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Name: Susan Melnick

Alexandra Mootry
Ashley McClenahan
Rubi Ramirez
Activity: LEVEL # I WEEK # 28
GRADE LEVEL & NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1st grade, 39 students
TIME: 30 mins
39 bean bags multiple colors, Parachute, 3 foam balls, music, boombox, whistle
OBJECTIVES: The student will learn:
1. To identify and place body parts on an object
2. To work cooperatively with others in a parachute activity
3. To balance the body in a variety of situations
4. To perform individual self-testing stunt
Introductory Activity:
1.1 Demonstrate an awareness of personal space, general space, and boundaries while
moving in different directions and at high, medium, and low levels in space.

Fitness Activity:
3.1 Participate in physical activities that are enjoyable and challenging.

Lesson Focus:
1.2 Travel over, under, in front of, behind, and through objects and over, under, in front
of, and behind partners, using locomotor skills.

5.3 Demonstrate the characteristics of sharing and cooperation in physical activity.

PART 1: INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY (2-3 mins): Body Part Identification

Teaching Hints
Each student stands near a beanbag placed on the Students should be encouraged to move over and
floor. Students are instructed to move over and
around as many bean bags as possible.
around the bean bags on the floor. When a Body
part is called students place the body part on the
Challenge students by calling out a color. They
nearest beanbag.
then must avoid moving over and around all
1. Use different movements
beanbags of that color
2. Use different body parts.
3. Call combinations of movements and body

Name: Susan Melnick

Alexandra Mootry
Ashley McClenahan
Rubi Ramirez

PART 2: FITNESS DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY (8-12 mins): Parachute Fitness

Teaching Hints
1. Jog while holding the chute in the left
Tape alternating segments of silence and music to
hand. Turn, hold chute in right hand when signal duration of exercise.
whistle blows. Switch each time the
Music segments indicate aerobic activity with the
whistle blows. (music)
parachute; intervals of silence announce using the
2. Facing the center, shake the chute when
chute to enhance flexibility and strength
your color is called. (no music)
3. Slide to the right, then slide to left, while
holding the chute with both hands. (music) Space youngsters evenly around the chute.
4. Freeze, face the center, and stretch the
chute tightly Hold for 8-12 seconds, relax, Use different grips (palms up, down, mixed)
repeat. (No music)
5. Stand and Skip to the right on the whistle
All movements should be done under control.
change direction. (music)
Some of the faster and stronger students will have
6. Sit with legs under the chute. Do seat
to moderate their performance.
walks toward the center, when color is
called. Return to the perimeter. Repeat for
each color. (no music)
7. Stand and run in place while holding the
chute taut at different levels. (music)
8. Lie on back with feet under the chute.
Shake the chute with the feet. (no music)
9. Stand, shake the chute and jump in place
10. Sit with feet under the chute. Stretch by
touching the toes with the chute. Relax
with other stretches while sitting. (no
11. Hop to the center of the chute and return.
Repeat. (music)
PART 3: LESSON FOCUS (15-20 mins): Gymnastic Skills
Teaching Hints
Animal Movements
Five groups of activities in this lesson ensure that
Siamese Twin Walk
youngsters receive a variety of experiences. Pick a
Stand back to back with a partner. Lock elbows. few activities from each group ad teach them

Name: Susan Melnick

Alexandra Mootry
Ashley McClenahan
Rubi Ramirez
Walk forward, backward and sideward in unison.
Crab Walk
Squat down and reach back, putting both hands
on the floor without sitting down. With head, neck
and body level, walk forward, backward and

Individual Stunt
Pogo Stick (music playing in background)
Pretend to be on a pogo stick by keeping a stiff
body and jumping on the toes. Hold the hands in
front as if grasping the stick. Progress in various

Balance Stunt
Hand-and-Knee Balance
Get down on all fours, taking the weight on the
hands, knees and feet, with toes pointed
backward. Lift one hand and the opposite knee.
Keep the free foot and hand from touching during
the hold. Reverse hand and knee positions.

alternately. For example, teach one or two animal

movements, then a tumbling and inverted balance,
followed by a balance stunt, etc. Five equal time
to each group of activities

Stress upward propelling action by the ankles and

toes, with the body kept stiff, particularly at the
knee joints.

Balance activities are excellent activities to teach

because all students are capable of performing
Encourage students to see how long they can hold
the balances

Supplies: Two or more 8 foam balls
Skills: Ball rolling, catching
Children are in a circle formation, Facing toward
the center. Each player stands in a wide straddle
stance with the side of their foot against their

Teaching Hints

Name: Susan Melnick

Alexandra Mootry
Ashley McClenahan
Rubi Ramirez
neighbors. Their hands are placed on the knees.
Two or more balls are used. The object of the
game is to roll a ball between the legs of other
players before they get their hands down to stop
the ball. Keep the circles small so students have
more opportunities to handle the ball. Players
must catch and roll the ball rather than batting it.
Hands must be kept on the knees until a ball is
rolled at them. After some practice, the following
variation can be played.
Variation: Two or more children are in the center,
each with a ball. The other children are in the
same formation as before. The center players try
to roll the ball through the legs of any child,
masking intent by using feints and changes of
direction. Any child allowing the ball to go
through becomes it.

Closing: Who can remember a body part that you put on a bean bag? Call on several students.
Name a locomotor skill used with the parachute? Call on several students.
On three everybody say First Grade Rocks, ready, one, two three!

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