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Adaptions Notes
Adaptation- A body part or a behavior that helps an organism survive.

Two types of adaptations

Examples of Physical Adaptations
1) Frogs with long sticky tongues
2) Ducks webbed feet
3) Lions long claws and sharp teeth

___________- plants and animals sometimes use color or shapes that help
them hide from enemies and predators.

Some animals also use color to scare away other animals or attract

Behavioral Adaptions are based off instinct.

Instinct- is a behavior that an animal begins life with and it helps

them to meet their needs.

Types of Behavioral Adaptations

1) Hibernation- a dormant inactive state in which normal body functions
2) ____________- the movement of animals from one region to another and
Basic Needs- Things all living organisms need to survive.


If animals can meet their basic needs anymore due to environmental

changes they become extinct.
Extinction- the death of all the members of a certain group of organisms.

About 65,000,000 years ago more than half of all living things died
including dinosaurs, mammoths, and saber-toothed tigers.

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