April 16 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 16, 2016

What is the attitude (Bhava) with which we must listen to the life of an Avatar? Bhagawan gives us
a clarion call today quoting Ramayana as an example.

Dont look upon Rama as a scion of the Solar Dynasty, or the son of Emperor
Dasaratha. These correlates are but accessory and accidental. A habitual error in
modern readers is they pay attention only to the personal relationship and
affiliations between the characters of the story they read without delving into the
values they represent and demonstrate. Just as people squeeze juice out of the
fibrous cane and drink its sweetness, just as the bee sucks the honey in the
flower, regardless of its symmetry and colour, so too the spiritual seeker
(Sadhaka) should yearn to imbibe the expression of tenderness, pity and
compassion with which Ramayana is saturated, paying no heed to other subjects.
Those who seek the expression of compassion in Ramayana should concentrate
more on the central narrative than on supplementary details that embellish or
encumber it. Listen to the Ramayana in that mood; that is the best form of
spiritual listening (Shravana).
- Ramakatha Rasavahini, Ch 1.

Fullness in life is marked by the harmony of thought, word and deed. Baba

Fullness in life is marked by the harmony of thought, word and deed. Baba

Fullness in life is marked by the harmony of thought, word and deed. - 16

16 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,iks Bwv nwl,Avqwr dy jIvn bwry jwxxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,rwmwiex nUM mu`K r`K ky ,audwhrx dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:rwm nUM,sUrj rwj-kul dI SwKw dy rUp jW mhwrwjw dSrQ dy byty dy rUp
iv`c nw vyKo[ies qrHW dw irSqw socxw,PwlqU cIj hY Aqy nwsmJI kwrx huMdw
hY[A`j-k`l dy pVHy-ilKy ,khwnI nUM duinAwvI irSqy dI qrHW socdy hn Aqy
khwxI dy mu`K mu`lW bwry zrw Br vI nhIN socdy[ijs qrHW lok,g`ny nUM pIV ky
aus dw rs pINdy hY,mDum`KI ,Pu`lW dy rMgW Aqy jwqIAW dw iKAwl kIqy
ibnW,aunHW dw r`s cUsdI hY,ausy qrHW swDk nUM,duinAwvI cIzW dw iKAwl kIqy
ibnW,rwmwiex nUM aus iv`c ivKwey dieAw Bwv, rihm nUM ivcwrnw cwhIdw
hY[ijhVy lok,rwmwiex ivc ivKwey dieAwluqw Bwv socdy hn aunHW nUM,ies dy

nwl-nwl Awpxw iDAwn,aunHW GtnwvW v`l kyNidRq krnw cwhIdw hY

ijhVIAW,ies nUM sUMdr bxwauNdIAW hn jW rukwvtW pwauNdy hn[rwmwiex
nUM,ies qrHW dI BwvnwvW nwl suxo[iehI , suxx dI s`cI swDnw hY[(rwm kQw
rs vwihnI,A`iDAwey iek)[
mn,vcn Aqy krm dI iekswrqw hox nwl hI jIvn,sPl huMdw hY[(bwbw)[

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