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University of Health Sciences

Project Professionalism Punjab

Caricature Sequence: October-2015
From mortality to immortality
It is the cause, not the death, that makes the martyr.
--Napoleon Bonaparte-Juni, Buni and Huni---three fast friends from their years of medical
college, were the perfect percept of a fine trio. From eating and
studying together to sharing personal glimpses and dreams; the
three of them were more like a single soul in three different
bodies. From studying for Final Professional Exams to opting for
training in the same specialty in the same hospital; the three of
them had even planned their futures together.
However, there was one difference that anyone could spot easily:
Buni and Huni were the convivial-merry type; sportive and funloving, the two were the life of all parties. However, Juni was
distinct: he was simply unique. With maturity beyond years and a
sober demeanor, he was the wise-man of the clique. It was not
hidden from anybody that Juni had always wanted to join the
army and had this dream for dying fighting for his nation.
However, being medically unfit, he could not join the army. Ever
since then, he frequently spoke to Huni and Buni of how earnestly
he wanted to die serving on duty as a doctor if not as an army
Time rolled by very quickly, it was now the final year of surgical
training of Juni, Huni and Buni. The three of them were now
looking forward to careers as Surgeons, dedicating the rest of
their lives to the service of the ailing of their beloved homeland.
They were planning on their own part.

But no one knew that Allah had a different plan for Juni.
One fine morning, the news of Kamra Air base being under attack
shook the entire nation. A state of emergency was declared at
the Hospital where the three worked as it was the nearest
hospital to the Airbase. Causalities were expected to be high as
not only many troops had been injured due to bombing but an Air
Force Fighter Plane of Pakistan Army had also been shot down in
the skirmish.
Causalities were quickly evacuated from the Airbase and flown to
the hospital. The entire staff regardless of circumstances around,
became completely absorbed into caring for and alleviating the
pain of the suffering.
However not all soldiers could be shifted to the hospital; some
were too critically injured and needed life support at the Air Base.
Quickly, a temporary medical camp was set up at the Air Base.
Juni, Buni and Huni being the senior most trainees at the surgical
unit, the Senior consultants nominated the three of them to move
to the camp to provide life support and first aid to the wounded.
Grabbing their medical equipment, basic surgical tools and first
aid medicines, the three of them hastily bid farewell to reach the
Airbase as soon as possible.
At that time, who knew that this will be the Junis last farewell to
his hospital and family?
At the medical camp, Juni with his spirits high, wholeheartedly
devoted himself to service of the maimed. From performing
procedures at the minor Operation Theater to aiding in the
transportation of the injured to the medical camp, the three of
them did everything possible to lend a helping hand.
A soldier needed help in carrying a wounded to the camp and
called for help. Juni and Huni having just completed a procedure
on an injured patient, ran out to the aid of the caller.

In the swiftness of a few seconds, two jeeps appeared from

nowhere and hooded terrorists in them opened fire at all visible
at the scene.
Juni being on the forefront, helping to carry the soldier, fell with a
thud as numerous bullets pierced his body, splattering blood all
over his clothes.
The one who had come to the rescue of an injured had now
himself been injured and needed rescue. However, it was too
late. Juni had been shot by three bullets in his chest, all three
ruthlessly damaging parts of his chest.
All emergency first aid was of no avail. There were no chances of
his survival.
As Juni was breathing his last, he called both of his friends, who in
tears listened attentively to what he had to say.
Promise me something: when I die, the two of you will continue
my legacy, returning as ghazis (warriors) from this incident, and
pledge wholeheartedly to live and die for the sake of Allah in the
service of the people of this land.
Take this lab coat stained with blood to my mother, and tell her
that she has the proud privilege of being the mother of a martyr;
an honor that every mother of a son is not bestowed with.
Tell her that her son has finally reached his aim. Today he is
successful and tell her to grieve not; for the martyrs never die.
With this sentence he recited the proclamation of faith aloud:
There is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW
is His Messenger
And then the animated body became lifeless: no cardiac activity,
no pulse, no breathing.
Today, this doctor-son of the nation had died himself but had
raised the heads of all doctors of the nation with sheer pride due
to his invaluable sacrifice for his homeland.

Juni is with us no more.

But he has indeed transcended from mortality to immortality.
And do not say about those who are killed in the way of
Allah , "They are dead." Rather, they are alive, but you
perceive [it] not.
--Quran 2:154

Dr. Munira Malik

Department of Medical Education,
Wah Medical College,
Wah Cantt.

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