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Self Assessment

2015 - 2015 - Final NURS-151 Course Learning Outcomes

NURS 151 Practical Nursing Practice 2 (PN, 13-Jan-2015 - 30-Jun-2015)
Student :
Clinical Teacher/Preceptor :
Program Coordinator :
Location :
Placement Setting :
Unit/Office/Clinic :
Period :
Student hours :
Required Hours :

Karthika Poologanathan
Karlyne Reid
John Stone
Trillium Health Partners/Mississauga Hospital
16-Apr-2015 To 24-Apr-2015

I declare that this is my original work and the sources used are acknowledged.

Abilities and Outcomes / Learning Outcomes

Student Rating

Teacher Rating


1. 1 Comply with regulatory standards, relevant legislation and the practice settings policies


and procedures.
K.P. : I comply with the regulatory standards , relevant legislation and also the facilities policies and procedures

1. 2 Act in a responsible, ethical and accountable manner.


K.P. : As I am in the unit doing my care I make sure I do everything that I am assigned for. I make sure that what ever i do I am responsible
for my action.

1. 3 Determine strengths and limitations and when to consult and seek assistance from other


K.P. : I make sure I get the help that I need when I am not sure with anything I do and get help from my teacher or the nurse that I am
assigned to .I make clear my strengths and limitations of my work.

1. 4 Use evidence informed practice and a theory-based approach to care.


K.P. : I always make sure that my teacher or my nurse with me when I am doing a care that is new for me.

1. 5 Ensure client safety and a safe environment.


K.P. : I make sure that my client is safe before I leave the room and I also check the room when I enter the room.

1. 6 Ask relevant questions to clarify understanding of the plan of care and whenever


K.P. : I always make sure that I ask questions to clarify my doubt to get more understanding.

1. 7 Identify ethical and unsafe situations and seek appropriate assistance to resolve these.


K.P. : When Iam in my patients room I make sure that my patient is in good condition. For example , if my patient oxygen level is now and
the patient has a tracheotomy tube I make sure the patients head is up and make sure the trach mask is in place before I seek out

1. 8 Demonstrate understanding about the role of the student nurse.


K.P. : As a student nurse I understand my role and my scope of practices.


2. 1 Participate in team sharing and discussions.


K.P. : I always participate in team sharing and discussions that is held in my clinical hours.

2. 2 Document clearly, accurately, concisely in a timely manner using written and electronic


K.P. : I document clearly , accurately , concisely in a timely manner using the electronic methods.

2. 3 Report relevant information to the appropriate personnel.


K.P. : When I do my assessment I always make sure I report any abnormal changes my client.

2. 4 Utilize communication techniques with the client and inter-professional health care team.


K.P. : I always make sure I use therapeutic relationship with my patients when I communicating with my clients.

2. 5 Maintain privacy and confidentiality according to the Personal Health Information


Protection Act (PHIPA)

K.P. : I always make sure patients privacy is the most important and confidentiality is the also the most important thing when working with
the clients.

2. 6 Use technology to retrieve information including research, data and other information.


K.P. : When ever if I do not understand anything when I am in the unit I always use the technology to retrieve the information and get help
from the teacher.


3. 1 Utilize effective communication techniques.


K.P. : I always use the therapeutic and effective communication techniques when I am communicating with my clients and my team

3. 2 Demonstrate therapeutic caring, compassionate, and culturally safe relationships with


clients and health care team members.

K.P. : I demonstrate the therapeutic caring , compassionate and culturally safe relationships with the clients and health care team

3. 3 Apply knowledge of therapeutic use of self and identify its effect on client well-being.


K.P. : I always make sure I follow the therapeutic use of self and identity its effects on client well-being.

3. 4 Use self-awareness to identify the effects that beliefs, values, and personal experiences


have on relational practice.

K.P. : I use self- awareness to identify the effects that beliefs , values and personal experiences have on relational practice.

3. 5 Interact with clients and members of the inter-professional health care team; and, consult


K.P. : I am comfortable working and communicating with the members of the inter-personal health care team and consult appropriately.

3. 6 Apply knowledge of practices and systems that support the diversity of clients and the


inter-professional health care team.

K.P. : I apply knowledge of practices and systems that support the diversity of clients and the inter-professional health care team .

3. 7 Apply knowledge of clients cultural, religious, and other beliefs and values as these


influence clients choices and decisions.

K.P. : I make sure that I understand the clients cultural and religious beliefs when it comes to clients choices and decision making.

3. 8 Provide effective client education.


K.P. : When my client do not understand anything I make sure I educate them. For example, If my client refuses the medication I educate
them about the reason for taking the medication.


4. 1 Recognize conflicts and strategies for resolution.


K.P. : I always write down things that are abnormal and I come back to it to resolve the situation

4. 2 Demonstrate leadership skills that foster group work and a positive learning environment.


K.P. : I teach or correct my peers when I am working with them and teaching the right way of doing things.

4. 3 Identify opportunities to improve health care service and nursing interventions by


advocating for client, self, others, and quality practice.

K.P. : I come up with my own way of providing care for my client and make sure that it is comfortable for the client.

4. 4 Provide feedback to peers and accept feedback from peers and members of the inter-


professional health care team.

K.P. : I like to accept feedbacks from my peers and inter-professional health care team because it helps me learn more and correct myself.
I also like to give feedback to peers.

4. 5 Support clients rights for self-determination and choice.


K.P. : I respect rights of self-determination and choices of the clients.

4. 6 Respond appropriately to unsafe, unacceptable, and unprofessional behaviours.


K.P. : I always make sure everything is safe with the clients care and I discuss anything that seems different to me I ask the nurse to clarify
to make sure its safe.

4. 7 Consult and collaborate when carrying out health care and nursing practices that are in


the best interests of the public and protect the public through collaboration and consultation.
K.P. : I always I double check with everyone including my teacher before I do anything.


5. 1 Incorporate the unique needs and expected outcomes into individual clients plans of


K.P. : Every clients are different before I start the care I make sure that I understand what I will be doing as there care.

5. 2 Develop theory-based plans of care that are holistic and client centered and are


articulated competently in writing and orally.

K.P. : I always come up with the theory - based plans of care that are holistic and client centred but I still have to develop more on it to be
more comfortable.

5. 3 Use knowledge, skill and judgment to assess clients, prioritize needs and outcomes.


K.P. : I always make sure that I use knowledge , skills and judgement to assess clients , prioritize needs and outcomes.

5. 4 Provide information that contributes to the evaluation and refinement of plans of care.


K.P. : I am comfortable providing information to the nurses to contribute to the evaluation and refinement of plans of care.

5. 5 Safely and competently carry out nursing assessments and nursing interventions that are


theory-based and within skill abilities.

K.P. : I am comfortable in safely and competently carrying out nursing assessments and nursing interventions that are theory -based and
within skill abilities.

5. 6 Carry out nursing care that reflects the practice decision-making framework.


K.P. : I follow the care plan and chart for the particular client to care for the patient .

5. 7 Complete nursing care responsibilities and nursing interventions in an organized and


timely manner.
K.P. : I plan my day how to start the care and make sure its my responsibility to care for the patient in a timely manner.


6. 1 Work with clients and members of the inter-professional health care team to assess


clients, determine health needs, and to achieve mutually agreed expected outcomes.
K.P. : I make sure I work with the inter-professional team and also with the client to assess the clients , and identify the health needs to
come up with mutually agreed expected outcomes.

6. 2 Contribute as a member of the inter-professional health care team to respond to the


changing needs and expected outcomes of clients.

K.P. : I work with the inter-professional health care team to any changes in needs and expected outcomes of clients.

6. 3 Seek out assistance and consult with members of the inter-professional health care team.


K.P. : When ever I feel that I am not confident with anything I do I make sure I get help from my inter-professional health care team and my
teacher before I do anything.

6. 4 Use teamwork, consensus building, and conflict resolution skills.


K.P. : As a group we work together to work as a team to resolve the conflict.

6. 5 Describe effective, collaborative, and consultative strategies to meet clients needs within


a changing environment.
K.P. : To make my clients feel comfortable I make sure I consult with my peers and my teacher to meet my clients needs within a changing

6. 6 Interact with members of the health care team respecting their unique role and


K.P. : Everyone have their own way of approach I respect their unique role and competencies.


7. 1 Act in the best interests of clients and protect clients from harm through collaboration


and consultation with members of the inter-professional health care team and through
competent and safe practice.
K.P. : I always put effort and interest when I am caring for my patients. I make sure all the patients are safe and make them feel comfortable
by proving them with the care they need. Also collaborate with the inter- professional health care for the safe practice.

7. 2 Participate in self-reflection to identify strengths, areas for improvement.


K.P. : I find the self reflection we do in clinical really helps me to identify my strengths and areas for me to improve in the areas that I am
weak in.

7. 3 Create, implement, and evaluate a learning plan consistent with the Quality Assurance
program (CNO).


K.P. : I have created the Nursing care plan for myself in my clinical that really helped me to establish my area that i want to improve on and
what I can do to improve my areas that I am weak in,

7. 4 Seek out learning opportunities and feedback that foster professional development; and,


integrate these into practice.

K.P. : I will to get feedback from my peers, teachers and my inter- professional team to get an idea of where I need to improve and What I
have to do to improve. I think the feedback is very helpful and useful to do better by correcting my mistakes.

7. 5 Utilize nursing, health and other theory and literature to improve nursing practice.


K.P. : I use nursing , health and other theory to improve nursing practice to improve in my areas that I am lacking strengths.

7. 6 Use a theory-based approach and evidence-informed practice.


K.P. : I critically think before i do any care with my clients. For example , when i give medication i make sure i double check the MAR and
check for the side effects before I administer it.


8. 1 Utilize problem-solving skills to inform decision making in all aspects of nursing care.


K.P. : I make sure that i ask my teacher if i do not understand anything about my client and then use the problem solving skills to inform
decision making in the nursing care.

8. 2 Use problem-solving and decision-making skills to assess clients and to determine


nursing diagnoses, expected outcomes, nursing interventions, and evaluative criteria.

K.P. : The care plan that I did in my clinical really helped me to care for my client and helped me to understand better about my patient and
what I should do to make them get better.

8. 3 Use self-reflection to design a plan to improve problem-solving and decision-making


K.P. : I like to use self - reflection to design a plan to improve problem solving and decision making skills so that i can improve my self and
do better.

8. 4 Utilize knowledge from variety of nursing, health, and other theory into nursing practice


to provide safe and competent care.

K.P. : I make sure I use knowledge from nursing , health , and other theory into nursing practice to provide safe and competent care.

8. 5 Use prioritization strategies for client care.


K.P. : I always make sure that i Prioritize my client care. For example , If i have 2 clients in a day one with a tracheotomy tube and one with
diabetes I make sure i do the care for the client with the Trach first then i move on to my next client.

8. 6 Demonstrate professionalism and accountability.


K.P. : I always make sure I maintain professionalism and use a therapeutic communication with my clients and my inter-professional

8. 6 Recognize strengths and limitations and seek appropriate assistance and support.


K.P. : As a student nurse i have learned my strengths and limitations when I am caring for my clients. When I am not sure about anything I
make sure I ask my instructor before i perform anything with my client.

Student Final Summary with Strategies for Continued Growth

I will continue to work hard in all my semesters to achieve my goal. In the clinical I am glad that we did a lot of practice and learned new things. It was
a very good experience working in the Trillium Mississauga hospital in the Complex Continuity Care unit . I am glad that we got to practice all the
materials that we covered in the first four weeks of our class. This unit was a very good unit to work in and its a very good working experience.
Thank You! for my clinical instructor for guiding me through everything and it was great experience working with my clinical teacher. I gained more
new skills and knowledge from her.

Submitted Date: 17-Apr-2015 13:10

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