The Lesson:: Australia's Changing Face Lesson Plan - ONE

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Australias Changing Face

Lesson Plan - ONE

Name of Lesson: What would you pack in
your suitcase?
Learning intention: To understand the difference between a
holiday and immigration?

The Lesson:
Introduction: Students think of a specific holiday they have
been on and write about the items they would take. Students
then discuss the difference between this and packing to
immigrate to a new country.
Watch the Video, Cuc Lams suitcase (nsfa,2004)
Use the six thinking hats to record information gained
from the video
Students make a suitcase with a small amount of items
(discuss 20kg limit) and write their feelings on a piece of
paper to attach to the suitcase as well.
Share items and talk about which ones are really
necessary, and those they could do without.
Present them with several imagine you are
moving to Vietnam or Indonesiawhat would you change
about packing your case and why? What if you were
moving to London?
Unpack terms to be used in the lesson. Eg. Immigration,
citizen, visa, refugee. Students write and talk about their initial
understandings. Write key understandings down to refer to
throughout unit.

This activity is to gain information about students prior

knowledge. Together with the activity on drawing a typical
Australian, children will be able to refer back to this activity
and draw on new understandings.

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