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Interrogation of Montressor

Q: Were you the one who killed Fortunato?

A: Yes, it was me. I do believe that he deserves though. He has done so much wrong to me that it
finally pushed me off the edge and I had to take action so I decided to kill him. It was hard to go
through but I completed what I was set to do, kill Fortunato.
Q: How did you feel about his death?
A: At first, I didnt think that anything would get in my way of killing him but eventually, the
guilt was eating me alive. I wanted him have a bad death but I couldnt help but hoped that he
rested in peace.
Q: Would take back what you did?
A: If I did have the chance, I would. When I look back about how noble he was, it depresses me.
Even though he has done a lot of bad things to me, I think that I took it too far. Death should
never be an option.
Q: How did you kill him?
A: First I intoxicated him with wine. Then I lured him to the catacombs where I used reverse
psychology to make him want to come further into the catacombs. I took him all the way to the
end then chaining him to the wall then suffocate him by walling him in.
Q: Was what you did worth the guilt?
A: There wasnt supposed to be any guilt in the first place. Once it began I just couldnt stop it. It
was practically eating me alive. In the end, it wasnt worth it especially because no matter what, I
couldnt take back what I did.
Q: How did you use the reverse psychology?
A: I knew that Fortunato prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine so I told him that I had
bought Amontillado that could be something else and that I would ask a man named Luchesi if it
indeed was Amontillado. This made Fortunato really want to help because he knew that he knew
more than Luchesi. I kept on saying that Ill just ask Luchesi which just made him want to come
to my vault even more.

Q: What would you say the motive was?

A: One word, revenge. I had borne the thousand injuries of Fortunato the best I could but when
he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. This also, was no ordinary revenge. This revenge
ended in death and I made sure that I would punish with impunity. Which is ironic now because
Im about to receive punishment.
Q: How did you come up with this way to kill him?
A: Well to go forth with punishing without impunity, it had to be someplace where no one would
check for at least a while. It also had to be painful which was the idea at first but I made it less
painful. A way of punishment that would accompany all of the requirements would be to chain
and suffocate him.
Q: Is there anything that happened during this that you would like to share?
A: I have to admit, there were a few humorous ironic moments. When I had killed him, he was
wearing motley which is something that jesters wear and he had called me a jest which is pretty
ironic. He also found me being a mason to be funny because he could never think of me as one.
A mason is someone who works with stone or concrete and I used it to kill him.
Q: How did Fortunato react to all of this?
A: He didnt know what my plan was until we had reached the end of the vault and I chained
him. He began screaming and trying to get free even when I was building the wall. When I was
almost done, he had stopped screaming and acted like he thought what I was doing was a joke. It
seemed like he was trying to see if there was still some hope but there was none. When I was
about to put the last brick in he became quiet and that was when I had put in the final brick.

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