Lesson Plan: Ayesha Hassan Al Ali (H00328412)

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Ayesha Hassan Al Ali (H00328412).

Lesson Plan

Title of lesson: Letter V.

Name: Ayesha Hassan Al Ali.
Time: 8:15

Date: 11th of April 2016.

Location: Australian international school.

ELC B students.
24 students.
8Girls/16 boys.
From 4-5 years old.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
-Pronounce and Write the letter V.
-Identify some objects that start with letter V from pictures.
Materials & resources:
Picture cards, Whiteboard marker.
Technology integration:
Smart board/ Laptop.

Students will be sitting on the mat and listen to the teacher.

Ask students to give me some objects that start with the letter v.

Ayesha Hassan Al Ali (H00328412).

Teacher will

Students will ..

-Model the pronunciation of the letter v

to the students.

-Students will repeat after the teacher.

-Ask students to give some objects that

start with letter v.

-Students will tell the names of the objects.

-Show them some pictures of objects

and ask them about their names.

-Students might answer with yes or no.

-Ask students if they know how to write

the letter V.

-Students will observe the teacher.

-Show students how to write an upper

and lower case V.

-Students will draw it with their finger.

-Students will watch the video.

-Ask students to write the letter v in the

-Show students a story video about
letter v.
The smart board didnt work; I will read them the story from paper.
Didnt have the picture cards, I will show them pictures on the smartboard.
Asking them about the words that were mentioned in the story that are starting with
letter V.
The alphabet for kids. Letter V: VIVI AND THE VIOLIN. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 10
April 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-eva5_KB5w

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