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Differentiated Lesson Plan 201

Students Name: ___Jenna Carroll_____ Practicum Classroom: ___Infants__________
Name of Activity (please describe in some detail): ______Number Sensory
Use of this differentiated lesson plan is designed to help you develop skills and attitudes
about thoughtful, inclusive lesson plan design. A great deal of critical thinking and detail will
provide evidence of your thinking and understanding of inclusive design practices. This
lesson plan template utilizes principles of universal design and differentiated planning to
include ALL children in classroom activities.

Section 1: Content Areas (Standards, Goals and Concepts)

1. Describe the general play goal for this activity; consider the overall
domain(s) of development that the activity addresses (e.g., improve motor
skills, increase memory, match shapes, etc.):
Improve gross motor skills, to explore, to increase hand eye coordination, to engage
and discover

2. Identify the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standard(s) that will be

addressed in play with this toy (identify the 2-3 most critical WMELS):
Motor Development:
Performance Standard B.EL.1a Moves with strength, control, balance,
coordination, locomotion and endurance.
Exploration, Discovery and Problem Solving:
Performance Standard A.EL.1 Uses multi-sensory abilities to process

Section 2: Pre-Requisite Skills (Cognitive, Motor, Sensory,

1. What basic skills do children need to have in order to participate in this
activity? Describe the cognitive (including language), motor, sensory and
social skills necessary to participate. Do the skills needed match the general
skills of the children in the classroom (if the answer is no, pick a different

Differentiated Lesson Plan 201

It doesnt take much to participate in this activity. The infant simply has to be
placed on tummy time on or around the sensory bag that has been contact
papered to the ground.

2. Identify any gaps between the skills needed and the skills individual children
may have (some children may have special needs or circumstances that may
require additional support; try to identify those gaps here):
Some of the infants in the room are fairly young at 8 weeks and may not be
able to participate for a long time, but they can still participate for a short
amount of time before becoming frustrated.

Section 3: Differentiated Curriculum & Instruction

Objectives: Performance Levels for ALL children in a classroom.
Describe three levels of performance that could be obtained through play with
this toy: Essential Skills describe the most basic level of performance that you
would like to see occur, Expected Skills describe the level of performance that you
anticipate most children in a classroom will achieve, and Enrichment Skills
describe higher levels of performance that might be achieved by more advanced
learners. Focus on observable and measurable behavior and performance
Essential Objective:
Infant participates in tummy time
Expected Objective:
Infant participates in tummy time and notices the sensory bags on the floor
Enrichment Objective:
Infant participates in tummy time, notices the sensory bags and attempts to
manipulate them and discover what is inside

Set Up & Advance Preparation Reminders:

Describe materials needed, environmental set ups, and adaptive equipment or
materials you will need.

Differentiated Lesson Plan 201

1. Environmental Conditions: (room arrangements, set-ups, grouping of
children, special seating or equipment that might be needed etc.)
The arrangement of furniture can stay the same as it was, making sure that the mat
is clear. On the mat the sensory bags will be contact papered on. From the ceiling
numbers will be hung.

2. Advance Preparation Reminders: What do you need to take care of

before the lesson (e.g. make play dough)?
I need to make sure the bags are papered to the floor. The bags must be pre-made,
filled with hair gel and glitter. The paper underneath the bags will be white and
contain a number; 1-4.

What is the sequence of your activity: (describe your introduction, procedure and
closure for this activity)
a. Introduction: Engage and Explain (use a visual or other creative
attention getter):
I will help the infants to floor on tummy time. As I do this I will sing 5
Little Ducks

b. Procedure: Explore, Model & Teach:

-The children are put on tummy time
- Each will be placed on a sensory bag
- Some may explore the bag beneath them
- As they explore the bags say the number that is inside of the bag.
-When infant gets tired or fussy ask them if they are all done. Pick
them up, check for basic needs.
c. Closure: Check for Understanding and Transition:
Note if the infants can support themselves while on their tummy and if
they can push themselves up onto their forearms. While the infants
play watch to see if they are interested in the bags, if they reach for
them, look at them and touch them. Also watch for cues such as
cooing, smiling, or even being scared.

Differentiated Lesson Plan 201

If a child became upset I would transition by asking if they are all done.
I would them pick them up and check for basic needs. If a child is still
happy and playing I would transition them by singing Ten in the Bed
and rolling the infant over.

Instructional Strategies & Individualization:

1. Instructional Strategies: (Describe what specific teacher cues, prompts,
and strategies or techniques will be used to facilitate the development of the
skills you identified as areas of emphasis in your objectives; how will you
scaffold and support the childrens learning of those skills)?
-I will point to the sensory bags and try to engage them towards it
- I will hold a toy about the heads of the little infants to get them to hold their
head up longer while on tummy time
- I will say the numbers that are inside of the sensory bags
- I will use words to describe the bags, such as soft, the color of the bag,
glittery, shiny etc.
2. Behavioral Considerations: (what behavioral strategies will you use to
keep children engaged)?
- I will clap and act excited when they reach for the sensory bag
- For smaller infants I will smile and act excited when they lift up their
- I will try to keep the children engaged so they do not become frustrated
while on tummy time

3. Individualized Support for Target Children ( describe specific support

and adaptations you will make for individual children:
Any child can participate in this activity. The main purpose of this activity is to
work on tummy time and encourage the infants to explore. Perhaps if a child
is scared of the bags I could take one off and show it to them while I hold
them to show them there is nothing to be afraid of.
If a child were unable to participate in tummy time.
Note: Describe specific children to keep in mind during this lesson. This could
include children who represent the academic, behavioral and/or social range of
learners in your class (e.g., struggling, average, high performing) and should include
children who may have a disability, who are English language learners, or those who

Differentiated Lesson Plan 201

may require special attention during the lesson. Use initials when referring to these
children to ensure confidentiality.

Section 4: Reflection
Evaluation of the Teaching Experience:
1. What went well with this activity? Where did you and the children experience
I think this activity went well. The infants enjoyed looking at and touching the
sensory bags. I feel like it was appropriate and engaged them.
2. Where did the children/you have difficulty? Why?
I dont think I had much difficulty with this lesson. I would introduce it to the infants
individually as I could throughout the day. Some children liked it more than others
but they all in one way or another participated.
3. What would you do differently?
I dont think I would do anything differently. I think this lesson could be used again
and again, changing out pictures or colors. I placed 5 bags on the mat, maybe next
time I would do 3 because I found myself stepping all over them because the whole
mat was filled.
4. How have you applied what you learned in your ECE classes to this teaching
Throughout this class and others I have learned a lot that has helped me succeed in
an infant room. While other lessons may have been more involved (like finger
painting) I have found lessons such as this are just as educational as the others.
This also is nice because it allows me to be able to function around the classroom
while the other kids are playing on the floor with the activity bags.

Section 5: Evaluation
Cooperating Teacher Evaluation:
1. Was plan handed in and discussed one week in



2. Were requested changes to plan made?



Differentiated Lesson Plan 201


3. Was student prepared on the day of the activity?



General Comments on Activity Implementation:

WCTC Instructor Evaluation:

Section 1: Content Areas (Standards & Goals)


Section 2: Pre-Requisite Skills


Section 3: Performance Objectives



Total Possible Score=



Section 4: Reflection

Section 3: Instructional Techniques & Individualization


Section 3: Set Up & Procedures



Differentiated Lesson Plan 201


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