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A thesis Presented to the

School of International Hospitality Management
World Citi Colleges
Quezon City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in Research (Thesis 1)
Of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management




Approval sheet


Review of Related Literature
Theoretical Framework/Conceptual Framework
Research Paradigm
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitation of the Study
Definition of Terms

Research Design
Population and Sampling
Respondents of the Study
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment of Data

The story of Intramuros is an incredible one as it has been witness to many key
events that comprise the history of the Philippines. It has been the scene of multi-cultural
contact among the Chinese, Spanish and American nations; it has seen the repression and
oppression of the Filipino people; it has been the symbol of foreign occupation by the
Spanish, Japanese and, to certain extent, the United States. It is also a story of
colonialism, de-colonialism and the development of national identity, for instead of

hiding these relics of a past that brings up mixed images in the Filipino heart, the people
of the Philippines have embraced this site full heartedly and made it their own. It is today
a proud Philippine attraction, as well as a fully functioning part of Metro Manila.
Today, Intramuros gains attention because of its renovated infrastructures and
sceneries while the historical essence of the old buildings with Spanish influences is
maintained. As future tourism practitioners, it came to our attention that Intramuros can
be a potential site in promoting Philippine culture and heritage. With our eager desire to
help, we wish to identify and focus on the influences regarding the current progress with
the increasing number of tourists within the location. Through conducting quantitative
and qualitative methods of research we will have a lucid view of how tourism growth is
affected by the newest trends in the tourism industry
Intramuros holds the key to the door of our rich history. Because of our eagerness
to rediscover the city of our ancestors dreams, we have followed the footsteps of our
heroes and went to visit our past. When someone says, Manila Cultural and Heritage
Tour one might think of Intramuros in an instant. In this walled city, people would usual
go to Fort Santiago, to Manila Cathedral or to the San Agustin Church. These places are
the most preserved and developed places in Intramuros, but there is more in this place
than those usual locations.
A Cultural and heritage site shares a great role in the formation of a countrys
culture and history. It is expected that the Filipinos would uphold the institution that
history brought us. There has been a cultural property that includes the safe
guarding it from an intentional and on purpose destruction. It has been suggested that
greed and violence are the greatest threats in cultural properties. (Torres, 2005) The

physical care must also been preserved as a composition of the cultural property. It has
been significantly important to the community, however, to be effectively protected it
must deal with specific vulnerability.
Cultural heritage preservation started because of the desire of preserving cultural
relics in Europe to the enlightenment which led to the appreciation of the material
culture. It was mentioned that the Non-Western culture tends to value the spiritual view
more than the material view of the past. For effective heritage tourism, it must emphasize
the flexibility and adaptability with the site, enables to meet consumers' needs and
integrated with other systems. It must be from the society that wants to conserve a
specific place.


Local Related Literature

Within the walls of Manilas Intramuros, the original Spanish settlement, the
Spanish colonial influence onto the nation and people persists through Intramuros
continued usage and significance to the modern city; through ethnography and
archaeology, this study aims to analyze modes through which the Filipino people and
government interact with and represent their history and identity. I hope to examine the
conflict between everyday functional uses of the site by its inhabitants, the traditional,
bygone uses of an elite class, and the increasing gentrification, as mediated by the

management of and renovation by the Intramuros Administration. Pedestrian surveys,

questionnaires, archival research, and interviews with key governmental agencies and
community advocates will address questions about the continued role and importance of
Intramuros in terms of its spatial and cultural legitimacy to modern Filipino identity. This
approach to a study of Intramuros drives understanding into the inner workings not only
of Manila the city, but that of the people themselves in relation to their past, their
government, and their presentation to the world at large.
The Intramuros Administration (IA), an agency of the Department of Tourism, is
celebrating its 36th anniversary on April 10, 2015. It was created by Presidential Decree
1616 in 1979, with primary task of preserving the rich cultural and historical heritage
within the 64-hectare walled city of Intramuros.
IA efforts have transformed Intramuros into a top tourist destination. The United
Nations World Tourism Organization cited the IA for its unique approach in
implementing Intramuros reconstruction as tourism development model for heritage
conservation. IA is being assisted by businesses, establishments, and universities to
preserve and restore buildings, monuments, and forts. They make the area more touristfriendly, and provide transports such as kalesa, jeepney, pedicab, and electric chariot, or
encourage walking along its wide, cobblestone streets.
Republic Act 597 declared Intramuros a National Historical Monument. Over the
years, IA has restored five original stone gates Isabel II, Parian, Real, Santa Lucia, and
Postigo as well as plazas Plaza Roma, Plaza Sampalucan, Puerta Sta. Lucia, and
Puerta del Parian Revellin. Developed as tourists spots were Fort Santiago, and the
adjacent Maestranza Wall, used as soldiers quarters during the war. Rebuilt were Casa

Manila, a museum depicting 19th Century lifestyle, and El Amanecer, a reproduction of

19th Century townhouse. Museo de Intramuros, reconstructed on the site of old San
Ignacio Church, showcases a cultural and historical collection from the Spanish era to the
pre-war period, including religious images, tableware, sanctuary silver, inlaid furniture,
ceramics, and wood objects.
Intramuros was the seat of government as well as center of commerce, education,
politics, and religion during the Spanish period. It served as main trading link between
Spain and China. In exchange for Spanish silver, Chinese traders gave silks and fine
finished products, which the Spanish transported to Acapulco. Established by Miguel
Lopez de Legazpi in 1571 along the bank of Pasig River, it was built to protect the
government seat from foreign invasion, with towering walls separating it from the rest of
Manila. It was heavily damaged during the war, but has since been restored by IA to its
former glory.
Here are beautiful churches such as San Agustin Church, a UNESCO world
heritage site, and the Manila Cathedral, as well as the Governors Palace, the official
residence of Spanish officials. The national shrine Fort Santiago is where national hero
Dr. Jose P. Rizal was detained before he was executed in Bagumbayan, now Rizal Park. A
bust of Dr. Rizal is found at Intramuros ASEAN Garden.
Foreign Related Literature
The UN World Tourism Organization, through its Secretary-General Talib Raifi,
has recently commended the Intramuros Administration (IA) for its unique approach in
formulating the Intramuros Master Plan (IMP) as a consultative tourism development

model for heritage conservation. IA Administrator, Jose A. Capistrano, Jr. with his team,
will highlight the components and the reasons behind the IMP with the end objective of
enhancing Intramuros as a sustainable tourist attraction.
Built on the 16th-century palisades of Raja Sulaymans fort, it was during the
countrys the Spanish colonial era. Although left untouched in recognition of its heritage
qualities by the 1905 Daniel Burnham Plan for Manila, which was commissioned in the
early days of the American colonial government, Intramuros did not survive World War
II. Bombs practically wiped out Intramuros during the American reconquest of Manila in
the last days of World War II.
A walk through Intramuros today is a study in contrasts: of sensitively restored
fortifications and the World Heritage San Agustin Church; of reconstructed Spanish-era
bahay-na-bato standing in brute contrast next to blocks of informal-settler dwellings, a
- Demographic
This aims to analyze
sight that dashes romantic notions of reviving bygone colonial Intramuros gentility.
profile of the
the past and present
respondents in terms
life of the city that
- Conducting of
plays a big part of
survey through
the culture and
a. Age
distribution of
history of our
b. Gender
country. Also, this
c. Nationality
will make
of Datapreserves Intramuros
This study will focus on how
appreciate and give
importance of the
-Discussion of the
past to the future.
historical beauty be
described in terms
a. Historical
b. Attractions
c. History
d. Location
e. Culture


The locals from Manila will be the input of this study. They will be the one who
will answer the questionnaire provided by the researchers because they are familiar about
the historical beauty of Intramuros and the questions that will be provided by the
researchers. Thus, they will be able to give appropriate and best answers to the
researchers. They will be determined and segregated in terms of their demographic
profile including their age, gender and nationality.

In the process of doing this research paper to get the output, the researchers will
conduct a survey through distributing questionnaires made, and analysis and discussion
of the gathered data.
This aims to analyze the past and present life of the city that plays a big part of the
culture and history of our country. Also, this will make Filipinos appreciate and give
more importance of the past to the future will be the output of this research study. It will
also identify the impact of Intramuros in the line with the tourism industry.


This study will find out how government and locals preserve Intramuros historical
beauty. Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:
1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Nationality
2. How does the government and locals preserve Intramuros historical beauty be
described in terms of:
a. Historical structures
b. Attractions
c. History
d. Location
e. Culture
3. Is there any significant relationship between the demographic profile of the
respondents and variables of preserving Intramuros historical beauty?
4. Is there any significant difference among the variables of preserving Intramuros
historical beauty?


There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of the

respondents and the variables of preserving Intramuros historical beauty.


The study aims to give valuable information to the researchers on how to
ameliorate and embellish the city of intramuros and on how to preserve its historical
beauty with regards to the industry of tourism.
The tourist can help by encouraging other tourist to explore and acknowledge the
beauty of Intramuros. Thereafter, the growing number of tourist would be a great help
also a huge contribution to the country.
The study brings knowledge and awareness to the community furthermore, this
will increase their idea about the place. For this reason, the community would be more
appreciative and cautious about their area.

This study would be significant to the tourism students thus using this as their
reference for the future studies.


This study will focus on preserving Intramuros historical beauty. The respondents
will be one hundred (100) locals from Manila. They will be segmented by means of their
age, gender, and nationality. These will be the respondents of the study because they are
the people familiar to one of the historical places in the Philippines which is Intramuros
as well as the questions that will be provided thus, will be able to give the best answers
that will be needed by the researchers.
The purposive sampling will be used in selecting the respondents in this study.
This is the sampling that will be used because the researchers have set a particular
characteristics that they will need for their respondents such as locals or tourists who
have known the historical place Intramuros and have a thorough knowledge about the
said place. The qualifications set by the researchers should meet by the respondents. The
research instrument that will be used is a survey-questionnaire that will consist of two (2)
parts: Part one (1), the demographic profile and part two (2), the preserving Intramuros

historical beauty be described of: historical structures, attractions, history, location and
This study will focus only on the mentioned variables of preserving Intramuros
historical beauty.

Attractions - something interesting or enjoyable that people want to visit, see, or do.
Beauty - the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind.
Culture - a particular society that has its own beliefs, way of life, art, etc.
Historical - arranged in the order that things happened or came to be.
Infrastructure - the basic equipment and structures that are needed for a country, region
or organization to function properly.
Locals - characterized by or relating to position in space; having a definite spatial form or
Preserving - to keep something in its original state on in good condition.
Site - the place where something (such as building) is, was or will be located.
Tourism - the activity of travelling to a place for pleasure.
Tourists - a person who travels to a place for pleasure.


Research Design
Descriptive method was used in the study, specifically the survey form to gather
the data needed in the study. The instrument gives information that primarily describes
the preservation of Intramuros historical beauty. It describes what is. It describes with
emphasis what actually exists such as current conditions; practices; situations; or any

Population and Sampling

The study focused on the local residents of Manila, their perspective regarding the
historical beauty of Intramuros. The target population consisted of 100 local residents in

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the local residents in Manila. They are the
chosen respondents because they are knowledgeable about the preservation of the
historical beauty of Intamuros.

Research Instrument
The study used a comprehensive and structured form of survey. Respondents are
to check the box of their respective answer. The survey consists of ten questions in a form
of likert scale.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study acquired necessary data and information needed through the use of
survey. This survey was distributed to one hundred respective residents of Manila. On the
day the survey form was approved, data gathering started and it ended on the same day.

Statistical Treatment Data

After gathering the data it was organized and analyzed. With the used of
frequency count, percentage, weighted mean and chi square test, the answer to the study
can be calculated and interpreted.
1. Frequency Counts- this classified the respondents according to their gender wherein
arithmetical was made.
2. Percentage- this is used as descriptive measure to determine the frequency of
respondents against the total number of respondents this will how the profile of the
p= x 100

Where: p = percentage
f = frequency
n = total number of respondents
3. Weighted mean to get the perception of selected individual from Manila in terms of
their gender.
4. Likert Scale

Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Strongly Disagree

5. T- test to test the significant difference between the perception of male and
female individual from the residents and tourists in Manila.


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