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Chapter News

Source: The French Review, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Feb., 1978), p. 425
Published by: American Association of Teachers of French
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10 points. Civilization and culture. French cooking; current newspapers and magazines;
major literary figures and their major works (see level IV; add La Bruyere, La Rochefoucauld,
Pascal, Descartes, Stendhal, Balzac, Flaubert, Zola, Dumas, Malraux, Claudel, Anouilh);

major artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (see level IV).

Central New York
Maryse Whorrall, president of the AATF Chapter of Central New York, welcomed some
sixty members, students, and parents to the annual spring luncheon honoring the winners of

the Grand Concours at LeMoyne College in Syracuse, N. Y. on Saturday, 7 May 1977.

After reading his treasurer's report, Mitchell Gary discussed the new system for listing
bonafide members of the chapter this coming year. He earnestly entreated members to make

sure dues were paid on time.

Before presenting the awards, Tim Bevens, chairman of the contest, undertook to explain
the difficulties in determining the winners caused by unfortunate mistakes in the scoring
key. As a result, headquarters have chosen a new contest development chairman who will
endeavor to avoid these scoring errors next year. William Marcel of St. John Fisher College

in Rochester has been named as the new regional chairman for the 1978 contest.
Special gifts from the chapter were presented to Tim Bevens and Maryse Whorrall for their
outstanding service this year.
Upon completion of the business part of the meeting, Dr. Margaret Dietemann, Associate
Dean of Students at LeMoyne College and former French professor, addressed the gathering
with a most moving speech on the joy and satisfaction to be experienced from deep study of a
foreign language and culture-a joy quite apart from any practical considerations. Her
inspiring thoughts, which were warmly received, brought the meeting to a close.

Kathleen Crouch, Recording Secretary

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