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Wellow Residents' Group Meeting

Tuesday 19th April 2016 8pm Wellow Literary Institute

Payment of hall: The hire of the hall costs 10 per session. A few of us have had a whip-round up to now
but we should spread the cost. Those we've spoken to are very against too much formality in this group
so we don't want a treasurer, bank account, etc. Starting this meeting, we will have a pot for members to
drop discretely some contribution in coins which will be counted in public at the end of the meeting. Any
surplus will go into a cocoa tin for us to decide what to do with at a later date.

Fracking and Frack-Free IW Guest Speaker Vix Lowthian, leader of
the Green Party IW and Parliamentary Candidate Green Party IW at the
General Election 2015. Vix will give us her take on this controversial issue and
take questions from members.
H.M. Queen's 90th Birthday Celebration. There will be an event on
the Millennium Green with the Millennium Beacon being lit on the evening of
Thursday 21st April. Final details will be announced at the meeting.
April's Shalfleet Parish Council Meeting. Brief resum of main points
including the Community Speedwatch scheme run with the support of
Hampshire Constabulary
Wellow Post Office Update of temporary arrangements during move
from Rossiters. Sue Pritchett will update us.
Update of Planning Committee's decision on the recent application by
West Wight Alpacas to have conditions lifted on their opening hours and
permission to run a restaurant service.
Discussion Paper Is This Where We Want to Go? presented by
Paul Nicholson


Next Meeting Tuesday 17th May 2016. We have heard from several
members that Tuesdays or any weekdays are impossible or very difficult. How
do people feel? Would those who cannot make Tuesdays please contact me
and let me know which days they can make? At weekends there would be no
need to have evening meetings, perhaps? Maybe after the monthly coffee
mornings would work well and attract more people for both events?

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