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The Legend of Bantarujeg

Once upon a time, its about 1600 century, in a village in west Java there were some people that
immigrated from Mataram because of violence from Netherlands. Netherlands was colonne
Mataram. The village named Rancatutut. Rancatutut because in this area there were a large
One day, there were the family came from Java named Mr.Buanam. He has four wifes. He was
anch family and become leader at that name. Mr Buanam at Rancatut just for a tim, then he
moved to an area beside Cilutung river. He invite people tojoin with hem. There, they worked on
cacthed a fish with a toll named Babantar.
After Mr.Buanam passed away about 1702 century , there came a new people, named buyut,
such as Buyut cakrabuana, buyut bodas, buyut prabu siliwangi, buyut andalkasih, and buyut
siman. They want to built in Islamic school to continue inheritance Mr.Buanam.So, a lot of
people that can followed lesson from god. Beside that, their lived progress so fast.
Because of that area not named yet, so the elders assamble to named that area. From that
discussion, the area named Bantarujeg. Bantarujeg from 2 words, they are babantar and ujeg.
Babantar because at that are there were babantar inheritance mr buanam . in the area there was
flood from cilutung river and the flood was subsided, there was a freshwater catfish. A moment
the catfish was lost suddenly , buyuts named is ujeg . So, after that the village named

Nama : Cindy Elik F

Kelas : X MIPA 7

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