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Indirect/Reported Speech Simple Statements (Backshift)

Finish the sentences using Indirect/Reported Speech. Remember to always change the tense.
Example: Peter:: I clean the black shoes
Report: Peter told me that he cleaned the black shoes.

1. John: Natasha is at home at the moment.

John said that _______________________________________________________________________
2. Max: Frank often reads a book.
Max told me that _____________________________________________________________________
3. Agueda: Im busy watching a soap opera.
Agueda said to me that ________________________________________________________________
4. Atilano: David was ill last night.
Atilano said that ______________________________________________________________________
5. Nicanora: The boys were fighting this morning.
Nicanora told me that _________________________________________________________________
6. Mimi: We have already washed our cars several times this week.
Mimi said that _______________________________________________________________________
7. Atanasio: The boss has been signing a lot of letters.
Atanasio said to his wife that ____________________________________________________________
8. Mom and dad: We had already pointed out on what we wanted you to do.
Mom and dad told my sister that _________________________________________________________
9. Procopio: Clodomira had been desperately looking for you all over the village before now.
Procopio told Segismundo that __________________________________________________________
10. Pepito and Rosita: We are studying because we need to prepare ourselves for the exam.
Pepito and Rosita said that _____________________________________________________________
11. Teacher: I was thinking of the best way to make you pay the brewskies.
The teacher said to us that _____________________________________________________________
12. My friends: We went to a great bar and got plastered a few nights ago.
My friends told me that ________________________________________________________________
13. Mr. Simpson: I was playing cards and drinking booze with my friends last Sunday.
Mr. Simpson said that _________________________________________________________________

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