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Free Throw

Adam Sallee

Anticipatory Set:
The students will come into class and go to their assigned area until role is taken

Students will begin their warm up

o Students will complete 4 minute jog.
o After jog teacher will led students through static and dynamic stretching.

State Standards
The student demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few
movement forms

The student demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity

The students will be able to demonstrate correct technique of shooting a free throw.

6 basketballs

Set must include
1) Basketball- Free throw
2) Involve students
Ask questions: Anyone here played basketball before? Watch
basketball on TV? Favorite team/player?
Lesson development or instructional procedures
1. Detailed Instruction
Free throw shooting has become a lost art in some ways. Many kids
dont realize how important free throw shooting can be. In this
lesson they will learn the correct steps to shooting a free throw.
Students will grab a ball and step up to the free throw line. Position
your dominant foot so it is pointing directly to the front of the rim.
Off-set your other foot slightly behind your dominant foot. Legs
should be shoulder length apart. Keep your eyes on the goal at all
times. Get a routine! Every time you shoot a free throw you should
follow the same routine before shooting the ball. Ex. Dribble 3
times or spin the ball in your hands. Bend you knees to start the
shooting process. Raise up and shoot the ball all in one motion.
Make sure you follow through by flicking your wrist. Students must
remember to relax and shoot with confidence. Keeping their elbow
in is very important. Keep your non-shooting hand under the ball and
keep the elbow on your shooting arm tight.(Wissel)
You can not cross the line at any point during the free throw. Make

sure you are not standing on the line when you shoot
Common errors include not following through and not bending your
knees enough to get good lift on the ball.
2. Modeling Cue words (2-3 max) per step (Example included)
Step 1: Position
Step 2: Bend knees
Step 3: Raise up
Step 4: Shoot
Step 5: follow through
3. Modeling steps
A. I say I do
B. You say I do
C. We say you do
D. You say you do
4. Drill and practice
Free throw shooting: Students will line up behind free throw line in
a single file line. Students will shoot 2 free throws each, then go to
back of line.
Students will partner up with one ball and one goal. Students will
shoot 10 free throws each.
Group Free throw shooting. Students will line up around the paint
while one student shoots a free throw. Student will shoot until a miss.
Group free throw shooting- Same as before except this time students
will shoot with their eyes closed.
5. Culminating activity - Gotcha! This a game that students really enjoy.
Students will line up in a single file line at free throw line. First 2 people in line
will have a ball. The person in front will shoot then the 2nd person will shoot. If
the 2nd person makes his shot before the 1st person makes his, the player is out.
Repeat until one is left standing. (coachesclipboard)

Closure/summary must reemphasize all points made during the lesson lots of
voices from students A&Q time! Repeat modeling steps demonstration of
A. List of questions
1. Can anyone tell me the steps to shooting a free throw?
What are some important things to remember when shooting a free
What are some common errors?

Evaluation (must evaluate each objective exactly look back to your set of
objectives and evaluate each one)

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