 years old and I live in Bruxelles, in Belgium. I am a student .
I love reading, nature and classical music. My e-mail address is
Me, its Caroline. I am Quebekian. I am 18 years old and I live in Montreal. I love sports:
Volley ball, golf I am searching for a female friend in Europe. My e-mail address is
Good morning, my name is Sandra and I am 31 years old. I am guyanian and I live in
Cayenne. I am a secretary. I am searching for a pen friend from 30 to 40 years. I speak
French, English and Spanish. I love the dance. My e-mail address is
My name is Michael and I live in Switzerland, at Lausanne. I am 22 years old. I am a
baker. I love photo.
Good morning Manu,
My name is Luis and I am 19 years old. I live in Colombia. My father is a dentist and my
mother is a professor. I have a sister: her name is Paulina, she is 23 years old and she is a
student in France. Me too, I am a student, in Bogota. I love reading, football and rock
music (U2, Lenny kravitz..) very much. I speak Spanish, English and French (a little).
See you soon!



Good, then, it is against the wall under the poster and

The cap?
No, it is at the left of the cap.
There is a jackpot. Thats it?
Yes, thats it. Well done! Well, to you now.
Its on the table near the bottle.
The glass.
No, at the right side of the bottle, in the vase.
The flowers?
Well, to me..


Well.They are tall? Small?

There is a man, tall and..fair-haired.
Yes, thats it, he is fair-haired. The other man, he is small and dark-haired.
O.k. Do they have spectacles?
No, no, they dont have spectacles.
And their clothes?
The fair-haired man wears a white T-shirt and a black pant.No, blue, a blue pant. It
is a jean. The dark-haired man, he, he has an overcoat.
What colour?
The colour of his overcoatblackno it is not blackredyes, red.
Other things?
Yes, his shirt is green.
And his shoes?
Oh! They are the trainers.

Online shopping

How do you find this pant?

Oh! Yes. I like this type of pant, its very beautiful!...What colours are there?
Well, there are white, grey or black.
And the grey one, it costs how much?
59 euros.
Oh! Yes. It is not costly! Good, thena grey pant. What is its reference no?
The grey pant, it is P 19 54.
O.k.Oh! Yes. My size, it is 36.
And this sweater? It is also beautiful.
The blue is 35 euros? Yes, I like well this colour!...Is there the size 38?
Yes, but in 38, the sweater is 39 euros.
Good, then
A white and blue sweater, size 38
The reference no?
It is P 17 56.
Its gone!

Apartment to let
The building is at the corner of the Auguste-Comte street and the Gramond avenue.
It is a new building with a parking. The apartment is in the third floor with lift.
The kitchen is at the left of the entrance.
In front of the kitchen, you have the toilets and a bathroom with a shower. The room is at the
end of the corridor, to the right: there is a bed and a desk with a chair.
To the left of the corridor, there is the rest room. It is calm.
You have two cupboards in the apartment.
Best greetings.

To go to the Louvre Museum
-Excuse me, Sir. The Louvre museum, where is it?
-Oops! You are far. From the Montparnasse station, there is a bus
-Oh! No, no, Im going there by foot.
-Well. Then, you take the Rennes street, there is a bank in the corner.
And there, you go straight. Pass in front of the post office then continue straight.
There, you arrive at Saint-Germain-des-Prs. Ok.?
-Yes, yes.
-Well, then, you take the Bonaparte street, opposite, till the river Seine. Pass in front of
university at your left.
Cross the river Seine on the bridge.


And then, you arrive at Louvre museum. At the left, it is the garden of Tuileries.
Turn to the right: enter into the museum under the pyramid.
-Well, excuse me..the bus, what number?
-The bus? No.95?

Travel, travel
-Well, then, the first day, you arrive at Saint-Denis airport, in RunionAnd there, you take
a bus till Saint-Paul, to the West of the Island. You are in Neptune hotel.
-Oh! And we are in the oceanfront?
-Yes, yes, it is a hotel at the side of the beach and you have a room with a terrace facing the
-And is there a bathroom in the room?
-Yes, of course, Sir: bath rooms, telephone, air conditioning. And, in the hotel, you have a
swimming pool, a bar and two restaurants.
-Oh! Thats great! And we can visit the island also?
-Yes, you can visit the center of the island in helicopter.
You go by bus to Saint-Pierre, at the Southand you visit Saint-Denis. It is at the North of
the Reunion.
Ah! Of course, let us also go to Saint-Paul, at the side of your hotel
It is very nice/ cool!

Lesson -13 -You are leaving when?


Good morning, sir, I would like a ticket to Paris-Marseille, please.

You are leaving when?
Next Tuesday
The 15?

Yes, its that

Morning or afternoon?
Thenthere is a train at 7.18another at 8.46at 9.22
The 7.18 train, please.
Ah! I am sorry sir. This train is full
And the 8.46 train, it is full?
No, there is seat
Its perfect.
A one-way ticket or a to and fro ticket?
A one way ticket. Second class, non-smokers

Lesson 14- At Genevia


But, it is Elsa!... Elsa, Elsa !

Omar ! Oh ! ca? Mais quelle surprise! Comment vas-tu ?
Well, well. And you, what do you do there?
Well, you see, I work. I am in-charge of the reception at the tourism office and you,
what do you do in life, now?
I am a software engineer
Ah! Yes, and where do you work?
I work in Paris but I live in Vendome. And I take the TGV (high speed train) to go to
Oh! Everyday?
No, I work in Paris from Monday to Wednesday only. And the rest of the week I work
at home.
Ah! Yes, and you leave at what time, the morning?
Very early. At 6.30. and I return late in the evening, towards 9.00 p.m, 9.30 p.m. but
its only three days a week, its ok
Ah! Yes, and what do you do in Genevia, then?
Ah! There, I am in vacation.

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