Broadband Communications Vocabulary

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Broadband communications- match the terms in the 1st column with the

appropriate definition in the 2nd column

1. duplex, adj.
2. proprietary, adj.
3. affordable, adj.

4. premises, n.
5. downstream, n.

6. upstream, n.

7. to utilize, v.

8. bandwidth, n.

9. twisted-pair (cabling), n.

10. to capitalize, v.

11. streaming, n.
12. to shield, v.

13. splitter, n.

a) cheap enough for most people

b) to use sth for a practical purpose,
to make use of sth
c) the signal path for receiving
communications from a client
computer to a server in a network
d) to provide a company, esp. with
e) a common type of network cable
that uses two wires to reduce
interference from external signals
f) an electronic device used in ADSL
telephone systems to separate voice
signals from digital signals that share
the same copper wire
g) able to transfer data in both
directions, i.e. can send and receive
h) a process of downloading and
storing the next part of a data signal
while the first part is being used. In
this way the data signal, e.g. an audio
or video is fed to the slower
destination device at a steady rate
i) the signal path for receiving
communications from a server to a
client computer in a network
j) the range of frequencies that can
be transmitted over
telecommunications channels
k) owned or controlled by a company
l) to put a special plate, covering etc.
over or around sth that could be
m) a house or an office together with
any buildings or land near to it that
are owned by the same person or

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